Why are albinos always evil?

Why are albinos always evil?

>Pic Unrelated

Alice doesn't look evil

Who is this cutie?

Sephiroth popularized white hair=evil

It has to do with our pre-scientific history. You see, albinos look scary. Most cultures make them out to be supernatural.

Nakiri Alice from Shokugeki no Soma.


fuck off faggot

There's no need to force your sexual orientation on others. Take your own advice.


Superior genetics.

Because they're the offspring of satan, inhuman soulless devil children

Accelerator isn't evil

Now that's just wrong.

That's subjective.
People always call the ones they hate "people of satan".

All people are offspring of satan (or god?).

I'm not going to listen to a hellspawn such as you.

They're just misunderstood.


Why are characters with complete heterochromia iridium always annoying as fuck?

Fuck you user.


2d albinos are the cutesy incarnated

Missed an opportunity TO BE HONEST, senpai.

i wholeheartly agree

How could anyone not trust this cutie? Don't you just want to cuddle her?

this isnt an autistic place like Sup Forums, spoonfeeding is fine you fucking faggot. There are only homo's and trap lovers in Sup Forums

One of us just had an aneurysm and I'm pretty sure it's you.

aneurysm is a meme. It doesnt actually exist

i loved it when he got btfo

Koko did nothing wrong

i expected him to be a pain in ass the for the rest of the series but surprisingly he got killed pretty quickly,

t.user that had an aneurysm

The silver haired are simply an enlightened race of elves.

Oh go fuck yourself you stupid cunt.

she wanted to fuck a little black boy

>white/silver haired character

