Is anyone a match for the shagster?
Dragon Ball Super
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Reminder that Son Goku is beautiful.
what are future trunk sand future mai doing right now?
fucking their identical counterparts
Making babies
Will these two ever have a rematch? Is Goku currently capable of defeating Beerus?
who wrote the ptsd trunk episodes? they were pretty damn good and suprised they actually took time for that in a dbz where goku forgets plot relevant things in the time machine.
Last moment of the of the last episode of Super and it will end before they land a single blow before going to End of Z from a different perspective.
I still don't get why they opted to do this, to go to a world they're unfamilliar with where their awkward counterparts lived who never befriended the same people as they did because they never had a war against Goku Black, when they could've just remained in the "main" universe. Trunks already knows the Z warriors of that universe, and the Vegeta of that universe has even accepted said future Trunks as his own son. Hell, the Trunks and Mai of that universe are children so it's even easier to tell the present and future ones apart from eachother.
It would be a somewhat justified way to keep a fan favorite character part of the main cast. Goku already fucking transported the Zeno of that timeline with him, why not Trunks and Mai?
Who knows? Whenever Goku gets stronger the writers seem to extend the gap between them.
Toei is shit.
>According to Toriyama after BOG SSG Goku is a 7, Beerus a 10 and Whis a 15
>According to Beerus himself, during BOG he used 70% (or was it 80%?) of his power
>SSGSS is SSG with a power increase of a factor 50
This power is multiplied by 20 due to Kaioken x 20
>Somehow Goku still isn't a match for Beerus
>Sounds of (laughs) in the distance
Toyocuck pls, are you going to tell me the manga is going to end differently? Toriyama is a hack.
Would have been better to just kill them both.
Having them near their children selves would have been weird and just going to an alt future where Black never happened would have caused a huge time paradox
Reminder that Shousa in one sniff proved to be more competent than the entire U9 team.
wakey wakey gohanfag
>most beautiful transformation ever in Dragon Ball
>cheapened by the fact that he already
transformed when he was talking with goku in hell in the episode before
What the fuck toei??
They shouldn't have erased him.
Let's see how this stuff will be handled in the manga. The anime ending was rushed as fuck, they wanted to be done with that arc as soon as possible and it ended up being horseshit.
This bitch is so ugly.
kiero caulifag
Raising the saiyan population in the future
>still using the 4 year old scale from a retconned movie
Are you retarded? Also nowhere does it say that SSB has a 50 times multiplier from SSG
Freeza is confirmed to be a girl
need more filler so we can give those young idols voice actress training.
>ToP bitches
>island filler.
And Prince Vegeta is handsome
Based Jobhan
>"Like give it up Jiren, you lost from the start."
>Not using the powerscale given to us directly by the author
>Not expecting SSGSS to work the same as supersaiyan when it's super saiyan with god ki and neither the author nor the canon story has given us a single reason to believe otherwise
>Not expecting that Toriyama is a hack who hasn't written consistent power scaling since the Saiyan saga
How about all of those "monsters" he's ran away from?
add Plank on Jiren's side
Wait, those shoes...
If he attacks the universe might shatter
Seth the programmer says otherwise.
Not a fan of using e-celebs as a justification, but link to his video on this subject?
>not knowing the Tori makes up db as it goes
>inb4 toyocuck
This is as direct as a multiplier we got in any form of super
I can't wait for Jiren to kiero the fuck out of Kale.
Make room for the real Chad of U7
Honestly I was surprised how fast universe 9 jobbed, considering Basil was one of the MVPs of the first episode. I expected us to go at least a few more eps before any universe got wiped, but I guess they had to establish the stakes early.
I don't even remember where they said they were going. So everyone died in the timeline, but they went back to when everyone was still alive or a duplicate of the main timeline with Goku and shit?
>they wanted to be done with that arc as soon as possible and it ended up being horseshit.
If that is true, why did they waste so much time with the back-and-forth time travel retreating, and the fucking Mafuba?
Shitty time management on Toei's part.
They went to their own timeline's past, i.e. Trunks was training with Shin to beat Buu when Black attacked, so he'd just kill Black there, while Beerus would take care of Zamasu.
Wait so there are now 2 Mai's and 2 future Trunks in that timeline where? When fat Buu broke out of the egg? So before Goku turned SS3?
