Best character ever.
Best character ever
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Glad to see the 2.5d meme never took off.
It appears you've never been into seiyuufag threads.
I agree.
It must feel good inside of her
I can't believe SHE was the best girl of her series, like what the hell.
Was she supposed to be written as a broken individual? because she came off as nothing more than a sociopath that does the "sluts it up and settles with a beta" routine
Most people (both male and female) do that though. Unless you are an amerifat of course.
I'd cum inside her.
I really liked this series, it's a shame it flopped.
Because of her obsession with stealing men from other women.
Also, Kanai isn't beta.
What kind of person was she before she became obsessed with sex and hurting people towards the end of high school?
Hanabi btfo
Hanabi owned her though by being pure and not a fucking whore.
And Hanabi FUCKING LOST and got NTR'd.
Not really. Akane was completely cool with being a whore, so she couldn't give a shit about Hanabi's purity
>slut wins in the end
>pure girl(s) don't
Was this shit directed by a woman or something?
>implying Hanabi wasn't a slut herself
But it did.
There are western influenced shows airing this season and there will be more next season.
Is Akane proposing to her because that's pretty cute
So Sup Forums are you ready for the "adult women who have active sex lives doing sexy/cute things" era to begin?
Yes I expanded my stock of benzos.
I was looking forward to an epilogue where Hanabi finds a new boyfriend, and Akane and Narumi help her along. Akane could give Hanabi not-so-subtle hints on what guys want in the bedroom.
>married a turbocuck
Hanabi was the real winner.
So being a complete piece of shit makes her a better character.
>married a turbocuck
>Just because I let my wife have sex with other men doesn't mean I'm a cuck
>Just because I let my wife have sex with other men doesn't mean I'm a cuck
But he doesn't though.
God yes. Take me away from this isekai hell, my beautiful whore goddesses.
>But he doesn't though
Did you even watch the show?
So what if she has sex with other men? (And it's implied she won't)
She and oniisan are still happy together.
>So what if she has sex with other men?
Spoken like a true cuckold.
That is really pretty cute when thought like that.
That would make a good story. It would also be good if more of the teacher's relationship is showed and developed further or even if their past is showed.
It would also be good if Akane and Hanabi could finally get along but doubt this particular thing could happen.
Up there with worst of the year types like Raphiel from Gab Dropout and the Materia sisters from FAG.
Moka won though by being the only character to understand the moral of the story without outside help.
Technically, he isn't. He doesn't enjoy the though of being a cuck nor does he have a fetish for it. He doesn't even know the meaning of it. He just prioritises Akane's happiness the most.
Not to mention Hanabi was after the same guy, so yeah, Akane won although Hanabi had a decent end to her story herself.
>all these guys call her a slut ITT
>implying you wouldn't kill for a night with her
Hate her or love her but she was a very interesting and compelling character. Also total deconstruction of the anime female characters you see nowadays.
You don't wed a slut, you have sex with them and then go on your way.
We don't know but she was a person who was very afraid of being exploited herself. In her own words " i would rather die than find myself exploited". She was also a person who believed in being proactive rather than passive in life (from manga). Regarding her past, we don't know if she was an orphan or something
I disagree. No good comes from filth such as her, everything they do leads to sadness and sorrow.
It's funny how true this is.
She's not real you weirdo.
Finding cartoons sexually attractive is perversion and a mental illness.
You should be all throw into padded rooms.
Daily Reminder 2017 is the year of NTR.
She turned a shitty anime into a great comedy
>trying so hard as to keep shilling your shitty slut and forcing everyone to accept her
what's wrong? afraid that this shitty show will be forgotten? can't accept the fact that not everyone likes your shitty fetish?
>shitty anime
Found the virgin!
>This anime has sex so it's automatically good and everybody who doesn't like it is a virgin
This anime has casual sex so it's revolutionary and everybody who doesn't like it is a virgin. Yes.
Maybe he's just a purityfag whose strongest emotional reaction in years was to kuzu no honkai. And he wants help sorting himself out but he doesn't know where to go but he knows he'd get bullied right out of Sup Forums for blogging so he hides behind irony?
not really
Easy with the projections there, Emiya-kun.
If one could look past the hate for this character and her actions, it was kind of obvious that she was a broken individual.
What projection?
I don't mind NTR in my porn but it better stay away from my animu
Extra chapter when ?
>You don't wed
>being this slave to pussy
I would fear STDs and pass my turn if I knew her story.
If she didn't show any sign of harlotness, I would sleep with her, but soon forget about her since you must never make long term plans with sluts(you recognise them after spending some time with them.)
I would never sleep with her though, since she only goes after guys already in a relationship, and I'm not the kind of trash that would cheat on his gf/wife/waifu.
Sluts, both men and women also settle down at one point in their life user.(generally)
This guy comes and slaps you´re waifu ass
What will you do?
When a woman has sex with that many guys it becomes a turn off. It's even worse because she wasn't particularly picky about her partners
Extra chapter : Hanabi tries to steal Akane away from Kanai.
>How dare anyone post about the fictional character i hate.
>Being this insecure and butthurt .
No I really wouldn't.
Punch him.
slap his ass too and ask if he is up to a threesome
>boner every where.
>She gets married.
>feel nothing for her.
So, do people still hate her or have they finally let it go ?
The true main character was her after all.
I like her and like how she cucked everybody.
MC's brother is retarded and in for a world of pain. Never wife up a slut.
Still no info. I've been keeping an eye on the author's twitter, she really loves her cats.
Busy with her cats. Well, no surprise there.
Thanks anyway, user.
What is that expression trying to convey?
>MC's brother is retarded
He is also a broken individual, user. He just never got development to show viewers his personal issues.
Well she's busy with Retort Pouch, too. I'm kinda sad that it's not being translated, it looks cute and lighthearted.
Well, let's hope some group pick up that manga for translation then.
Best luck next time, kiddo.
Have fun.
Akane Minagawa is an alpha female.
Thanks user.
Do you still hate her ?
She really knows how to handle beta males.
Everyone ended up in a better place than they found themselves at the start of the story. It was a story about scummy characters becoming better people which included Akane too.
People are still mad at her.
Dude literally gave no fuck at the thought of being a cuck.