Why are they such a dominant force in the international gook cartoon stealing industry? It's like no matter what series or what season, their version gets 10x the seeds as the runner up. Why?
Why are they such a dominant force in the international gook cartoon stealing industry...
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they are quicker because they are ripping crunchyroll subs
because the cartel doesn't share scripts
if they did Sup Forumsnons would have them beat
fastest one gets the most e-peen
also they're the biggest group, so if an anime is on CR you know there is an HS release.
there are other smaller groups that do higher quality edits with better typesetting and shit but it'll be groups that are doing like 1 show each season
It's a joke. I'm only pretending to be retarded
Retards download the stuff with the most downloads
The real question is who the fuck came up with the name "Horriblesubs?"
Crunchy subs are pretty horrible
It's fitting, the subs are shit.
they're not insulting themselves
they're insulting the dumb assholes whose subtitles they are stealing
How do you "steal" subtitles?
they used to be the worst
now they're the only one left
blame crunchyroll taking off
Nice cartel meme, friend.
You guys realize what HorribleSubs is...right?
They aren't a sub group. The rip Crunchyroll stuff and re-upload it. They're making fun of Crunchyroll's subs, and they're going out of their way to try and hurt their business.
Despite them doing this for so long, Crunchy has only become more powerful. Enough so that there is no need to fansub the large majority of seasonal shows. I mean, why waste your time translating shit that's already been translated the moment it airs in Japan?
HorribleSubs is so prominent because it's all that's left. Fansubbing is effectively gone for good.
same way you download a car
fansubs do exist for the shows Netflix has licensed since Netflix doesn't release anime translations until the end of the season
>Fansubbing is effectively gone for good.
Good riddance.
Yeah honestly I'm not really that upset about it. Meme subs gave me cancer.
>Fansubbing is effectively gone for good.
Yes, good job, mission accomplished cartel guy.
Because they used to be HorribleRaws.
So HS only has stuff that's already on crunchyturd?
CR's western name order (and to a lesser degree their lack of honorifics, but I could do without that) gives me cancer
Yeah you certainly don't see meme translations from the CR "professionals".
Honestly I can't say I've checked to see if they do BD rips or anything, but they -do not- sub anything. They only rip
They certainly aren't perfect, and I believe a lot of the TL's are actually from the fansubbing community, but in general, the average quality is higher than it used to be.
There were a few key fansub groups that did really good work, but they didn't sub every single show every single season. So you were left with cracks depending on what you watched. At least now we have a baseline quality of "Good enough".
HorribleSubs has been around for almost a decade now. How the fuck is it that people still don't get how this site works?
And on whatever Funimation uses for streaming.
You do know what season this is right?
>Muh summer meme
People were asking the same shit a few months ago.
They are being released by the paid streaming sites so they can kill the fansubbers and have been doing little but salting the earth by flooding the western streaming sites for the last decade with their flavorless and shit yet almost instantaneous subs and sending out cease and desist letters along with getting websites shut down at the same time.
The constant bitching about no one fansubbing stuff? Who's going to do it. The fansubbing scene is fucking dead. And with it, the anime industry and the ability for eastern anime producers to gauge the interests of and understand the very VERY lucrative western market.
>and sending out cease and desist letters
They haven't been doing that. The sub groups just closed down by themselves or go legit because they can't get e-peen anymore.
>guys who literally steal subtitles from official sources sending out cease and desist letters
You're kind of an idiot aren't you?
>And with it, the anime industry and the ability for eastern anime producers to gauge the interests of and understand the very VERY lucrative western market.
What the fuck are you talking about? The other stuff was stupid, that's just deluded.
>They haven't been doing that. The sub groups just closed down by themselves or go legit because they can't get e-peen anymore.
Are you fucking retarded?
Cease and Desist letters as well as liberal application of the DMCAA laws killed hundreds of groups.
And the only people bitching about E-Peen were the guys hoping to get to the top of the ladder by being the first to sub new stuff.
But ONLY when it brought traffic to their sites or group where they oft subbed stuff that no one else did.
There were many different groups otu there doing their own subs of the big stuff and many of them had their own little sub section and genres and passion projects to work on and complete.
