ban these shitholes and Sup Forums will be 10x better overnight
ban these shitholes and Sup Forums will be 10x better overnight
All you still to do is ban Australia, they're the biggest shitposters. Moot said so, don't bother questioning it.
>not liking shonen series
I'm sorry that you're a sad old man
Anglos/Yanks have worse taste anyway
Dumb shitskin
Who's moot?
just ban shounen already! death to shounenfags, they're all underage.
You need to learn your derogatory term. That's for middle easterners.
Oreimo is shounen.
No. It's for people who have skin the color of shit. Like you.
Don't ban me pls, I don't want to go outside and be beheaded.
Mods should ban fatmericans too, their Toonami circlejerk is cancerous as fuck.
dumb redditor
I don't personally like hues but I don't blame them for looking towards anime as a means to escape their shit country and lives.
Hi yuropoor
Boruto much like naruto is pure trash.
Australian are literally Sup Forums
American posters are literally Sup Forums
Canadian posters are literally Sup Forums
between them I say ban Canada the most, but you should probably ban all three
Continental Europe (including Russia) > SEA > Japan > China/Korea > Latin America > Britbongistan > AmeriKKKa
Spot the euromuslim
I have nothing against these series but goddamn those general are god aweful.
Its literally bizzaro world in there.
Why do Mexicans love anime so much?
Fuck man, I'd rather to watch burrito.
what's a moot?
>Canadian posters are literally /lgbt/
>continental Europe
>Europe better than America
At least we try to fight back against the commie subversion
France and Italy have better anime taste because, unlike Anglos, they're not conditioned to see animation/cartooning as low-quality kids' entertainment.
t. Canadian poster
A mega-faggot
We don't actually, it's just that the ones that do are attention whores.
you elected Putin's lapdog
They are mostly from SEA though.
Fuck off nigger
yeah thats me what you're gonna do faggot
pretty objective
>not banning LEAFs
It's like you learned nothing from /spa/
Same Ahmed
We all saw /spa/. We now you euroniggers are shonenfaggots.
Just ban Canada and Sup Forums will be fixed by midnight.
Ok so if flags were enabled which groups do you think would mostly be from which countries?
Beaners and hues
Probably brits or swedes or people from fucking belgium
>yuri shit
Guaranteed to be NA
>shitposting threads
Australians and french
Anyone but germans
Nice try cuckstralians.
Kill yourself.
goes in all fields etc etc.
Ban all the Americas and SEA and Sup Forums is perfect.
I doubt about putting Japa that high, but tgis is pretty spot on, the only reason I'd like the anglos to stay would be so I don't end up in the lowest tier.
What about idol and shoujo?
Mexican here and I only watch shoujo and the seasonal edgy thing
DB threads are always full of frog and feelshit, truly cancerous places.
Americans are too dumb to watch anything unless they OD on adderall.
Mexicans are so busy fighting every other spic because they think that shitty DBS manga is better than the anime.
Candians and Australians shitpost too much.
I don't know about west euros but they probably have something bad too.
I think the only good posters are nords, east europeans and russians. Ban everybody else.
Didn't you forgot something?
hope you know your Russian
Ban everyone and Sup Forums is perfect.
If you visit the latin american threads of Sup Forums they're full of cute girls and traps. just like Sup Forums
Are mods too busy watching mlp or what ? go back to reditt/pol or whenever you came from
BnHA and all other shit cancer generals would disappear overnight. The average age would increase 3 years
Not only Dragon Ball, but Saint Seiya (or Knights of the Zodiac as it's know over there), Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin and other stuff from the 80s and 90s, all of them shonen, came way first into South America than Europe and US, mostly because some of the TV network heads in Brazil were Japanese and from there it spread to the rest of continent.
Anime is also seen with far more natural eyes, at least the old stuff, compared to the US since everybody around their 30s grew up watching Dragon Ball and Saint Seiya.
LMAO, Eurasia, lol.
