literally re:zero without all of the stupid crap
Isekai Smartphone
Stupid crap like animation.
>without all of the stupid crap
more like with even more stupid crap
How does he charge the smartphone?
Solar charger?
Also does he own a copy of wiki or something?
it's literally explained in the first minutes of the show holy fuck how retarded are you
anime of the season
I wonder if this will bomb. Many Japs didn't like the imouto's VA.
lower budget, I cant stand the character design pretty generic
>assuming he watched the show
It's literally the only interesting thing of note to speculate on if you haven't seen it.
Being harem automatically makes it worse than Re:Zero.
The MC is so bland it hurts
Feels more like Konosuba without the comedy
>younger sister has bigger tits
I hate this trope
Konosuba was never funny though
>like Re:Zero
How is this anything like Re:Zero? Re:Zero had a fairly unique premise, even if the main character is fucking annoying it's unique among similar series in pretty much every aspect.
On the other hand Smartphone is the pinnacle of generic bland shit. MC gets sent to another world, gets a special power, rescues some girls, and joins the adventurer's guild in order to perform filler and have SoL adventures.
older sister is the tomboy (Kyou)
younger sister is the shy one (Ryou)
Jesus christ, the anime is so depthless in execution that it makes me feel like I'm watching some $1 anime from china.
Normal isekais actually try to present a logical sets of progression, yet here in this anime, its just some childish and stupid excuse after another to reveal all his knowledge/powers. Feels like a shitty fanfiction to me.
Yea, I just watched the first episode just to confirm what the actual shit was about. Waste of my time tbqh but I'll still watch it cause this season's lacking in quality
>On the other hand Smartphone is the pinnacle of generic bland shit. MC gets sent to another world, gets a special power, rescues some girls, and joins the adventurer's guild in order to perform filler and have SoL adventures.
+ it's haremshit
At least Re:Zero had the decency to not be haremshit.
>Watching shit for the sake of it just because it's not a loaded season
It's a backlog season
>but I'll still watch it cause this season's lacking in quality
This is such a shitty mentality, the only one i'm watching is new game
>Could have element of mystery
>Why does my smartphone still work?
Literally says he charges with magic, I mean a little to convenient; however so was no game no life with having their solar chargers with them in their dark ass room.
Its just another other world anime , but mc is overly op.
Im just hoping this anime tries to go more comedic than adventure or else it will go to shit.
Literally Re:Zero but even worse.
It's not
>literally this other show... except for all these things, so it's nothing like the other show
Nothing is worse than reddit:zero
>what is sao
>everything popular is reddit
SAO is at least slightly better than Rekt:Zero
>not a harem
Who are the people in Subaru'a harem?
"EWWW, GIRLS, they smell nice and are soft, GET THEM AWAY FROM ME"
Why do MC's always have to be such huge fags in these kind of series?
Watch more than 22 anime before posting
It's not. The author has said that he dislikes harems and only Rem and Emilia have romantic feelings for him.
>author intention mattering
nice joke
It's not. The author has said that he dislikes harems and only Rem and Emilia have romantic feelings for Subaru.
Why the fuck does the opening scene come straight out of konosuba?
I'm 2 minutes into the first episode and I can see how shit it's gonna be already.
Anyone serious about literature analysis doesn't consider the author's intent to be the final word.
>not watching made in abyss
The 5 percent of male leads who AREN'T like that in series like these doesn't change anything.
What I'm saying is that it's such a pointless statement to make that you must be new to anime to think it's even remotely remarkable.
Fuck the VAs, it deserves to bomb for the pv alone.
Well, the fact is that Tappei dislikes harems, and only Rem and Emilia have romantic feelings for Subaru, so there is no harem.
You're right. I was being a massive faggot for no reason.
I wish the MC wasn't so stupid powerful.
I don't stay quiet about things I don't like just because they are a "given". Not a fan of the "it sucks, it always sucked, it will continue to suck so stop complaining about it" school of thought.
Where's my pantsu shots?
5%? More like 0.0005%
More like Re:Zero Conflict
I wish girls dressed like this in our world
What the fuck are you guys even smoking? Where did this series look like a serious Isekai novel at all? It looks as lighthearted and cookiecutter as can be, so why are you all crying that it's bland haremshit like you've been betrayed?
How can you not know what you're getting into when the title of the series is literally "In Another World With My Smartphone".
It's like being told that a certain restaurant only serves fast food, but you enter and order only to get outraged that you got fast food.
No... no you don't. Trust me. 2D garb needs to stay on 2D girls.
It's shitty even when they're pandering
why are you posting 3dpd
I really like the little sister. Linze or whatever.
This. It's like going to work con and seeing people cosplay cute outfits, it's not appealing on real girls at all.
Probably because all the isekaifriends get to talk about other WNs and also shitpost to their hearts content while masking it as if they hate the show so much that they're ready to end themselves when its the most basic of the basic templates everyone probably at least checked at goddess or novelupdates when it was first being translated by Raising the Dead.
Re Zero is a masterpiece compared to this turd.
I got the same feeling watching this as I did with love live. Boring and soulless.
