
2% jew reporting in

Is she wearing a fucking steven universe shirt? Gross D:

"oof, ow, oof" i need a doctor!

Did someone page me? I'm ready 2 slurp on some more baby boy stump!

Thank god for jews! According to Sup Forums they are responsible for EVERYTHING. And most of everything is pretty awesome. I love prn, grocery sgtores, shoes, clothing, TV sets, video games, etc

Oww, boys remember If taking money for goys is harder then looting a wishing pond its Antisemitism.

I'd still fuck the kike out of Sarah.... I love her face, and abrasive personality. I love crass women.

Sneaky merchant reporting in

>Jewry is passed down the mother's line

Is Vsauce Jewish?


Amusing I believe that metaphysical Kikery.

But really, Its not like I'm going to actually fuck Sarah Silverman.. She isn't going to come over later with a large pizza and beer, wanting to ride my dick after watching some Hannibal..

I'd hit that.

There's nothing wrong being attracted to Jews, user. Just know their tricks


Jewish pussy smells musky as all hell. I used to drive for uber on the weekends, made mad dosh because morons love to waste their money going to densely packed events and then pay through the nose for a ride home.

Anyways, always had a few jewish whores in the back, either rubbing themselves thinking about me or getting fingered by the guy she's taking home. So over a long period of time you tend to notice that heavy musky poon is definitely a jewish female hallmark.

Asian women have much cleaner and more pleasant smelling cunts, surprisingly.

White women pussy smells pretty boring.

Nigger pussy is just gross.

this thread is now a jewish ghetto

Always had a thing for Silverman. But more in a 'I wanna wrap my hands around your neck and choke you to death while I hatefuck you' way.

Its not that I like because she is a Jew I just find her facial features attractive.

>user, she has a Jewish face.

Her face isn't Semitic at all, looks a little French to me.
