What would have happened if Jonathan got the mask instead of Dio?
Jojo thread
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Kaleb just did a video on this. Nothing interesting really
There's actually a really good doujin with that premise.
Turns out that the info posted on Araki's website a couple days ago was real.
The TSKR supposedly in this month's issue of UJ will indeed be a new chapter.
ANN just posted an article about it
>The August issue of Shueisha's Bessatsu Margaret magazine is revealing on Thursday that Hirohiko Araki will publish a new installment of his Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai (Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan) manga in the magazine's next issue in August.
>The ninth installment in the one-shot manga series is titled "DNA."
At this point, is TSKR as one shot anymore?
It's a series of oneshots.
He would study it & then Dio steal it.
So we're getting JJL 67 AND a new TSKR? Neat.
Don't forget about the JoJolion Vol 15 Tankoubon.
Dio's bizarre adventure
Oh nice the cover was revealed? As of this upcoming chapter there should be enough content for volume 16 as well. I don't know what took them so long on getting 15 out. Is 15 just called Blue Hawaii or something? I can't read Kanji.
>Oh nice the cover was revealed?
No, that is just an advertisement from the latest UJ.
Without me, there is no story...
Ah ok. They're really playing up the gore from the BH chapters huh?
A semi-relevant jojo youtuber. He did a couple of nice videos
Batman, vampire version, also dio becomes artur
Okay this is a real story guys
I'm on okcupid cause im a desperate loser, right? I'm talking to this cute chubby asian girl and things are going good. She's a big weeb and I mentioned I was into reading manga.
And then it happened. The unicorn appeared. She asked me if I had ever heard of a series called Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
My heart fluttered. I saw dreams of us cuddling and reading the new jojolion chapters the day they came out. Then the shoe drops
>"I've only seen the anime lol! Jotaro is my favorite Jojo XD"
How do I tell her that she has shit taste and that Gappy is the best jojo?
Tell her how the manga offers a more true to form experience for Jojo. Then encourage her not to give up halfway through part 5 and repeat till she catches up with JJL. I wouldn't try to change her opinion on Jotaro. Jotaro is THE favorite among women.
Is Gappy/Kira the favorite among gay men?
I wouldn't know. I'm not gay. Though I am a dude and Jotaro is my 2nd fave, so I don't know what that says about me.
Don't, just say that you've read the manga and it's really good. Hope that she reads it, but don't be spergy about it.
Don't listen to everything said by this guy either, 'Jotaro is THE favorite among women' is a steaming load. Joseph's by far the most popular in general, you should count yourself lucky she's not all over him.
What I meant, is that if they go for Jotaro, they GO for jotaro
>user has to cosplay as Jotaro to get some action
At least I got the height down. Don't know about okcupidanon
Oh, that's fair then.
Just look at this video for proof youtube.com
You can see Araki's eyes die as the interview goes on
>When Araki's interviewed by this chick and that one that kept asking him about Dio being a child-prostitute and Jotaro and Josuke fucking after killing the rats you can tell he wants to die
>When he was interviewed by the CLAMP staff who made the fucking egg-baby doujin they chatted away like old friends and he was clearly delighted by the love and thought they had for his work
I loved it.
You got a sauce for the second one?
If those interviewers were guys talking about female characters it would be creepy as shit
Why do fujos get away with this shit
>Jojo becomes a gentleman vampire
>same old goody two shoes, but his hunger gives him violent episodes.
>Speedwagon does his best to keep his good friend in line
>Dio extends his initial plan by trying to make jojo the villain, and let's the world knows his existence
>the UK, and eventually europe sees jojo as monster that needs to be eradicated
>jojo on the run from everyone, INCLUDING zeppeli
>Zeppeli has a change of heart after getting beaten by Jojo, becoming his friend.
>Dio wishes to take the limelight by killing Jojo himself.
>gets to meet and fucks erina before attempting to elope with her on a boat to egypt
>Dio interrupts their plans, but dies, as Jojo enters into his violent self as they fought on the boat.
>weakened jojo just plain gives up his life by sealing himself in the coffin because he knows he'll eventually kill his friends and family.
>Zeppeli gets to live
>part 2 has Joseph trying to clean up the mess his grandfather made, & the pillar men as usual.
>Caesar gets to live
>Part 3 has Jotaro heading to egypt to kill his great grandfather that has totally lost.
>Part 5, Giorno gets to have black hair.
>Part 6, Pucci has no plans to alter the world, & the series is an SoL / drama as Jolyne wishes to connect with her distant father. everyone lives
>we will never know what was on those pages
Jojo fans truly are the worst
Cuz only guys can be pervs.... duuuhhhhhh
It's here, but it's actually more like Araki interviewing her than her interviewing him. Even so, it's clearly very friendly and genuine, without either party being spaghetti-spilling creeps like most of Araki's other interviews.
