Is this the most unattractive MC ever in a mahou shoujo series, or anything else with a predominantly female cast? I seriously don't know what the fuck they were thinking with this design. She' about as sexy as a knee. I'm honestly more attracted to the bug people with Down syndrome from 90's anime than to her.
Is this the most unattractive MC ever in a mahou shoujo series, or anything else with a predominantly female cast...
Whats her name??
>not liking your women having muscles of titanium and the gumption to punch a mountain
i'm sorry your taste is so terrible
Serious question. Are you actually gay?
What a sad and lonely world you live in.
Has nothing to do with her muscles, try her face and hair. She doesn't look particularity muscular at all, anyway.
Any of you guys playing the mobage?
Her name is read the fucking filename and maybe look it up, you idiot. You saucefags get dumber every day.
>again with the hair
her hair looks fine dammit.
Here's a better version.
stop user you don't know what you're unleashing on this poor thread, we just went through a 500 post shitstorm by an autistic shipfag
Keep this shit out of the thread.
Literal self insert garbage.
Keep your posts on topic.
It's too late. We've already opened pandora's box.
oh fuck he's here already
I mean, it's obvious he's trying to shit up the thread on purpose just like he did to the last one.
Sorry, right, that person was/is you.
Stop. Just fucking stop. You are the problem. Everyone knows it.
There is no "he". You trying to insist that only one person has a problem with you derailing threads makes it obvious who you are.
Less shitposting, more cute pictures of Hibiki.
>Commie subs
because god is dead
Lack of choices really
g'nite fags
Ugly and punchable face.
I couldn't decide if OP triggered me enough to reply, but this pushes me over the line. This is completely unacceptable.
Countering with happy Bikki/Miku
Season 1 Gaijin where?
>Bikkibutt is blocked
>Flat swordbutt is plainly visable
>Chris is mocking my frustration
pic related
What muscles?
Tfw no bikki gf
>mahou shoujo series
Symphogear is mecha musume line Nanoha not mahou shoujo like Precure.
You know you can sort the archives by date, right? Just search for when the last episode aired and a few weeks after.
It could be worst user MUCH WORST
Why the fuck is this so hard to find
Actually you're just gay.
What does fresh Miku piss taste like?
You shouldn't want it in the first place.
Try leaving the thread if you're not a fan of the series.
>what's up, baby?
When did Maria become such a Chad?
>Mahou Shoujo
It's a heroine show, the director agrees.
I'll leave once I've managed to find it
I wish you would.
>hand holding
>girls with magic powers
Seems like Mahou Shoujo to me
Post some Hibiki FEET.
Or some Cagliostro.
>Bikki hair
Eat a dick, fucko.
Shitstorm aside, was chris really pimped?
Why is it so important to you that people that watch Symphogear not enjoy hetero?
yuri is a mental disease
Was there really a DATTO?
>tfw just listened to Kirika's DE-DE-DE-DESS song
Is this what happiness feels like?
I haven't watched this show but I think you are forgetting other key aspects
Is every episode an infomercial for overpriced plastic toys?
Does the show has an annoying and generally useless mascot character in the shape of an small animal that is also sold as a toy?
Does every episode consist of a SOL segment + a short battle in the end?
Does every enemy purified (not killed) with an stock finisher attack?
muh dick disagrees with you
and muh dick is never wrong
maybe ur dick is not working properly
How is this not sexy user?
Yeah. There's no ambiguity in what happened to her as a kid if you look at the literal translation.
Because hetero in this series directly demeans the character's important relationships. How is that not obvious?
Madoka is a no to all of those questions, is it not a mahou shoujo then?
So she's used goods?
yes, literally roast beef tier
Don't care, you do you, whatever.
>self-insert it's-just-like-she's-really-my-girlfriend bullshit
Allow me to disprove your argument with one picture.
I mean, you're not really any better. If anything, you're worse because you think you're better.
Hibiki has the most perfect proportions of any being real or fake.
just because she's gay doesnt mean you can't be attracted to her
Aren't they trying to retcon that?
