Shingeki no kyojin

Explain this.

That's a lovely heart.

Annie a smelly

Stinky shit.

Endgame right here, brothers.

wtf is this real? Isayama is 100% a gay

t. gay


Annie a good girl who does nice things
Let's all say nice things about her

Xth for base Captain Rico


>Must protect her smile at all cost!

You Annie smells like plastic and unwashed cum.

She reeks of shit and pedofags semen

Dedicate your hearts!


>cumstain on his cheek 1 scene after he kneels in front of erwong


To a non-character?
No thanks.

Reminder that Anniefags are pedophiles.

AM will be endgame.

You make Annie cry

I will Mikasa

Annie/Marcel died a long time ago user, its time to let it go.

Other way round, friendo. The pedofag is an Anniefag, but Anniefags aren't pedos.

I do not know what to say. That looks like a heart.

>Forever and ever. Whenever she wants!


Armored Titan has to be the best titan design. Definitely my favourite.

>"..until the end"


go away Krista


Are the Titans something greater than merely a flesh cage? Do they exist as their own entities in whatever realm they come from?

Go away krista

Go away, shitletfag.

So did Dina die? If so, how is Eren going to control titans without killing historia and drinking her blood

by grabbing zeke's monkey ass

If only there was another person with royal blood in the story. If only...

That's not how the coordinate works
And I don't think he really wants to use the coordinate anyway


Reiner is fast


Yeah, Historia is confirmed at least mindless.

That one was falseflagging and even use my filename

Levi is a Reiss.

Little shit made Bert eat dust

Not that it makes a difference about your delusional shit taste and how braindead you are

Gas yourself Levifag

If she really turns out to be mindless, I wonder if Ymir's memories will influence Porko to let himself be eaten by her.

>What are you staring at?


Isayama fixed his own fuckups with 95.
> Galliard #2 wouldn't be able to talk shit if he Reiner wasn't the first to run
> Ymir's teeth
> Annie looking like she wants to crush the Titan into ground

Sorry your favorite character remains irrelevant

It would be better if he used the coordinate on Zeke

Two more of these and we'll see him tripping Bert.

By sticking his dick inside her (historia) mouth so that she can give him the holy royal blow while he is commanding the titans.
This way is only possible because the royal bacteria go inside eren's dick (via Historia mouth) and to his brain they go

He still needs to explain why nobody bother chasing after Ymir

Post EH

Puberty hit the Warriors like a freight train. Except for Porco. Poor ugly pig.

That's not how the coordinate works, Shitrenwhale.

>Annie looking like she wants to crush the Titan into ground
She's just looking at BR run.

Why doesn't he carry a vial with historia's blood around and smear it on his face or something when he needs to coordinate shit?


Papa Levi soon.

That's some heavy petting.


That's not how it works
He has to touch a royal-blooded Titan

He needs to touch a titan with royal blood.




Eren just wants to love a quiet, free life.

new thread? this one is kind of garbage


Already happening

that won't do

Stop there devil's children. You have ten seconds to list the five best things to happen to this fandom in order of relevance or else.

Character relevancy:
1. Eren
2. Armong
3. Mikasa
4. Historia
5. Manlet
6. Erwin
7. Reiner
8. Annie
9. Bertholdt
10. Hange

They aren't the mist popular or even close to the best characters but you can't change the MC or the plot impact of these fucks.

>tfw nobody posted that Reiner is handsome

1- you killing yourself.
That's pretty much it.


Reiner is so handsome.


How do you know?

I just got caught up. What exactly happened to Ymir? Maybe I missed it but I don't think she had been mentioned since that letter to Historia. I read chapters 51-95 today so I could have easily missed something small.


She is in the ocean now

These always makes me happy.

Why kruger is so handsome

Pig shit

>Bert and Annie over Hanji
>Erwin over Reiner
>Historia over manlet
You couldn't be any more wrong.

It would be something like:
1. Eren
2. Armong (as much as it pains me to say it)
3. manlet
4. Mikasa
5. Reiner
6. Historia
7. Grisha
8. Hanji
9. Erwin
10. Zeke

She willingly surrendered herself to Marley, Porko ate her and got the Jaw Titan power.

You've only seen him at his coolest, never during his ragetard phase. That makes me wonder though, how many Attack Titans has there been since the war?

Manlet was a magical girl all along.

It contains the properties of both rubber and gum.

>Take BA off over Hanji
That one user is more accurate.

Historia has been written out of the story

At least 6 others if it was always transferred optimally every 13 years.

Actually im curious at his teenage phase. Could he be worse than the ragetard?

I'd love to know about the previous holders of the other titans. Like, who was the previous Colossal Titan? Before Bert.

At least she has been far more relevant than Grisha.