What do you think of Hetalia, Sup Forums?
What do you think of this manga and anime?
The most cancerous thing to come out in the time period.
i think its dumb fun but i heard it had a cancerous fanbase when it came out and it still exists on places like tumblr and deviantart
It's alright. I liked how short most of the episodes were.
too much sameface
too much meme history
too much micronation bullshit
not enough of the countries that I like
Polandball was better
It's a wacky comedy with very quirky characters that represent some of the countries of the world, right down to traditional stereotypes and more recent memes. It's fun to watch or read, but it's too bad about the worst parts of the fanbase. It may have had the effect of redpilling some people into being more patriotic, at least. I like the short episode length, but would prefer more episodes per season. The latest ones have become too short.
It's okay, but the fanbase is the worst cancer ten years strong.
really they are pretty tame compared to the other "worst cancer fanbases"
What are other very cancerous anime/manga fanbases? I agree that Hetalia fans' worst elements are still pretty active in their horrid fictions and fanart.
Shingeki no Kyojin
fanbases of various Jump manga
list goes on
Hetalia fanbase at it's peak was basically just a reverse gen of the Touhou one
If you ignore the obnoxious fans, the show's actually funny a lot of the time. It does a good job with the national personifications thing, although for some reason, the creator of it forgot to add in more girls, so most fanfics/pics inevitably went yaoi. Don't think the show itself is gay, though.
Touhou doesn't have a fanbase nearly as bad as any of those other ones.
Touhou and Hetalia are of a similar nature when it comes to fanart, doujins, and fanfiction. Especially in the "fanon taking precedence over canon" part
just replace "country guys" with "youkai girls"
Do guys seem to like one series better than the other? What about girls?
really Hetalia is basically Touhou for girls
it's literally fujobait
It's almost like Faggots!! On Ice. Enjoyable to some extent, but meme history is tiresome and outright false at the moments. I was angry with Polack potrayal; treating Lithuania like some sort of push-over - it was MOTHERFUCKING COMMONWEALTH KURWAAA, Belarusia still plays Polish patriotic anthems in their cities, our language is probably closest to Belarussian one.
Some of what Himaruya went with for the countries was odd. This series is done from the perspective of one guy from Japan, but still, there's some shoddy history in there somewhere.
Around when was the last year this series was very popular? Not sure if Hetalia ever became mainstream, though. I think the last series came out in 2015, but it wasn't that popular anymore, by then. Any new show getting made?
Hetalia's much better than Yuri on Ice, though.
Well, like I said, it is enjoyable to watch. I like short anime in general. Like someone said, brevity is the soul of wit.
What are some other five minute anime?
>five minute anime
No, but
2016 triad 10< minute anime: tonkatsu dj agetarou, space patrol luluco, galko-chan
Alright, thanks.
One of the reasons why I envy the fujos.
It need to be aired worldwide, just to see gooks ridicule themselves even more.
It looks like it's dumb but it's doing an amazing job at rubbing each country's shit in their own faces.
This. They are not keeping on parasiting the web like DBZ or Naruto fanbases do.
Italia and Germany are definitely fucking though.It's like they were created to get together too.
There's a version with the countries portrayed as women, Nyotalia, although it was only one episode, and it is mostly confined to fan art.
>meme history
>outright false
How strange!
Reminds me of the people who want to see a genderbent version of YOI. That would be so boring.I would never bother watching even for free.
I used to be really into the series itself but never really interacted or engaged with the fanbase. The characters are fun and the idea of personified nations is simple but a damn good one. I honestly miss it but I hate fujo fanbases nowadays because of how obnoxious and weird they are so maybe it should just stay dead.
I think most recent anime like that was Ao Oni, and Ai Mai Mii. Enjoyed both of them.
You're retarded. I really wish people would stop to relate every anime to its fanbase(s). It doesn't make a show bad or even better. I'm not going to stop loving blue because some people I don't like, like it.
A friend showed me the series. It got me into anime, I thought it was pretty funny and it made me pick up other shows. It's ok for a quick laugh, but it's certainly no masterpeice
He's now gay and very camp
True, I gather fanbase is mostly 12-15 years old slightly weeaboo girls. This group isn't obnoxius, or influential at all. They just sit in their own dusty corners of internet, enjoying their slow boards. While you can see cancerous dbz DANK11!! MEMESS1! posted by normalfags on kikebook.
