White people are pret-

>white people are pret-

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She's cute, but she should not have disobeyed her father. Her punishment was fair.

Fucking degenerate drug addict. Put the bong down and finish your retarded thought.

What a shitty thr-



Amen brother.


What is this

who is she and why do i care?

The girls father didn't want her to put highlights in her hair. She did anyways. Her father cut it off.

relationship with daughter: destroyed

Whew. Ouch. Good job dude. She's going to be fucking Jamal and all his friends on your couch just to get back at you.

Probably lmao

some stupid whore who goes out of her way to ignore her father's demands in his house already destroyed their relationship. some stupid whore willing to do that is already fast-tracked to becoming a roastie with 4 mixed kids from 3 different fathers

She's going to have a fucking wicked case of cptsd too and never be fucking normal

I'm starting to date a qt who put highlights on her hair and who makes #metoo comments on Facebook. How fucked am I?

>refuse to respect father
>will respect and listen to husband?
lmao no

i went to your country last week, it's shit

I don't personally think highlights are a big deal, I think they look really good on the girl in the OP; the #metoo shit is a deal breaker though

The behavior of the father is indicative of further abuse, you don't obey abusers

good man. to hell with all the brunettes who fuck up their hair with blond shit and bleach

His kid. fuck off and have your own if you dont like it.
Bitch got staunched hard lmao

This. That's the kind of dad who gets thrown down the stairs by his 20 year old son.

She lives with her mother. Mother allowed her to get highlights.

Mother drops her off to dad. Dad is pissed, forcefully shaves her hair.

Sounds like the Dad's just a cunt imo.

t. Muslim

Cutting another person's hair without consent is battery in most jurisdictions, your child or not

stone her

The daughter is the father's responsibility until a suitable husband takes charge.


does she mean you with that comment?

I think he turned her into a dyke tho

Children are property, turbocuck

giver her ONE chance to accept your opposing views and then tell her to fuck the fuck off

Based Binland knows the biggest redpill

Lmao go back to your goat fucking country you god damn control freak

This. Raising a daughter is like walking across a minefield and the guy just made a grave mistake.

Read the article

The police are investigating him and he's probably going to get fired from his job. All because he made his daughter cut her hair. I hate this fucking country.


They are not afraid of anything

Go back to tumblr

Based dad!

"Schaffen and Sarah, who are both volunteer firefighters, have been placed on leave pending the results of both investigations"

Yes, but that's not how the legal system sees it in any western country. All she needs to do is scream that daddy is hurting her and he'll be fucked in the courts.

>who put highlights on her hair

are you implying she doesn't wear the veil ????

She'll fuck good now.

She's now wearing a wig that's got highlights in it, fucking kek.

And that's bullshit. Employers can have hair requirements, yet parents can't--sounds like a load of bullshit.

Meant to reply to this fgt:

The fact that she dared to do it after he told her no means that she already had no respect for him and that there was already a problem.

15-16 years of age is not the time to just start putting actual teeth in the discipline of your children. If he had laid down the law when she was 4-10, she wouldn't have tried to disobey now. The fact that he has to go this far at this point is his own fault.

In other words, he didn't housebreak the dog when it was a puppy, and now that the fully grown dog is leaving a shit in his room, he's just now deciding to take it to task. Moron.

All that being said - who the hell cares if she gets highlights? It's fucking highlights, it's like being angry at her for wanting to wear makeup or get her nails done. She's a girl, of course she wants to look pretty. Seriously, how much of a control freak do you have to be?

and now she looks like Milo

Of course a leaf would make this post. My child, my responsibility. My house, my rules.

i dont give a fuck, but its his house, his kid, his rules and she could have asked another way or talked about it with her father.

>doesnt try to talk it over with her father
>just silently tells him to fuck off

Kids are people too, user.
If you don't have respect for the humanity of others, you're evil.

Here we have the biggest nigger lovers inj history, they actually fought a war to keep the BBC legally own,
Nice cuck thoughts as usual.

The opposite. The ones that fuck Jamal were allowed to get away with stupid shit.


a lot of the girls I've dated were in on the #metoo trend, d..did I do ok guys?

whats one of the most important things in any relationship? communication.

lol is that a morakniv?


>Disobedient children.
>Not disciplining them.

If making your daughter cut her hair in response to her disobeying a direct order not to get highlights constitutes potential child abuse (as she'll be potentially ridiculed by her peers), who is to say she can't call child abuse when she wants to go clubbing looking like a $20 prostitute and the father says no?

