Boku No Hero

Any new info on Kaminari Traitor Theory?

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stop it with the Kami traitor theory.
It was just a meme.

Even if I believed it, Kaminari hasn't exactly had much panel time lately, so there wouldn't be anything to add anyway.

No offense user, but I really don't care about Ochako. She's just so plain and uninteresting compared to just about any other character. I don't hate her. I feel nothing. She's just too... Ochako.

Who are you talking to....?

he's not , that meme is dead

She is canonically very Ochako, I can understand how that would be to much for some people

wait until she revealed to be the traitor

I want to drug Amajiki then murder Mirio. After, place Mirio's corpse beside him and when he wakes up tell him of how he murdered him. Then, while he is crying, fuck him over the corpse, forcing him to make eye contact with it throughout. Finally, getting him to eat it to remove evidence Amajiki!!

Has it really been almost a year since that thread? Holy shit. You assholes make me regret editing one of the pictures I'm sick of seeing this. It was fun at first but you ran it into the fucking ground.

These are starting to depress me user.

What did Amajiki do to you?

I mean is there any evidence AGAINST it?


What's your quirk, and would you use it to be a hero or villain?


You should write mindbreak fanfiction.

So where are her parents? What happened to them ?

Fuck off

Maybe Amajiki doesn't want to have sex over his friend's corpse, do you ever think of how he feels?


Nothing, he's my favourite, I love him.

They're dead out of contact, she's really a middle aged obese man after all

Please don't

The most annoying move in any rpg. I'd be a god

Geez man that a little much , even for me

Why Amajikifag

I do, but then I realise I don't care.

Unfortunately, I am good at ideas but horrible at grammar and punctuation. I only got a b in my English Language.

Is it because I didn't injure Amajiki this time?

Because I love him, but I have to ensure he never leaves me.

I'm sure you can get some freak from /d/ or a friendly Sup Forumsnon to help you

I would if you posted it here- college honors English

That meme's been Deconfirmed for awhile

Have we ever seen Ochako's toes? I wonder if she has those anti-gravity pads there too and is saving that for a last-minute reveal.


>Putting her hand directly on his wound
That looks painful.

Yep by both magne and hori

Speed reader

Kek, for all we know Magne's quirk just takes into account the current body Toga has

apparently i have the power of greek gods, guess deku's fucked.

If you mean the bottom of her feet, then no, but I'm pretty positive they're just on her fingers

I guess I'd be like Sir Nighteye?

I want Monoma to fuck me with that condescending smug expression

why did they have to make the scariest girl so cute.

But toga doesn't really change body's , she covers herself with a goo disguise , like what we saw with camie

>People are waifuposting again
>No angry comments

Guys I know we like to blame Grapefag for a lot of shit but I feel like we have a new toxic poster. I've been noticing a lot of repetitive negative pasta responses to waifufags the minute they stop posting. Then you have the meltdown today where somebody literally went full retard because a waifufag broke the rules. All this and people can post as much fujo stuff as they want and nobody ever gets angry.

Does anyone else notice this? I'm pretty sure somebody is samefagging against the waifufags. It's not just "Hey you're spamming the thread, stop" it's "You fucking piece of shit, get your garbage waifu and autism out of here" or something like that. Why the anger? I've also noticed waifuposting in general has slowed down a shit ton. I understand that waifuposting can get pretty cancerous, but come the fuck one we all jack off to these girls and save the pictures of them and most likely we all have a waifu of some kind.

Do you all really hate that non-cancer waifuposters that much or am I right to feel like it's probably just one guy? For example, If I ever post Tsu I get a response that calls her deformed without fail. Every time. It'll happen tomorrow too, just watch. I just think he's asleep right now.


dude , hori even said he made her so the villains wouldn't be a sausage fest

That would mean she can't change to a smaller bodies, it'd be retarded. As far as we know she's an identical copy

>The power to know which spaces are safe to teleport to
It doesn't say anything about giving me teleportation, so I guess I can be the sidekick to someone with a teleportation quirk?

And the fat dude loves to be little girls


Seeing how the anime made Ochako have a little spot in the new opening even though she doesn't really goes trough anything in the Stain or the End of Term arc, I wonder how the next openings will handle the fact Iida doesn't really does much

Well that could be her limitation , all quirks have them

Sorry user, that seems way to scary and nerve wracking, I would never post as I don't handle judgement well it makes me very... weird and a little manic. Plus I am only good at the actual part I like I am bad at setup and background, so apologies.

Well he was there for Kamino so he's fine really.

You want some fake spoilers? Here:


How much SUFFERING would Deku go through if All Might ended up dying?

