Is shitposting approved by satania?

Is shitposting approved by satania?


best girl


Should I watch this.
I'm starting to feel that she shouldn't be bullied.

She's a good girl, she's just often misunderstood.

Watch it and feel the urge to protect her smile

If you wait a while and put it on your backlog, good subs will eventually come out.


Fansubbing is dead

Not quite.

Fuck yeah post more

It's not like the jokes can make any sense in english anyway

What is Satania's appeal?

Some bullying is pretty justified

Is shipping approved by Satania?


What music does Satania listen to?


Satanic choirs.





>debil means mentally deficient in my language

>ywn make love to Satania's feet


She was best girl by far.

Mislim da je riječ iz njemačkog ili austrijskog dijalekta.

>Otac u naručju drži sina kretena

Nadam se da si dovoljno star da se toga sjećaš.

Season 2 when?
Vignette Graduate spinoff? Raphiel Graduate spinoff?

Not for like 2-4 years. Its a monthly series and the anime covered basically every chapter and there have only been a few new chapters since.

>season 2 never ever

My girlfriend Vigne is so intelligent.

Raphi thread!

Can someone explain to me how Japan's grading system works that these are passing grades?

I want to watch SPYDOOR MAN with raphi!


>Gabriel will never play co-op with you

dekkai pls.