>Why do fujos get away with this shit
They don't. Araki was visibly uncomfortable in both of the interviews, and I'm pretty sure most of the people who saw said interviews were equally freaked out.
If you like equality there's plenty of interviews where grown men get really creepy about moe girls, but it's not JoJo related.
Oh my god, I can't stop smiling while reading this...
This falls to the flaws of every goddamn vampire story with a good vampire lead.
>Nekoi: I'm faddish but I did like "Independence Day".
>Araki: The story's pretty astonishing in that one. In order to fight with aliens, they get into a flying saucer that was buried on earth by aliens in the past. The human strategy was like ripping off the opponent's fundoshi in sumo. The designs all came from other SF works. And on top of it all the President himself flew the saucer to fight. When I saw that I decided the party would be battling the President in Steel Ball Run.
Such as?
The slow corruption of Jonathan while Dio has to become a better person and finally put him down would make for a better story.
>Nothing interesting really
Jonathan in a nutshell really
>Araki: "I'd like to draw youkai too~" was what I was half-thinking. *laughs* So I went to the Kappa River there, the one that's famous for kappas, and stood on the riverbank spacing out. And as I was standing, there was this middle school-aged boy there at the same time, and he bursts out with, "Hirohiko's in the Kappa River!" Like, "Oniichan, look, there's a Hirohiko in the Kappa River!"
>Nekoi: *dies*
>Araki: And even I for some reason thought for a split second, "Gah, I have to get out of here!" At that moment I finally understood what it must feel like to be a youkai. *laughs*
>Nekoi: You understood what it feels like to be a youkai, huh... *laughs* I bet it's passed into legend by now. His brother came and said, "There's no such thing, you're lying!" And he said, "It was really there, I saw it!" And there was a huge disturbance, and years afterward you'll hear the story of the kappa Hirohiko in the river.
>Araki: So there, I think that might be what youkai really are.
Wow, Araki blinks a lot.
No that sounds needlessly edgy and stupid. Especially considering how DIO actually calmed down and became more civil and controlled after PB. Vampires aren't just mindless brutes and they don't seem inclined to turn into them over time.
>Jobin in the ad
He better be on the damn cover, I swear to Jesus' corpse.
Someone mentions the movie Cars 3 and all I can think about is Pillar men and how JJBA would look like if it were a sports manga about car racing. Maybe part 9 can be about it, one can dream.
Who thought this was a good idea.
Or is this a japanese prank?
Shokotan plays a character and overemphasizes her thoughts and actions. Lots of other creators and idols and so on in Japan do too.
Araki doesn't, so to him this came off as incredibly invasive and mortifying, which is understandable.
>instead of boys, all the jojo MC are girl.
>mfw they aren't huge mountains of muscle.
>we lose out on the poses.
The one thing being a women will not fix.
What about Stone Ocean?
What is Araki planning?
Its not the same.
Stone Ocean still had a lot of men
Will King Crimson's sound effect when he uses his ability in the anime surpass The World and Star Platinum's?
>It's just silent
It'll be the sound of paper tearing and auto tuned screaming.
>It's loud as fuck because its the sound of everything that was skipped playing all at once
>it switches between silent and obscenely loud noises
Dio becomes a lawyer and their chummery is legendary.
>that one that kept asking him about Dio being a child-prostitute and Jotaro and Josuke fucking after killing the rats
What? Sauce please
Wasn't there a fujo that kept asking him about the "romance" between Jonathan and Dio and the true meaning of Dio stealing Jonathan's body?
I prefer giorno
I want to watch diamond is unbreakable in the blu ray format. I don't mind if it must be streamed or if torrented. Where is the best place to go?
no you don't
what would your reaction be if one of the villains in part 8 had some sort of stand that could control wormholes
and he uses one to attack gappy and then suddenly avdol comes flying out to save the day
And then dies the third time, because he is such a good man he puts himself in danger instead of doing some really quick and useful attack with his stand. Not like Magician's Red can do much against the more funky ones.
>she will never draw JoJo again
why live
The Bites the Dust usage on the OP was kind of shitty. When they do King Crimson they should just have the entire OP get skipped.
>Part 6 OP
OP gradually gets faster and changes colors, then ending abruptly.
>Part 7 OP
American flag covers the screen in the beginning, OP is completely changed; Valentine takes the place of wherever Johnny is supposed to be, and Gyro is completely absent.
>Part 8 OP
It gets kind of hotter.
i know the feel, man
that looks kinda gay
the straightest of people are kind of gay
I love the idea for Part 7's OP but I doubt they're going to do that. I don't know why but I've realized that fans tend to come up with better design proposals than the studios/companies themselves.
but im not gay
We don't know what Chromosome King's true power is yet, so it'll probably be related to that when the big reveal comes out.
