Anime is suddenly only available on VHS. Would you still watch it?

Anime is suddenly only available on VHS. Would you still watch it?

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>would you spend money

Lemme get back to you on that

No, because I'm a Betafag.

I would say that maybe 3% of Sup Forums still has a VHS player.

How would I pirate VHS tapes?

Buy a recordable vhs tape, easy

They didn't release anime on beta though...

You bought blank tapes & daisy chained 2 VCRs together. How do you guys not know how to pirate VHS tapes? Am I so out of touch?

18+ site. Get him out.

Seriously though is there any advantage to using VHS tapes in this day and age? I was under the impression that in addition to having horrible resolution they also deteriorated extremely quickly.

I've been told magnetic tape lasts a really long time, but also that it degrades like 10% every 10 years, so I don't know who to believe. I wonder how long a Blu-Ray disc is suppose to last.


No, VHS is fucking complete garbage as a format. The deteriorating is when you copy a tape, generations get bad real quick.

The box art is cool. Other than that they are pointless. There is not a lot of anime still stuck in VHS. Most is in DVD which is fine.

So you collect Laserdiscs then?

>tfw nobody on Sup Forums gets your Sup Forums joke

I'm guessing there were Beta releases of anime in Japan, LoGH even got a laserdisc release.

I'm a 4th year undergrad, and probably only ever had a VCR because my parents were too poor to buy a DVD player until the day Blockbuster stopped renting VHS tapes. Average age here is probably a bit lower, these people have probably never seen a VHS outside of school.

Good quality tapes in good quality devices last a long time (archival data tapes, for example), but consumer VHS and audio cassettes are a different story. Maybe proper storage and quality players make a difference, but I can't remember ever owning a VHS that didn't

Not many but I do try to collect cels. I stopped for a while because a jap bastard at the last second bid higher on a very famous cel that I had been looking for for a long time. It still hurts.

*didn't get horribly distorted over time

Makes sense for Maze, though.

Our house used VHS way longer than most, like up until 2007/2008, and no there really isn't any advantage. Especially if you have an HDTV, its pretty much useless at that point.

Though I have some fansub tapes and old anime I taped off of tv that I still have a bit of an attachment to and want to transfer to my PC at some point. Nostalgia is all VHS has going for it now.

So there's non-shit tapes that don't degrade out there? My quest for Sci-Fi channel VHS tapes with anime on them recorded off the TV at 3:00AM continues.

The only anime I consume is weird shit from the the last century so nothing changes

D-VHS maybe.

VHS tapes are not good quality tapes. Good tapes are archival backups stored properly in environmentally controlled places.

Anyone got that screencap of some user's dad who used to smuggle anime into Britain?

No but this sounds fantastic. Please tell me someone saved those images.

I did back when it was VHS and laserdisc only, I don't see why I wouldn't again.

Don't post frogs you nigger.

There's no rule against it.

Now that's dedication. I do miss physically owning anime I can flip through on a bookshelf. Pulling up a hard drive is so distancing.

Would and did.

I would love to see all of the new anime kids flounder about in this strange world of rental stores and bootleg swapping. That is, if they don't just leave the fandom altogether.

I miss going out with my dad to the local Blockbuster to rent some movies, anime, games and so on as a kid.

>Now that's dedication.

You keep at something and you keep at something and before you realize it you've been at it over half your life and you're not sure what you'd do if you stopped.

I miss getting anime on VHS in the mail. You would get preview tapes straight from the distributor, from a magazine, or a fansubbing group. I never look forward to mail anymore.

>not downloading anime from usenet in quicktime


I'm fine, I would just need to dig up my VCR.

I would prefer going back to LD though.

I was born in 1998 and I'm 18, going to be 19 soon. Don't remember watching anime on VHS.

I was born in 97 and my parents had a VHS until 2014. As a kid I watched copies of Lupin the 3rd and Future Boy Conan.

You get the pirated versions at Chinatown, you ignoramus.

hell yeah motherfucker
I miss watching VHS tapes

Was that the guy whose mother collected hands?

Slightly easier mode:only available on VHS and late night cable TV.
New age of Sci-fi Saturday anime bitches!

Snipe bid fag. You'll never learn.

You shouldn't have to, you grew up in a better era for watching anime.

goddamn i am old

I still have the one they did for Donkey Kong Country

>not having faraday cages built around your HD stash

I just took a look at some of my old VHS & Beta cassettes and, lo & behold, a light dusting of mold was growing on the tapes within.

I still have my Silent Mobius VHS, with the shitty dub that was so low, it was impossible to hear.

Was Maze the first and only I think incest isekai? Truly ahead of its time.

That's just masturbation. Shame the movie is still lost media.