Any opinions on FLCL+the new seasons coming out? I watched it twice in one night for the first time 2 days ago and it became my all time favorite anime.
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pretty optimistic for seasons 2 and 3. I watched FLCL for the first time
after watching the trailer at the anime expo panel. I love how the animation is digital now. looks a lot better
Same here dude.
Read the manga
Not existed for new FLCL at all. FLCL remembered for it's animation, not plot or anything else. It was old Gainax animator's magnum opus and old Gainax had the best animators in industry. There is absolutely no point in sequel if it's made by anyone else.
I disagree. The animation was hype, don't get me wrong, but the characters and story are why I remember it so fondly. And that SOUNDTRACK!
T h i s
Gainax has nothing to show. That trailer looked pretty dull too, nothing like the original. The character designs don't compare to the original either. Everything's been downgraded.
Not excited. Code Geass S3 is less unnecessary than this. Dynamic animation defined the original, new seasons look stiffer and more bland. Story and characters were wrapped up properly, too. Completely unwanted.
I'm going to watch it but I'm not hype
why are there no best girls like haruko?
top tier
Let me correct your sentence. Why are there no best girls like ninamori?
top tier
I liked the FLCL a lot but I couldn't care less for whatever the new season is supposed to be. It looks nothing like the original and without Imaishi it definitely won't be anything like it.
>It looks nothing like the original and without Imaishi it definitely won't be anything like it.
Sounds good to me. Why would you want it to be a carbon copy of the original. If it maintains the spirit of the original but does it's own thing it sounds pretty good to me.
will it be like gunbuster with different characters but similar plot or just continuing the story?
The trailer just confirmed for me even more that I'm not going to watch the new seasons.
>If it maintains the spirit of the original but does it's own thing it sounds pretty good to me.
The original had no spirit.
It was 500% style over substance with nothing beneath the surface what so ever.
You can drudge up a billion and one navel gazing faggots who'll blather on incessantly about all kinds of themes and metaphors and other bullshit that retards go tens of thousands of dollars into debt in college to learn about.
But those people can also philosophize endlessly about a ham sandwich.
FLCL without the style is just a clusterfuck of trash that is hoping to cash in on the name of the original. Period.
Literally the anime
This shit is aimed at burgers. Japs didn't give a shit about it back in 2000 and they don't give a shit about it now
I hate you
>I love how the animation is digital now. looks a lot better
I was pretty unexcited until I saw the trailer. FLCL is a show that really doesn't need a second season. The first was perfect on most grounds.
But hearing spiky seeds, seeing that the classic gainax style (even with a bit of an art update) has me mildly excited now.
I agree with your post's sentiment. While I think you're not giving FLCL's themes any credit, the style of the show is what makes it good.
>classic gainax style (even with a bit of an art update)
>pic related
stop posting
Is pic related the new FLCL? Are you kidding me? Not even a fan of the original, but this artstyle just looks like generic anime 101, I'd literally not be able to tell it apart from every other anime out there.
As much as I don't really like the original, I was always willing to admit that the animation, art and OST were fucking amazing, without those things FLCL is nothing. Also, making a sequel of it is pure cash crab trash.
FLCL is one of my favorite pieces of media of all time, and every time I see that screenshot I want to fucking die
People like BennetTheSage or Kaptain Kristain can say all they want about the deeper meaning of the show, I just thought that the constant 4th wall breaks and references were grating and unfunny, the characters were grating sometimes as well, and the story was pretty meh.
i like it and i like mamimi's voice
Jesus christ how I hate modern anime style. Fuck digital animation.
>that image
I hate it. Just compare it to pic related, jesus fucking christ.
>those filtres
Westaboo meme trash.
The FLCL blurays are shitty upscales?
>It was 500% style over substance with nothing beneath the surface what so ever.
That is literally what FLCL is about and you're too stupid to realise it lol
That's the 1080p BD version you're looking at.
If you're so inclined to have much better quality, feel free to post the same screenshot (ep 5 at 14m18s). I'm always looking for the best possible quality but it's not always clear what to pick.
Yes, but I have a big screen so in the end it still looks better.
you're an idiot
The original was digital as well.
I don't want a carbon copy, I want something that id in the same vein and you can't have that without Imaishi
There are lots of over the top shows like Dead Leaves, Getter Robo Armageddon, GaoGaiGar or Punch Line that aren't as known and well loved as FLCL because despite the style they just didn't have as much substance. FLCL works because it contrasts its absurdity with melancholy, it's wacky but also at times envokes emotions of subtle longing. You're not stupid if you don't realize FLCL has substance, you're just a heartless monster.