Balls are touching it's gay
i don't think it's gonna be time travel because we already have btd and kc skip araki likes to be original these days so maybe he thinks time shit is done to death so he'll give speed king a space-manipulation power like d4c
I don't interact with any men enough to touch balls with them. Still not gay.
What kind of space manipulation makes you heat up stuff? Molecule/Particle Acceleration is really the only big power that you can get from heating things up, but I could be wrong.
What if beetle boy uses microwaves to heat up stuff?
Joshuu did 9/11
>will never draw JoJo again
>nut king call fused your hands with the steering device
Gappy and Kira are fucking top-tier. This series has way too many good guys for men, only girl I'd go straight for though is Hot Pants.
That shirt/jacket combo looks really cool.
I always wondered why Araki never got into actual fashion design, since he liked it so much.
Jojo is too popular. It would bring great dishonor on his family if he were to abandon it
At least he has current Jojo as an outlet for his crazy fashion ideas
Because fashion design is far more than just drawing cool outfits, unless you are already a big name through other means, one has to start from the bottom as a menial worker doing all the sewing and then work their way up by getting attention and financing from the right people, trying not to break under huge pressure.
Knowing how well DP did Killer Queen's sound effects, KC will sound terrifying.
What they NEED to do though is make King Crimson sound like the most terrifying Stand in physical combat considering it pretty much one-shots EVERYTHING. If his punching/kicking SFX isn't the sound of a fucking sledgehammer we riot.
No, this looks kinda gay
A Chinese artist, Rei, she will never draw JoJo again because people kept reposting her stuff on sites like Tumblr to get a shitton of notes without credit (that's what I heard). At least she didn't delete her works on Pixiv like others.
Why is Jobin so fucking serious about the fruit and the company? Literally just give Gappy one or let him find the branch unheeded to save his mom. This plot is either really stupid or really smart. Stupid in that it can be solved in two seconds. Smart in that this is probably Araki telling us Jobin is just as evil and greedy as the Rock Humans but more subtle about it.
It was said that Tsurugi's date for the rock disease is coming up soon so maybe Jobin wants the fruit to save him (and maybe that's why Jobin disappeared with his side of the family). It seems like the Higashikata house would rather save Tsurugi over Gappy's mom so the warning that the Higashikatas aren't his friends (they will betray him) is true.
>speed king's true power
>higashikata double-dealing
>yasuho's fate
>who is behind the virus stand
>jobin's intentions
There is so much buildup it's crazy. I'm hyped for this shit.
Jobin and Gappy have a lot of conflicting morals against each other, and it's good character development for them, but Tsurugi and Joshu separately I think would benefit from this ordeal the most.
Tsurugi seems obvious on why it's good for him, but Joshu has a clear bias for his family and Jobin as seen in Beetle Tendency. I think it'd be good development for him to pick a side on which is truly right or the family that makes him happy.
no one man should have all that power
>Literally just give Gappy one or let him find the branch unheeded to save his mom.
>Stupid in that it can be solved in two seconds
I still think pic related points to this. Not once do any of these 4in the cover actually sit down and knock their heads together. They all want the same things, they all know small things. Norisuke probably has a reasonable knowledge about the shrine, Jobin and Kaato's kid killing. Jobin probably knows more about the fruit, it's dangerous and the specific reasons why he doesn't just instantly shove one down Tsurugi's squirrel cheeks.
Joshu cares more for his family over Josuke, instead of warning what was going on during Vitamin C, he went to yell for his blind sister and cared more about them. He could talk things things out with Josuke and Yasuho to an extent but refuses to.
And Josuke is paranoid as fuck (Rightly so) to the point where even though Norisuke is heavily leaning to them over Jobin he still refuses to ask for any further help from them.
They all generally have the same goal of protecting their family and could be unstopping if they cracked their heads together, but they don't. I think Kira's "Be a man of the land or of the sea but not both." comment is much more interconnected. Jobin, Joshu with their metal absed earth stands. Norisuke and Gap with their smoother, water like stands (The way King Nothing "flows".)
>It seems like the Higashikata house would rather save Tsurugi over Gappy's mom so the warning that the Higashikatas aren't his friends (they will betray him) is true.
I'm not a parent yet, but I would do the same in either person's shoes. Araki is really hammering the family dynamics, that means everything from the happiness, to the deceit and selfishness.
>There is so much buildup it's crazy. I'm hyped for this shit.
For fucking real. All the dumb theories I love reading here. The essays on trees, Jobin's changes, the threats of Yasuho randomly dying. It's been a fun ride. Hope it pays off.