La creatura
La creatura
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The mother's jaw is disgusting. I would say.. here bitch let me fix that for you ..cruunncch.
el monstruo
Poor kid got the nigger features and white coloring. Worst possible combo. Compare to meghan markle with predominantly white features and chocloate coloring.
that thing should be thrown down a mineshaft
You would need fists like freight trains, youd break your wrist first
Is this meme just for mixed race in general now? This creature and her spawn are from Poland not Burgerland.
It was always about mongrels, it's just that usually you find most of those in america.
Shhh now. No tears only silence.
La abominación polaca
She's a fake blonde.. how come the kid is blonde? Wtf? The blond on that kid looks very unnatural.
why is spanish such a good language for naming total monsters
Where is the father?
that is the father holding him
Probably she used to be blonde and her hair darkened with age so she started dyeing it. Very very common.
Taco Bell & Coon tunes = USA
I’m sure this is her
It's a baby thing. I used to have silver curls but now I'm just dirty blond.
What's with polish girls and square faces?
I've only known one polish girl, so maybe I'm wrong.
is that turk from scrubs?
KeK doesn't lie
Fuck off Muhammad stop normalising that fucking black cunt
Great pic, user. Kek'd a lot.
he wasn't a turk, but yea it's him
delet this
cuz it's meme language
almost like german
This mutant fuck gives me the heebie jeebies every time I see it. The only thing worse is that picture where it looks like its screaming for more human flesh to consume.
It's actually not from America this time user.
el Orco
I understand. I like these images and just wanted to use this opportunity to post some.
my fucking sides
This woman clearly, CLEARLY is ashamed of the hideous monstrosity she helped create. Her instagram has more pictures of food, more pictures of herself, more pictures of THE SKY than of her own fucking child. No mother would do that unless motivated by shame.
Le Abominacion
Is that Tyra's kid? I met her at an event once. Only exchanged a few sentences. She was so obbsessed with herself and buried in narcissism I was unsure if she even realized that other people were real.
the origin of the joke is from that el grande padre, gohan blanco, el hermano stuff
I think meghans really cute
Der Kobold
wtf is that
La Ogro de pantano
Its a goblin in German mythology... And it makes no difference if shes cute or not she's as unfit for royalty as that filth kate