The absolute state of Bongland. It stopped being funny years ago.

You're right. I'm just saying the justification "his kid, his rules" doesn't really work. There's more to it that that.



like when he communicated by cutting her hair off or that he should've been parenting her better earlier

Probably yes.

Are you guys retarded?

The strong reaction suggests that she knew she wasn't allowed to get them. Got them anyways. Testing boundaries.

Daddy issues stem from losing the father role by any means, be it rejection by the father, father physically disappearing, or, and that's what would've happened, losing respect for the father.

Good for him, because by doing these kinds of things he's expressing tough love. He showed her a boundary and that he's not to be disobeyed. The girl will come to appreciate it in the long term, and it'll be better for her development.

He's parenting her just fine. It's you with the skewed views.

Limiting what your daughter does for vanity helps her grow successful as a person herself.

Yes, what ever he did he would fail, welcome to the kali yuga.

Too bad the entire nation is going to ruin that. Because they're going to fire him and publicly ruin him in front of her so she'll never get back on track.

A father should have ownership over his daughter until such time as he finds an appropriate suitor.

Honestly, this "conservative" mindset of sticking your head in the sand when it comes to sex is stupid.

Women want to fuck. That's just a given. We need to steer them into a stable relationship in their teenage years so that instinct is put to good use.

Currently the emphasis is on the state educating your child so that they can persue a bourgeois urban lifestyle where they'll get fucked by 20 different men before they are 25.

>ooga booga my kid my property

absolutely jungle monkey mindset

she got her answer, disrespected the father's position and answer, and got a response to what she did
only limp-wristed daddy issue faggots like you try to paint the father as some evil man

"Everybody give a big applause to our new stripper girl, Crystal!"

pretty much.

Raising a girl in such a society is almost impossible because the state apparatus and private corporations are constantly undermining you.

And if you utilize force in any way to establish your moral supremacy, they come down on you like a tonne of bricks.

Pretty much. That's why being a married man and/or a father you're pretty much a political cuck. You're going to get fucked one way or another. This shit needs fixing and in a hurry.

Haskins Police Department is investigating the situation as a case of child abuse. Both the father and stepmother have been suspended from their jobs as firefighters. (The mom is the one that did the highlights)

haha hilarious right
I'll now rape and kill my kid.
fuck off and have your own if you dont like it.

Looks more like a Hultafors

A fucking leaf!

>equating appropriate discipline with rape and murder
The absolute delusion of liberals.

>equating appropriate discipline with inappropriate discipline

the absolute state of jungle monkeys

>do something inappropriate with your hair
>lose your hair
What's the problem?

God speed to you finland

kids do stupid shit with their hair all the time, best to let them get over that phase before they're at the age where they're doing serious job interviews. Otherwise she's just going to try it the second she's independent

All these muslims in this thread defending the faggot dad... wow Sup Forums

Seems a little excessive if it's just over the fact she got a new style.
It's a good tactic though, not for this, but if your daughter ever for example gets a boyfriend at such an age shaving her head is a good solution.

> posts pictures of her devastated daughter on Facebook.
>children's services, are investigating a complaint of potential child abuse
>Kelsey's mother set up a fundraising


t. white knight cuck


I hope you lowtest faggots never get any childs. You absolutly dont have any clue how a father should behave. Tolerating stupid shit from their kids is something mothers do, not fathers.

You know why most millenials are fucked up. They never had a real fatherrole in their life, someone who gives them rules, boundaries and teach them how to behave.

Did the father tell her the consequences of dying her hair beforehand? Did he explain to her why he didn't want her to dye her hair? Was there any sort of discussion besides the obvious scream fight?

This seems to be a case of a pooly raised petulant brat versus a flawed and self loathing parent.

Hello Achmed.

>>do something inappropriate with your hair
>>lose your hair

Yea, sounds like Hammurabi's code. It's a kind of justice... but it's extreme. If you're a good parent, you want a punishment that will discourage the behavior without hurting the kid too much. Cutting off the girls hair and making her look like a boy when she's in highschool is probably going to destroy her self image/confidence for life.

>she's ruined for life!

>You know why most millenials are fucked up. They never had a real fatherrole in their life

>I-It's the boomers' fault that I'm a fuckup, not me!!

>The fact that she dared to do it after he told her no means that she already had no respect for him and that there was already a problem

Your first sentence is already wrong.

Testing Boundaries is something you can find anywhere amongst animals

(Yes, Humans are also animals)