>Consistent power levels
>Not realizing powerlevels are based on whatever bullshit the penny pinchers think can sell to the audience
Nigga wasted his fucking time.
Yes, there are 2 Mai and 2 Future Trunks in that timeline, but everyone else except them and Bulma is still dead.
>but everyone else except them and Bulma is still dead.
This is the part I don't understand. So they are living in an apocalyptic universe with nobody on the planet except Bulma, 2 Mais, 2 future Trunks. What the fuck was the point in going back to a timeline with only them in it? I thought they went back before everyone was dead?
To be honest. With both of those trunks there and zamasu and dabura both showing up, there's no way that fat buu wouldn't have been resurrected.
Entire ending was god awful stupid.
There's an entire timeline missing a trunks and a mai.
>There's an entire timeline missing a trunks and a mai.
That timeline is fucking erased, its missing EVERYONE
They went to a "copy" of their timeline but before Black showed up and fucked with Earth, there are still plenty of people alive in it. What that user meant is that the only main characters alive are Bulma, Trunks and Mai
No it isn't.
Future trunks timeline is erased.
Cells timeline is still there.
>So they are living in an apocalyptic universe with nobody on the planet except Bulma, 2 Mais, 2 future Trunks.
what the fuck?. they went to a timeline that was exactly like future trunks', with goku's heart virus and humanity decimated by the androids, but where zamasu never killed everyone.
humanity survived the androids. did you watch either Z or Super at all? they were rebuilding very nicely before Zamasu/Black came and murdered everyone again. thats why there were survivors in Black arc in the first place. it wasn't literally just bulma, trunks, and mai left after the androids.
Wait how the fuck are the Z fighters dead? Or is it like the future Gohan timeline but they are going to fight Buu?
Future Trunks had his own little Buu arc after he killed Imperfect Cell
He's taking about Cell's timeline, but no one knows if the Mai from that timeline is dead
Whis fucked with time by going to trunks universe, then going back in time before zamasu showed up and dropping off trunks and mai. Then telling beerus about black and zamassu.
Now there is a timeline where goku and trunks killed the universe and a timeline with two trunks and mai's.
I watched both. So it is the future Gohan timeline future Trunks is originally from but what does Buu have to do with it? How do you know Buu would be getting awakened at all? Because it was the order of events that happened in the real timeline?
When the fuck did this happen?
>Now there is a timeline where goku and trunks killed the universe
Isn't this timeline practically irrelevant now because Zeno blew it up?
>and a timeline with two trunks and mai's
But what timeline is this? What happens next for them? If everything is blown to shit by the Androids, they are just chilling in a fucked up planet? So just Goku would be dead, not all the Z fighters?
Future Trunks explains that before Goku Black showed up, he had fought and killed Babidi and Dabura.
Supreme Kai got killed in this fight, which meant Beerus died, and Black saw it as the perfect timeline and universe to go to because it lacked a god of destruction
There's no telling what exactly happens in the new future timeline, but old future Trunks was enough to stop it so him plus ANOTHER Trunks should do fine, if old Trunks even has to step in at all. Black came after it was resolved, so he has no effect on the events.
It was at least mentioned in the anime, but the manga showed Shin warning Trunks about Buu, training him with the z-sword, and then the two go fight Babidi and Dabura. Z-sword is turned to stone by Dabura's spit and shattered so Old Kai died, and Shin dies, which spurs Trunks to go SSJ2 and kill Dabura and Babidi.
Have you not seen the anime or read the manga?
Anyways, after Trunks killed Cell in his timeline, Shin called him up to stop Babbidi from resurrecting Buu, Trunks managed to do so, but Shin died in the process, this also killed Beerus. Black soon appeared and the Zamasu arc happened. After the end of the arc, only Trunks and Mai survived, they then used the time machine to go back to their own timeline, probably around the time when he was training to fight Buu or something. This way, he would prevent Shin's death which means Beerus survived who would deal with Zamasu and Black.
>Isn't this timeline practically irrelevant now because Zeno blew it up?
But that timeline still exists becuase goku and trunks still went there and found zeno floating in oblivion.
>But what timeline is this? What happens next for them? If everything is blown to shit by the Androids, they are just chilling in a fucked up planet? So just Goku would be dead, not all the Z fighters?
