I heard no more nipples are being drawn in okusan. That true?
Did he died?
well, that child is ded
also, okusan is the cutest shit
died for our fanservice
why does the art here look decent but when it's the other black haired mother she's fucking disgustingly obese?
Too fat
I dont like this series, it makes me feel uncomfortable, like if i were a voyeour cuck watching a pair having sex
okusan is cute, your uncomfortable because its like your watching your sisters marriage unfold and your still doing nothing with your life
Scanlator takes a while with this
in this volume we learned that Okusan's oven is baby ready, so why hasn't she been knocked up a dozen times already? She's been married and fucking her husband daily for years now.
She's fucking disgusting.
Not at all.
The mother in Ashitaba-san is fantastic though.
She just likes anal way too much.
Is Okusan's ass too big?
Almost too thicc
I haven't seen them recently but I know they showed them in ashitaba
So there is nothing wrong with Okusan after all. For a moment there I thought she was barren.
inverted nipples
It's the peak sweetspot between "Too much" and "maybe a little bit more and it'll be perfectly comfy".
For the toilet.
She needs to drop about 40 lbs.
You need to drop dead.
Fucking Ireland.
>the other black haired mother
So much for her being a fertility goddess or darling being a sexual beast.
Darling is shooting blanks?
Why did no one mentioned this guy has a chapter 49 page but the latest translated chapter is 48?
Do those 4 have
When is she getting her own anime?
Butt too big to see through filenames.
Look how I'll conceal this one with boobs and that funny meme that goes with Party Rock Tonight pose.
eventually, if current trends are anything to go by
The fuck does that mean?
I said that a few years ago. I'm about to lose hope.
maid dragon has an anime
and that came out of nowhere almost
the only problem: who to voice okusan?
is that her pussy?
I want to dominate this woman
>thinking he can compare to Daa-san
Are you sure white boy?
Go back to Rugby Ireland
>He's bigger compared to another chink
Are you retarded white boy?
>uses a doujin to prove anything
>tries to compare his penis size to fictional characters
What's the deal with this author and giving his MCs big dicks
>Okusan will never get knocked up because the mangaka clearly has issues with pregnancy/parenthood
feels terrible
If she does get pregnant, it just means that the manga will be close to an end
so it'll be the manga equivalent of a doujin tagged "pregnancy" with only one page of it at the end?
Guess that means no okusan worrying about her weight, no breast swelling, no lactation, and no cute okusan mom taking care of her kids.
Damn that's a lot of missed potential.
self inserts. It's the reason Okusan's husband doesn't have a face
The way I see is, she anounces she's pregnant, some weeks/months time skip chapters on different pregnancy stages, the birth and an epilogue chapter of the new life with the baby
The MC from ashitaba-san knocked up his wife and they are waiting for their baby.
The author isn't against pregancy or parenthood, he just doesn't want it for Okusan at the moment.
>it's happening
That kid is gonna be fed well.
They hunger.
My guess is that okusan is a self-incert manga with the husband being faceless and many nips don't want children.
I can't self insert into this shit. All I can ever do is lament that such perfection does not exist.
it's the only way Oku-san can be loyal to his husband. He works all day and he is betamax, that's the blueprints for a cuckhold. Having a bid dick, allow him to be uncuckable.
this is the most normie shit I could ever seeing in Sup Forums. What's next? "working a 9-5 and rise your children" manga?
more like the kid is gonna be overfed and momma is gonna be spilling milk all over from not being milked hard enough
Better than all the normie "going to school and making friends" manga.
But I do want a beautiful loyal wife and many kids.
>working a 9-5 and rise your children
definitely NOT working on that concept now, but with huge breasts and love between a mother and daughter
having a well endowed beautiful woman like okusan would be stressful unless you are a cuck
Source for the raws? I can't seem to find them
No raws, you have to download the magazine.
It's bpthersome but it is the only way that I know of.
Took me until I could find this image in my folder to realize she was trying to get off the toilet and not bracing herself for a massive S-bomb, so I'm going to post it anyway.
Why has scanlation of this wonderful series failed to keep up?
Where do I download the magazine? Sucks they are not online
Don't forget happy and content.
They are slow but at least I know they still havent dropped it.
So the people who don't like this are edgelords?
I don't know what you are talking about.
Those digits were wasted on this dumb post.1
This, ashitaba and elf-san made me a thiccfag.
I wonder if the mom oinks or moos.
Where do I download the magazine?
Dude, just search the name of the magazine and it will eventually come up.
Not to download it though
damn she got that plumpthicc body
Newfag here. How do I get the raws? Don't know where to download
I love Ashitaba-san. It's probably the only manga with a girl with a body like that used for fanservice.
i like it because they are already married for a thing where it SHOULD be like love hina BS, will they won't they shit is over and done with.
always hated that shit