True true

true true...

WOW!11!! BASED!!!11! SO BASED!!!1!1


Jesus. I know that we have the biggest meme president of all time, but how did you canuckolds elect that "man"???????

What people don't give Trudeau credit for is that he is basically the only Leftist egalitarian politician who is ideologically consistent.
Most of them believe one thing esoterically but still try to keep up appearances, or hold on to vestigial etiquette, morals, traditions, etc.
Cuckdeau is the logical endpoint of Cosmopolitan Egalitarianism.

this is your future, study it and learn from it while you've got the chance.


He's right you know
The ISIS fighters creating havoc will be an extraordinarily powerful voice in showing how cucked Canada is

well, he not wrong. people's attention is easily drawn to people shouting 'allah ackbar"

why the fuck do we let canada govern itself?