In a somewhat unrelated note, I just realized that Deku X All Might is a thing and I don't know how I feel about it.

It could be, but as far as Hori's told us she can transform into a perfect copy of anyone

And what about deku and stain , she already said her motives when she fought ochako , she likes bloody guys , we've seen her kill guys before and talk about want to be the men she loves

I think the limitation is that she has to have their blood. That's pretty limiting in of itself.

Homo's exist

I see why you like Amajiki so much now.

Who do you guys NOT want the traitor to be?

I wish this were real

would be funny if all she had to do was ingest dna, but she's just a fucking pyscho



Yeah I noticed there's a anti-waifufag that bitches out whenever anyone waifufags

>Those comments
>Is this Eva?

I also think Its just one guy dont worry tsuyufag just post your waifu without reaching autist levels and it will be fine

>darkness manipulation
Thats kinda op

I don't want any of them to be the traitor, I can't imagine any of them betraying their friends

Any member of the Bakusquad because it will rip their continuous 5-way orgy apart

I wouldn't say one guy. Maybe two. But the rest of the people here are surprisingly chill with waifufags and even fujos. There's some weird equilibrium that gets thrown off when those posters are around.

Looks useless on the surface, but it's actually INSANELY broken. It basically grants me limited omniscience. I can build support items perfectly, I can basically read minds by knowing exactly what is wrong with the emotional state of people, I can even notice weaknesses and flaws in my enemies.

You actually sound kinda cute when you're not fantasizing about torturing your husbando. What an unexpected contrast.

I know Kirishima tends to be the target for people's gaydars around here, but check Sero and Denki there

fucking hori is a genius

it still doesn't make sense, she goes after guys and always goes back to her original form , if t's the way you say it is then then why doesn't she keep the form of the people she falls for everytime she kills someone , she has to have some limitation to how long she keep a form before it's gone for good


Really? If it doesn't seem too rude to ask, can you please elaborate on why you think so?
I am not trying to offend you if it appears I am, I'm just curious, but you obviously don't have to answer if you don't want to, it is up to you. Also, by saying this I not trying to guilt trip you into answering. So sorry if it comes across as offensive in any matter, I think?

it goes hand and hand

I want to cuddle and tease Amajikifag while I playfully question his torturous and abusive relationship with Amajiki.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying it's poorly phrased. But I'm assuming you mean the limitation of his current form, assuming she is indeed a fat man. He could have the real Toga somewhere alive to drain blood of her every now and then, in that case he can carry some with him as well.

Summary of this thread so far: Debating whether Toga is a fat old man and an interview of Amajikifag

>you will never be a hero

I've only seen people rightfully sperg when there's some spam going on, but it's not like I'm here 24/7 so I can't say for sure. It's probably a new shitposter and a falseflagging grape taking the opportunity. That Tsu thing is also more people messing with you than brigading though. I mean, some Tsu fanart posted here really is pretty different to her canon appearance.

Here, I'll help round it out.

You're insecure and doubt yourself a lot. You try to do what other Anons want you to do even if you're not feeling it. The way you worded that too. It feels like you see yourself in him. It's cute. For a guy into the shit you're into. No homo though.

But user, that's gay.

>tfw no frog gf
>tfw no alien gf
>tfw no earjack gf
>tfw no thorny vine gf

only gf i have is invisible

Will likely never happen but inagine a class exchange arc.

Class 1A goes to the US and has a blast learning about the "American Hero". It would be a school similar to UA or maybe an American Head/Branch of it. Id imagine that they would get some temporary guide with them also who can translate and stuff and hes always getting left behind (Kinda like Konohamaru's guard in Naruto). Maybe they could fight a villain or two

But invisible is the best one

We're bored and blueballed for spoilers user, please understand

i'm saying it doesn't make sense with her personality
>she goes after men
>she says she wants to be the man she loves
>she already explained it's because she has a fetish for bloody men
>if she's has fallen for and killed men before then why doesn't she keep there forms

>Be Hero in America
>Get shot

>you will never join the league of villains and hang out in a cozy bar with your autistic buds

I want Kouda to be the traitor since he lends himself so well to a plotline revealing it.

He's one of the only students I think would actually do what the VA said if they threatened his mama or something like that.
He'd make a great reluctant traitor, constantly hurting but too afraid to ask others for help.

Then, when he's revealed to be the traitor, there can be an arc about rescuing him from their clutches and him finally breaking down and asking for help.
After that, he can get expelled/go to jail happily and we can get someone new to join the class instead to shake up the dynamics.
He's the most expendable student as well in that regard

Don't give up! You can always be a hero!

invisible is not nonexistent so you still win

Theory thread? Cool