Hajimete no Gal

12 hours to go

im anticipating it very much.

Sup Forums needs to chill

so harsh these days

Wait, isn't this that meatslut in shokugeki?

>This got an anime and I didn't realized.

WHAAAAAAT. Guess I'll have to catch up with the manga then. God the female lead does things to my dick.


on my watchlist

I'll probably watch JK Bitch ni Shiboraretai while waiting for subs.

Yame is cute the others girls need to fuck off

Why would I even care about this shitty blueballing series?

Why does trash like this get anime and legitimately good manga like Hell's Kitchen, Dragon's Rioting, New Saga+ or other media like Majikoi, Dark Souls, or Vampire Hunter D not get anime?

Those socks tho

>Dark Souls

Videogames don't work on any other media besides videogames themselves, you fucking worthless Sup Forumsraindead piece of shit dicksucking drooling mouthbreather imbecile

The hell are you talking about, Majikoi had an anime.

But it wasn't an adaptation, it was more like a spinoff. It didn't even have a decent scene of Yamato spanking Kokoro until she broke.

>Video games don't work as any other medium
Video games can be adapted well into any medium.

When has adapting a fucking long VN ever been a good idea? It always gets butchered to hell and/or the studio try to combine multiple routes into a single plot line which just makes it shit.

>Sup Forumsraindead

>10 episodes

>tfw this happens to you all the time

Amagami and Amagami SS. Considering how Majikoi's routes are all totally segregated from one another aside from the common route at the beginning and Momo trying to rape Yamato in one or two of the others none of the character development or secrets in one route happen or affect anything in any other route.

>5 minute episodes

Perfect for sockjobs.

If you donate blood you can get this

Nah, Nikuko use even less cloth.

>Loose socks may look good on these girls, but apparently they are not so healthy for the feet. For one thing, the bunched-up material obstructs ventilation of the feet, causing... smelly feet (about two or three times as smelly as the feet of male company workers). How do I know? A recent TV program used an odor detector to measure the smell of high school girls' feet and compared it with ordinary company workers' feet.

Muh dick

I don't get it, how are tight socks supposed to be better for ventilation?

Nikumi you mean. Nikuko is that landwhale in gyaruko-chan.

>the bunched-up material obstructs ventilation of the feet

And skin tight stuff doesn't obstruct the ventilation?

All of them are fat.

Both loose socks and tight socks have holes/pores, but those holes/pores get blocked when the material gets bunched up, whereas they actually get stretched open when the material is tight against the skin.

What's she taking a picture of?
>inb4 your dick

I don't know about other people but I fucking love sluts.

>extremely generic romance that people only want to watch because of muh gyaru

This. Gyarus are just another "flavor-of-the-month" archetype that'll fade after the season ends, anyway.


Oh user, it´s that manga when they still in holding hands phase by +40 chapters. Also they don't have time to fuck around with their relationship. Sexless anime is completely fine considering the circumstances.

Watching this to get my dick hard and for nothing else.

Read the manga, got bored 3 chapters in.Gonna watch an episode or two, if the quality is above average it might help in watching this through.

Nice meme.