I do, but they have to be cute too. Better I was just struck by lightning accidentally and reincarnated as a mixed MMA jedi sorcerer in a magical 2D world.
>Hmm, like Re:Zero? So it should be good
>Let me check what this is ab...
No thanks.
You're on Sup Forums, unreasonable autism and complaining for the sake of complaining is a given.
If it had better animation I would have not dropped it right after seeing the opening scene.
>implying ReZero was not a harem show
>Re Zero is a masterpiece compared to this turd.
This retarded series played every single shitty isekai cliche completely straight.
I wouldn't rate more than a dpzen anime a 0/10, but this is one of them.
Jesus, this show makes Re:Zero, Re:Monster, Mushoku Tensei and Shield Hero looks like masterpieces in comparison, and those are below average shows.
not really sure where r:z fags get off thinking their series isn't a harem.
It really does, there's not a single redeem-
> Re:Monster
Nah, it's just as shit.
i know its stupid i fucking dig shit like this when the mc is op as fuck right from the start
>god bless me with a wish cause he fucked up
>now I have a magic smartphone
>fuck, I have no money but it doesnt matter because some guy wants to buy my clothes and in exchange he gives me some similar clothes + gold coins
>I meet these twins that are facing some thugs, I defeat one of them easily but in the end, they didnt need my help at all because later I found out they could use magic and were strong enough to beat one of those thugs
>speaking of magic, I can use all elements because I am blessed by god
>ice cream
Re:Monster did it better. The author is not even trying and cant believe this shit is the best sell of their publisher.
And with a op MC to boot. Re zero is much more entertaining than this.
>Re;Zero isn't haremshit
I bet you guys think Konosuba totally isn't a harem too
Re:Zero isn't harem. See Never watched Konosuba, because it's haremshit.
I wish Re:Zero was a harem.
Why would you want to reduce its quality?
The first five minutes alone pissed me off to oblviion.
>God apologizing and bowing his head down to a mortal
>God accidentally kills the fuck does that work
>A being that knows all didn't know that placing lightning strikes in a particular location will kill a human
>Why the fuck is god resurrecting someone he killed? Put him in heaven and call it day?
>Why was god having trouble remembering his name?
Why would god who has to run the multiverse give a shit if a mortal he killed can call him?
Fuck this dumbass anime.
Do you also complain that goku is stronger than kami in dragon ball?
re:zero fags get super triggered when this is pointed out to them. literally every girl in the series fawns over the MC at some point.
>literally re:zero without all of the stupid crap
So it has an MC with flaws, character development, unique premise, interesting world, actual plot, vibrant side characters, various factions, no blatant in-your-face harem, lack of game mechanics and wild ride with tragic and heartwarming moments? AND on top of that it doesn't have stupid crap?
Picked the hell up.
>literally every girl in the series fawns over the MC at some point.
I don't even understand why I am answering to you at this point. Only characters who have or have had romantic feelings for Subaru are Rem and Emilia. Other characters have their own relationships.
It took me 10 to drop it
>God let him use his smartphone
>God launch a update in his smartphone
>God even put his phone on his contact list
>"Waah, i dont have any money"
>literally 5s later a noble appear out of nowhere and buy his clothes
It's boring as fuck
What's the appeal of this show?
Even arifureta isnt that boring and bad
Hey guys, I'm going to watch this anime to completion, and I'm going to have fun doing it. How does that make you feel?
Hi Steiner. I would be happy
This seems like a Xerox copy of other isekai anime. It's unoriginal and it's bland. The MC has so little personality that he can't even react to his own death. And the level of asspull conveniences he gets from the get-go is just laughable.
Why would you torture yourself like this?
This makes me miss Sword Art Online since Kirito is a great character compared to whatshisface-Gary Sue.
Hey Sup Forumsnons. I'm trying to remember an anime similar to this one that I sat through. It wasn't Isekai but it did have a similar fantasy rpg setting where the main dude was an alchemist I believe. It was based off an eroge VN because I remember seeing CGs of it.
When you say alchemist, I think of the atelier franchise but I don't remember.
At least Kirito can handle his own shit wheras cuckboi needs somebody to hold his hand through literally every arc
I found it after looking up eroge anime. Shukufuku no Campanella. I was wrong, the MC was an engineer, not an alchemist. He just looks like an atelier character to me so I was thinking that too.
Exactly this
Was this the one with the weird face?
I'm complaining because the show outright sucks, not because I expected it to be something else.
This show is total irredeemable horseshit. Literally all the worst parts of isekai.
If you actually enjoy this, kill yourself.
Sometimes I just enjoy eating shit
Going into this expecting exactly what it was, it was mildly entertaining. But don't expect anything more than pure, condensed, self insert Mary Sue garbage. This is your typical nice guy mary sue harem shit, without any pretence or shame. They are literally like "Here's godly power and a smartphone that will never die and let's close all possible loopholes in logic in a neat bow, now enjoy your self insert power fantasy you garbage eater."
its crossboarder scum shitposting on Sup Forums
In a Different World with a Smartphone, but Also I Have Legendary Powers and God Gives Me Handjobs