>I really wish people would stop to relate every anime to its fanbase(s). It doesn't make a show bad or even better.
When did I say it's fanbase makes the series itself worse? That being said, to a lot of people part of the enjoyment of a series is discussing it with others, looking up art, and news regarding new content. Saying a shitty fanbase doesn't sometimes ruin the experience of really liking something is dishonest as hell.
Oh, forgot about Youjo Shenki.
Touhou has lots of fanon because it promotes it, being a doujin series.
Even then, a lot of people still care about the canon print works.
Both of you are right, in different ways. It's fine to just appreciate something you like, and ideally, you would want to keep others from messing with that, but sometimes, the influence of others is so much pressure, there is change in opinion. Personally, I really enjoy Hetalia, but dislike a lot of what the fanbase became associated with, like yaoi and even incest themes in fan pairings.
They are probably quite a bit older, these days, unless they really got into it when they were around 8-12. You're right, though, Hetalia fans (the types to like the series for more than a year or two) in general aren't as influential or numerous as they used to be. I would say that the series peaked about 2011-2013. It was still getting discovered by its foreign audiences between 2009 and 2010, and almost no one knew about it before that. There was a 2015 series, so there could probably be a new one in 2018 or 2019, we'll see. The live action musicals have been quite big in Japan, I've read, and the World Stars manga is still getting new stuff.
Yuri on Ice, Love Live
I've always thought Liechtenstein was cute but she's irrelevant.
At its peak--what, late 00s? Early 10s? I can't remember--the Hetalia fanbase really was an abominable atrocity, one of the most embarrassing fanbases I've ever seen up close. Truly a mortifying time. They've calmed down considerably.
There's canonically gay content. A lot of it's for jokes, but not all of it.
I think only Sweden is really gay, for Finland only, and France is maybe bisexual, but more straight. The rest of the characters are straight.
A large portion of the characters seem to be played as bi for laughs, but, while it's been ages since I dipped my toes into the franchise, I do remember Germany and Italy having moments in their relationship played straight.
When they were younger (as in Chibitalia), Germany was the Holy Roman Empire, and although he kissed North Italy at one point, he thought he was a girl because of the way he was dressed. It was meant to reference the custom of clothing little boys in Renaissance Italy like girls, or something like that.
I enjoy it, but can understand if others don't and that's fine.
I always thought it was laughably hypocritical for a Japanese author to create a series based on the premise of Italy being useless to the Axis.
Japan's non-aggression pact with the Soviets is what allowed Stalin to transfer his forces in Siberia under Zhukov to reinforce the line against the Germans. Aside from the effects of Russia's ancient secret weapon (winter) that was by far the biggest factor in the Soviets turning the tide against Germany on the eastern front. And just to make things worse the Japanese then immediately brought the Americans into the war and got their shit kicked in without doing a single fucking thing that was beneficial to their allies.
I'm not saying Italy wasn't useless – it was – but Japan was actively harmful, which is worse in my estimation.
Has Germany ever actually had a worthwhile ally in any war?
Yes, I know that. I'm talking about their interactions as adults.
You raise some interesting points, but for all the questionable aspects of it, I think a Japanese author would have been at a greater advantage to make a series like this than a European, or even an American. For one thing, Himaruya was able to make quite a politically incorrect series, with stuff that wouldn't make it past inspection in most of Europe, and maybe America, or at least be heavily frowned upon in the latter. That is, if the creator decided to continue making the series revolve often around the World War II theme.
>The rest of the characters are straight.
I'd argue America, England, and France are bi due to the more "shippy" moments but that might just be fujo bait.
In that case, my memory is hazy, but didn't they hug a few times? Was there a kiss, too? Maybe along the lines of an Italian kiss on the cheeks men would traditionally do to each other as a greeting or goodbye?
The fanbase sullied the reputation of this series, it's actually pretty funny and not even that gay
I'm not really talking about physical intimacy so much as played straight emotional moments where it's expressed that they have feelings for each other.
Then again, the majority of Sup Forums insists that no character is game for homo unless there's explicit on-screen ball-slapping anal sex.
Enjoyable and fun, good for a quick laugh
Yeah, I don't think it could have worked in the west. There's too much stigma associated with Nazi Germany. I just wish the author would give Japan the same treatment he gives every other country. When you watch or read Hetalia it's clear he is far harsher and more honest in his caricatures of every character not named Japan, and that's a shame because a lot of the content that focuses on other eras is really entertaining and interesting.