It's because the original 6 eps was basically a tech demo for up-n-coming animators who were, at the time, unknown. The Pillows were pretty underground and weren't well known at the time either. It's a good show and it's deep but don't let it's rise to fame in the west delude you from what it actually was.
>mfw the manga literally looks like it was drawn on a napkin
I just finished the original series and I really enjoyed it. I wished I had watched it when I was young but seeing it as an adult made me feel a lot of nostalgia for earlier days of life. I hope the new seasons aren't too terribly disappointing.
Also the show has made me stat listening to The Pillows so thanks FLCL.
>ever wanting to stick your dick in commie scum
Sasuga Sup Forums. Even bronies are less disgusting that you lot.
Why are these people allowed to post?
I mean, congratulations on watching FLCL. You're almost two decades late for the party but hey, you made it.
The sad part of this is that, as par for the course, you'll be the fuckers who will promote the shitty sequels the most. Why? Because you just fucking watched this. You are not capable of seeing FLCL for the full package that it is. There is nothing to continue from except $$$$. Even the silly nostalgiafags have the very good sense of being at least cautiously pessimistic about this one.
Anyone who is unironically hyped about FLCL 2+3 should have their keyboards removed by Law.
Anyone can watch the trailer and tell they are budget animation.
Didn't you meant to type "stop liking a trailer"? Because that is all that these fuckers are doing right now, they are hyped about a trailer whose best thing was having The Pillows playing. Hype is cancer. Do not welcome hype into your homeboard. Kindly bugger off now.
FLCL - modern classic
FLCL 2 & 3 - offended by their existence
>Being this jaded.
user I can look forward to something and not be overhyped for it. I hope season2&3 are good but if they aren't then oh well. Also does anyone here besides you care when a person watched it?
> Kindly bugger off now.
Sorry. Looks like I took you too seriously to start with.
>user I can look forward to something and not be overhyped for it. I hope season2&3 are good but if they aren't then oh well.
That is exactly the point. And if you're excited by FLCL, just keep it to yourself. You may have the decency of not overhyping it but that doesn't mean that the Gainax shills and the stupid won't use it as an excuse for doing some good old online marketing.
>Also does anyone here besides you care when a person watched it?
Are you mentally retarded or just stupid? I don't care if you go fap to anime horsepussy after shitposting on Sup Forums or go write Eromanga-sensei fanfic or whatfuckingever, that is none of my business, you're absolutely free to like whatever you want. What is my business though is having these faggots hype. A. Fucking. Trailer. Especially a trailer that looks absolutely generic compared to the original OVA.
>That is exactly the point. And if you're excited by FLCL, just keep it to yourself.
user. This is a thread about opinions about FLCL and the upcoming seasons.
no u
No I poked fun at how a lot of people just shit on people for even being remotely excited about something. If you don't like it that's fine, you aren't doing anyone any favors by shitting on them over being excited over something.
So by all means, discuss FLCL all you want, I loved that show just as much as any other user. But please understand that me shitting on these shitfucks is both my opinion about the upcoming™ sequels™ and me doing Sup Forums a public service absolutely pro bono. Yeah, that is how much of a good guy I am.
Glowing positivity was never a characteristic of this place. And if you think hyping something just based on a trailer is a good thing, there is already another board who has made that kind of shitposting an artform. So while you may be doing Gainax's bankrupt ass a favour, you're doing nothing of worth for the rest of the anons.
Original FLCL was digital animation, retard.
>cash Grab
Want to throw some more meaningless buzzwords in?
Good now compare your image to pic related. See how much of a retard you are?
>stahp leiking wut i dn't liek whaaaaaah wahhh
Also Gainax has nothing to do with this , fag
>Also Gainax has nothing to do with this , fag
A rose by any other name etc. etc. I would suggest you do some research on this topic from 2015 forward, see where the dominoes started to fall and who exactly are the people behind this project. It would also do you good to see what Production I.G. has been up to lately. Adult Swim has been kicking and screaming for a sequel for over 10 years. Why weren't any more episodes commissioned in the meantime? Huh, really makes you think. If you're not stupid, you'll get the point.
no one posted the youtube link yet? guess I'll farm for some (You)s