Without the help of others to keep their doors open and yeah a bit of recognition, and the constant threat of being sued and harrasment no one would do any subbing anymore.
It's basically over now. Anime unless it's official stuff or badly encoded stuff on youtube is dead.
>Cease and Desist letters as well as liberal application of the DMCAA laws killed hundreds of groups.
I see. And what are some examples of these?
Stop pretending to be fucking retarded.
Who is getting the recognition for this?
Why haven't the official sources shut this stuff down and made it harder for horrible subs to get their subs.
This is a fucking tactic to kill and then suppress fansubbing. Period.
Anime was released and pushed to certain western groups because it was a way to make money. Certain series that had no play in japan sometimes became huge hits in other markets and if they were lucky they'd become huge in america and the can get mega paid.
If you don't believe me then look at LWA.
This. Please name more than one example of a known group getting a C&D and saying "fuck it, we quit altogether". Actually, name one, if you can.
good idea user
before allowing you to read the subtitles on their japanese animeys, crunchyroll should give you a survey: "are you going to illegally copyrightviolate our shit: y/n"
and the only show the subtitles to people who say n, that way they cant be stolen
uh huh...
>If you don't believe me then look at LWA.
Yeah, fansubs at least have enough life to sub stuff like that since it gets attention. Like movies that don't get released outside asia.
>UTW resurrected to sub Fate/Apocrypha
fuck ye-
>somehow confuse a "D" for a "B"
Fansubs deserved to die.
copy crunchyrolls subtitles and change a few words.
just like with homework
The real question is if Netflix is inadvertently saving fansubbing or not. There's just something hilarious about them coming out of nowhere with an infinite wallet stealing top shows from CR and undoing the work that has gone into killing fansubbing.
People either don't care or learn moonspeak themselves
Don't forget Amazon Prime too with LWA. Fansubs will comes back and it's going to be glorious.
Please fuck off, you mongoloid fansub fanboy. Your scene is dead, and I am so glad it did.
out almost instantously, no waiting.
i prefer a good sub that would replace the download though.
I dont know why people keep saying fansubbing is dead because its not.
The peak of fan subbing is over. Speed subbing is effectively dead. BDs are still fan subbed and shows that CR doesn't pick up and other media continues to be fan subbed TL'd.
That's also netflix.
I'd still rather watch them than commies
It's good fansubs are dead de~arimasu
The only group that is faster than them only upload on KM but they are nowhere near [HS] popularity. [HS] is nice and consistent, but people are autistic and won't supply raws to groups for subbing so they die.
Friendly reminder Orphan-Subs still needs a TL checker for Stop! Hibari-kun.
BD fansubbing is also dying at an alarming pace. Plenty of popular shows don't get their BDs or even their OVAs done. Just to name one example, half the specials for Prisma Illya 3rei haven't been done yet, and that's a fairly popular show (more than average at least) and the BDs came out a year ago.
Owarimonogatari BDs took forever to finish too, and that's fucking *gatari, one of the most popular franchises around. More than half the shows airing on CR this season have no hope of their BDs ever being properly encoded and subbed.
But you wouldn't, user
It's always summer, friend
Raws are widely available though.
this only works if there are enough active groups to sub shows though which could be a problem if they take too many shows. i'd guess amazon/netflix could only take up to 10 shows a season before a lot of shows went without subs quickly
For new stuff, yes. I'm of course talking about older shows.
>you will see Crunchyjew die out in your lifetime
What a great time to be alive
>HorribleSubs has been around for almost a decade now
When will time stop?
They do a lot of shows and are almost always the first release, by several hours. All with quality.
I really wouldn't mind if they just took most of them and left us starved for subs if it means that fansubbing gets revived again slowly.
Why would you want that, except for nostalgia reasons?
I don't see them taking a majority within the next 2 years at all. The setup we have right now will bring back 5-10 groups a season. If not at least we'll have [user] if you help TL in threads.
The casuals must be purged.
>This episode was sponsored by
>Subteam's name below show's name in the opening
>TL notes
>Karaoke during OP and ED
>Watch in a bright and lit room and sit away from the screen
It's called eternal summer now, my child.
How fucking new does one person need to be