>no u
No? They just stopped mentioning it because it hasn't really been relevant. Her drama centered around her dead parents in S1 and feeling bad that she helped Fine activate the cane and then Ver was still using it to kill people in G.
I beg to differ
>Tfw two episodes until Chris transformation
That's not at all what my argument was.
The problem with it in the first place is it demeaning the character's important relationships. You still do that. You just do it a different way. You think you're better, which means you're self righteous.
Oh, right, it's the ACK idiot, not the idiot I was actually replying to. Never mind. Oh well, at least if you start sperging through here then maybe a less stupid thread will be spared for a while.
Not every mahou shoujo needs to sell toys (unless you count figures) or be so formulaic. That's more just a quality of kids shows, and there are straight forward innocent mahou shoujo series aimed at adults too.
Symphogear is missing a mascot character, but it falls under the same category as Nanoha.
Lots of people don't consider it one.
You call that a thigh?
Madoka is what happens when you take something that is meant for kids, mix it with adult content and sell it like something original.
But I like it anyways
Man, Maria would be great if she wasn't shit.
>Topdad is in the anthology comic
>He's now basically the male version of Hibiki but without all the cool parts
There's one page where the girls are going to a arcade and Topdad pulls out his wallet to give Hibiki some money and the punchline is that he actually has money, so there's somewhat of an acknowledgement of what he's done be he's still basically forgiven. I don't mind him texting or calling Hibiki so that they can show that he's trying but I really hope he doesn't eat up more than a minute of screentime.
Bitches please, less is more.
No, it's not. Because your ack boogieman has not and will not ever existed. Stop meta posting. You asked what was wrong with something, you got your answer, you don't like how you were proven wrong, so you start freaking out and spamming meta posts. Do you see how that happens? How it's always you start it? Just because you don't like what someone is saying doesn't mean you're allowed to meta off topic post.
If you think what someone is saying is wrong then prove it's wrong. Don't meta shitpost. Just stop.
>Symphogear is missing a mascot character
That's what Elf9 is for
>Squeaky voice
>Upgrades the girl's magical girl shit for them
Oh god that mound of Venus. I must impregnate.
This needs a "came here to laugh at you" caption.
Knees are pretty sexy, faggot.
Back off pal
The mascot is Gungnir-chan.
>about as sexy as a knee
I would the back of that knee.
This is the closest I have.
Is Kamen Rider with skirts and less filler. So yea kinda.
At least Elfcarol isn't annoying, as mascots usually are.
>The problem with it in the first place is it demeaning the character's important relationships.
Not a legitimate concern. The concept of it being such an important factor downplays the purpose of the series as a form of shallow, low-investment entertainment as opposed to something like LoGH that contains little to no pandering, sexualization, or cheap thrills and poor writing, in which case such a concern would be highly legitimate. This does not mean Symphogear is bad, mind you, just that its intended purpose and execution is not in line with the concerns you presented.
Thankfully we have girls like Chris to counter Biki's manliness.
I like magical girls and nana mizuki but I could only watch the first season of this because aoi yuki's singing is awful.
Hey look, you're trying to fit in again. I bet you've never even actually watched LoGH.
And yes, it is. Because this series has always put key emphasis on character relationships. Songs play a big part in that as well, as the characters always sing about their relationships. Even if LoGH is an all around better series than Symphogear that doesn't mean just shitting up threads by constantly shitting on the characters is acceptable posting. Your posts are also off topic, as your personal shipping and fetishes are not actually about the series, but about you. It's like blogging about wanting to fuck your sister in an incest thread.
I didn't know deaf people watched Symphogear too
You're right. But being gay kinda makes them less attractive. Yeah the whole "overpower them then use my massive pulsating dick to dominate and hate fuck their unreasonably tight cunt till they cum against their will over and over again and drag them kicking and screaming into bisexuality" thing is a fun fantasy..but..
And when you add on them being not at all attractive on top of them being flamingly dyke.