Polandball anime when?
Japan is probably the only one in the entire cast that isn't a bafoon or with 10 different quirks.
Not soon enough
I see what you mean. Japan is one of my favorite characters, though, and I like him precisely because of how serious yet also level-headed he tends to come across as, compared to others. He seems to have this weird dislike for America, though, at least secretly.
Really? I thought they were best friends? It's been years since I last read anything new so maybe things have changed. I remember Japan being slightly annoyed by America at times but they'd hang out pretty regularly.
Yeah, Japan seems to be pretty normal, and usually serious, but I think his seriousness and weird sense of humor, as well as his resentment of America, are meant to be quirks. He probably doesn't have ten, like you've said, as well.
Exactly, and it really hurts the series. It cheapens it; makes it feel like propaganda rather than real satire – and I love satire so that drives me crazy.
It's not like the Empire of Japan was boring, in fact it's ripe for satire. When you imagine their actions within the international politics of the time it paints a very colourful and entertaining character; one that is the absolute polar opposite of the Japan presented in Hetalia.
They hang out, and even come across as buddies or polite guests, but I remember this one dream Japan had, or something similar, in which he expressed his dislike of America in some ways. It was probably meant to recall the World War 2 tensions.
It's as though he's based more on modern people of Japan than people of more distant history, like other countries often seem to be. He's like a serious, hard-working salaryman, and even a somewhat shy person. He doesn't seem much like a feudalistic samurai or conquering shogun, so much as a young salaryman type who plays video games and reads manga in his off-time, with relatively little social interactions.
Which may be what the author was going for, but I don't like it. Nations change over time, and few have changed as much in the last 70 or so years as Japan. Taking a caricature of modern Japan and injecting it into a political satire set in WW2 creates a very distorted picture of history that feels like it was set up just so the author could avoid saying anything bad about his own country while he makes fun of everyone else.
To be fair if we had every character portrayed in a way that suited their era, America would currently be a manipulative, two-faced, and self righteous person while still being outgoing on the surface (but probably deeply jaded on the inside). My point is most of these characters have a personality based on a single time period that will probably contradict with the way the nation is or was at some point.
Fair enough
Austria is still basically like his 18th century self, with that cravat he wears and his intense interest in classical music. Germany is like an apparently non-racist 1930s-'40s German. Canada is apparently really modern (like America, a young country), but is easily, or almost always ignored by others. I feel that a lot of the characters have personalities easily adaptable to how their nations appeared to act in earlier times, though, like England, France, Switzerland, and China.
They should make a cute girl version.
Man face
Russia has the best portrait: big, scary, demanding and yandere.
Finland is the weirdest one if you know anything about Finland
second weirdest is Spain who's portrayal is suppose to fit modern times but you look at a person like that being a conquistador just seems odd
It was rather fun, but some of the stereotypes felt very strange. For example, Poland as a campy cross dresser. Going by regular stereotypes, it would have made more sense for him to be still an idiot, but also autistically nationalist and conservative and caught up in "glory days" of the Republic of Both Nations. But I still fapped to him, so I guess it is fine.
I always wondered what made the author go for a WW2 setting because not much of the content feels like satire. Besides that, it's an okay show, but a lot of the characters don't really reflect the actual country much and a lot of them are just boring. England and France were the most entertaining characters though.
Sometimes I think it would have made more sense to have the main stories reflect the modern 21st century era than WW2, as well as with the frequent past-set stories, including some WW2 themes.
I've only watched a few episodes, but I remember seeing France portrayed as a scheming rapist, so it's all right in my book
That's pretty much the World Stars manga. It mainly focus in present events with a few chapters set in the past (before WW2) or being about something of the culture/history of the country.
what the fuck is the pic from
That does get toned down a lot later on.
Liechtenstein a cute
Belarus is the best thing to come out of it
Really I once imagine that instead of having the countries represented by people it would be represented by dynasties of people
so you got the bright-eyed farmer Roman Republic succeeded by the battle hungry Roman Empire succeeded by the Timid WRE and the Machiavellian ERE
or with Japan where Meiji to Showa era is lead by a hot blooded battle shounen protag until he dies in the nuke and is succeeded by the salary man Japan
or Britain where you got a posh British villain in the imperial days but dies in WWI and is succeeded by his cockney way-over-her-head daughter