why does all the lain art look like someone pasted her face to a random body
Why does all the lain art look like someone pasted her face to a random body
pretentious shit
its ok not getting things user
don't post Lain here Sup Forums has fallen, it's now home to
>unironical boruto threads
>unironical shingeki no kyoujin threads
>isekai trash
>whats best girl???
>im such a weeb lmao
>thinly veiled nfsw threads
>should I fug this dragon XD
might as well merge with /jp/ at this point and have the autists in the train threads come here too
i wouldnt know i dont visit this board ever but dont know where else post this
like look at this i dont know if i love it or i hate it, it doesnt look at all like the show
Don't forget "this is X say something nice about her xDDDD" and "Apologize"
Sup Forums is LITERALLY the exact same piece of shit as MAL and plebbit. The existence of the threads you've also mentioned just confirm this.
creepy 2
good night
>Who is your favorite character in anime or manga with this body type?
front page right now
>ITT: Write a passable Isekai plot
help i want out of this timeline
>implying threads similar to those haven't always existed
>implying everyone is obligated to like a particular show, especially one as divisive as Lain
How about you fuck yourself with those strawmen
Not surprising when it's the same people who populate these sites. Even 3 years ago you could still discuss anime and manga without the thread turning into a shitfest.
Sure, while I do that how about you keep pretending to enjoy a show with a poor story, poorly developed characters, and repetitive animation just because you think it makes you seem smart.
>>unironical shingeki no kyoujin threads
Always existed
>>isekai trash
Always existed
>>whats best girl???
Literally Sup Forums culture. Were commonplace on Sup Forums ever since its early days
>>thinly veiled nfsw threads
Now you are complaining about lewdness on Sup Forums? Fuck off to plebbit retard.
projecting much?
You have to go back.
>posts shit-tier bait
>For some insane reason, I decide to reply
>calls my post bait as a reply
Oh you are just a retard troll after all. Here's one more (You) as a reward for baiting me successfully.
Always existed on a fairly recent manga and a genre that exploded with fucking SAO? tI think you are the one who should go back to MAL or gaia or whatever shithole you crawled out of in the
>early days
thats literaly what happened to her, you probably dont know cause youre an animeonly shitter
Just because SAO popularized the genre doesn't mean anime of said genre didn't existed before, do I even need to explain that to you? Try to not have brain damage.
>go back to MAL
Says the retard complaining about best girl threads on a board that has shit like that since forever.
Where did I claim isekai to be a new genre? we're talking about Sup Forums frontpage being filled with wish fulfillment pornography not fucking hack sign
Lainfags are cancerous. They make threads about this shit show every day/week, but can't maintain a thread for even 30 posts without filling it with memes and shitpost. Then, they cry that no one wants to discuss their anime because Sup Forums only watches moeshit and bla bla, despite the fact that they never try to even start quality discussion and prefer to just parrot the opening or post pasta about Lain being autistic.
Are we browsing the same catalog? In what world does Isekai makes the majority of threads, or even 30%?
apparently they always existed since the dawn of Sup Forums according to shitlord up there
True, the newly formed secret club is much better.
You've probably just outgrown this place, bro. Maybe it's time to graduate. I just got here a year ago so I'm not as jaded
Which is true? They always did. They are more frequent now because there's just more Isekai anime. I really don't know what's your point here.
>thinly veiled nfsw threads
Want to know how it's easy to tell that you are a newfag?