Future Trunks timeline. See Whis specifically states that they go back just far enough in time to before black and zamassu shows up. Never actually goes to that universe and becomes a savior or anything. Just far enough into the past to route the rogue kaoishin and his alternate timeline fuckbuddy.
So now there are two trunks and two mai's.
Why they didn't go to the cell timeline I'll never know.
>But what timeline is this?
The timeline Trunks goes to after Zeno kills his
>What happens next for them?
No one will probably ever know
>If everything is blown to shit by the Androids, they are just chilling in a fucked up planet?
How Trunks handled the androids/Cell is still the same, they start differing with the events of the Black arc. Humanity survived and rebuilt after the androids.
>So just Goku would be dead, not all the Z fighters?
Androids still happened, Z-fighters still dead, Trunks still came back and killed them after having experienced up to the Cell Games in the past
So I wouldn't be alone in thinking they handled this poorly and it became needlessly convoluted? They used a total of at least 4 timelines for this? 1 being the "empty timeline" Zeno destroyed?
yes, everyone keeps saying that Trunks could have just stayed in the present timeline with people who know and care about him instead of fucking shit up even more and making another timeline which is what caused all this shit to begin with
None of this makes sense to me.I still don't understand Goku absorbing the essence. The scaling feels so off to me. We're told that everyone is so much stronger than the Buu Saga characters like Buuhan and Vegito but it doesn't feel that way all. When Goku went to SSJ3, it shook the world. Gotenks and Buu could rip through dimensions. But Super Sayian Blue Vegito didn't have any impressive feats. You'd think he would break the universe by powering up considering how much stronger Goku and Vegeta and the new god transformation.
They need to turn this borefest into something good
you are retarded, give up
Dubs determines the next universe to get delet
I'm pretty sure they're just going to bring the furfag universe back and restore them after the tournament anyway. All of that shit will get retconned and it will be like the stakes never mattered after the fact. The Jiren fight better be better than the Zamazu arc because it was literally the only good fight we've had in 98 episodes.
You're expecting way too much of them.
Universe 6
they say blue has perfect ki control or some shit
doesn't really matter user
I don't get why Toei is putting everything through a filter. I mean, I do get it. They want to make it look like DBZ because they realized their new style was dogshit and everyone hated it. What I don't get is why they don't just fucking animate like DBZ then. Why use the filter at all? It's not like it's any harder to just change the style.
Laziness. Using a filter is easier than animating their shit properly.
When did the filter even start? It feels like only a few episodes ago.
around the basil vs buu match i think
What do ya think Beerus did before he became a GoD?
because the entire point of the arc is that Trunks needed to stop relying on Goku and Vegeta as a crutch, something Cuckotaro completely missed out on
Presumably lived in U10 and was a complete piece of ningen shit considering the complete piece of divine shit he's ended up as.
Sleep and eat.
I don't think it's a crutch when Evil Goku and Immortal Kiwi show up and nuke the world with forms that aren't even supposed to EXIST in your timeline
I really don't care for the tribal wars so I'll say I think it's cool there's a timeline with two Trunks and Mais, since that significantly ups their ability to protect things and it's a neat time fuckery situation
>I don't think it's a crutch when Evil Goku and Immortal Kiwi show up and nuke the world with forms that aren't even supposed to EXIST in your timeline
The only reason they showed up in the first place is because Trunks was abusing time travel.
Bulma. Because Bulma abused time travel. As was completely her right, because she's Bulma. And thus, kiwi paid the price.
Ah, he a macho man?
U4 is going to be the next universe to be eliminated.
Ironically, U10 won't be eliminated until pretty late in the tournament, however they will be whittled down, losing 1 or 2 fighters to each universe that gets eliminated for the purpose of giving that universe's main fighters some time to shine before they get taken out.
What I'm saying here is that U10 will literally be the jobber team, their fighters will literally do nothing but lose to fighters from other universes to show how strong they are so that the fight between those characters and U7 is more compelling.
Ugh no not them. The other one with the Pride Troopers. U11 I meant.
I can see that. I'm willing to bet U10 ends up in the finals, and U4 is next to die. After that, robot universe.
Vegeta will take out two of the Pride Troopers before Jiren flicks him off the stage.