>True Americans are Russians
Sure buddy
And europoors please
>assblasted spics saging
Anyone who was here for /spa/ knows that OP is speaking unfiltered truth
Only if we can ban CGDCT anime threads as well. They tend to have the biggest shitposters.
go back to Sup Forums sweetie
>new episodes and manga chapters coming out
>surprised there are threads
why do you have autism
Fuck off to your epic Toonami threads, Tyrone.
Go into any of the threads he mentioned and it's like posting on a different board
Worst thing is they are not generals.
>Anyone who was here for /spa/ knows that OP is speaking unfiltered truth
So what if he is?
Are we really going to pretend those series are worse than the seasonal garbage Sup Forums constantly obsesses over?
>Be Mexican weeb
>Every anime fan I know looks normal, good grades, well behaved, take care of their image
>Go outside
>See from far away what the average "Otaku" in Mexico looks like:
-More brown than me
-Long hair, both makes and females
-Either with acne or acne scars
-Badly printed anime t-shirt
-Amerindian features
-over-developed (Class III) Mandible
-Fucking stink
-They ALL have shit taste
-Watch spanish fansubs when the Dubs are not airing in Canal5 or whatever
I am never telling anyone I like anime, I do not want to be seen as those pendejos
they will be after Trump gets through with them
Lads, it's simple
Ban everyone and Sup Forums will be perfect
Kill yourself
Don't worry. Christian moralism will get this board baned as a whole, no more troubles then.
The worst imo is attack on titan threads, it's all just shipfags arguing
>Every anime fan I know looks normal, good grades, well behaved, take care of their image
>I am never telling anyone I like anime
Something doesn't add up here.
>Long hair [...] females
>implying that's a bad thing
I don't like any of that shit. I only watch moe SOL anime. Why should I be banned for my fellow countrymen's poor taste?
I hate spics
>He wasn't around for /spa/
Hiro merged random boards as an April fools gag. Sup Forums got Flags for a few hours and we found out:
>Most of the shitposters are from Canada
>Most shounenfags are from southern hemisphere countries.
>Americans really are stupid.
>Most of the attention whores and trips are from third world shit holes.
>There is literally one Tukish guy on Sup Forums.
Unfortunately the merge happened at a time when most of Europe was asleep so we didn't get a good read on them.
how much are jannies being paid to delete these posts
>Why should I be banned
>I only watch moe SOL anime
There you have it.
Uhh... You weren't here when they merged Sup Forums and Sup Forums (I think) right? Those shitposters are from fucking Australia and Canada.
Ban the country who is against loli.
This. I do really know what you are talking about.
If you hate SDLG then you're a full Sup Forumsnon.
Don't ban Chile, they are civilized.
Buenos días Mandy.
Ban americucks and Sup Forums in general returns to its former glory
pretty sure he's the same one turkish guy on Sup Forums
To be really, REALLY fair, when you get people from Latin America, you're kinda getting the best of us. Even if the ones that come here are obsessed with DBS, BnHA and Boruto, those who don't come here are pure unaltered cancer.
The spanish speaking comunity is divided between the "xd I'm such an COOL OTAKUO, nya nya, I'm a yandere neko xdxddxDDX" casuals and the insufferable "elitist" faggots who circlejerk around how much they love evangelion and the Tatami Galaxy, and how better they are because of that.
Yeah, fuck the Shandong Lingong Construction Machinery Co., Ltd., founded in 1972, is a Corporation of Taiwan, headquartered in Linyi, Shandong. Shandong Lingong Construction Machinery Co (or abbreviated SDLG) which is one of the most important manufacturers of construction machinery and mining equipment, diesel engines and industrial gas turbines in China, with equipment exports to Brazil, and some countries in Africa.
Have more respect for your father user. He worked hard to put them tortiallas on the table while you fapped to Ranma.
a congregation
Most of the anglosphere then.
Well, that caught me off guard. Btw, it's nice to meet someone who hates the same as I do.
>a growing up boy in the "I'M AN ADULT I DO ADULT THINGS" phase
>Dude lmao Sup Forums shitposter creating a meta thread
Good job proving your point dumbass
But coincidently I FUCKING HATE those anime too!
boku no hero is a masterpiece for shonen standards, so go choke on a dick