Serious question, why do you like this? Its a really average series

Serious question, why do you like this? Its a really average series

Why do you just assume that I like it?

Tell me one other series like it.

your mum

Because I relate to it so much.

I'd like more if Satou's reactions were portrayed in a less dumb, exaggerated and satirical way. It's very hard to relate to him, even as a neet, because of the way they decided to show him.


>10 years later
>Misaki is still not real

i don't like it, op. it was bad when it aired and it's still bad today.

>Its a really average series
I thought it was 10/10 except for the art (so 8/10).
NHK is a masterpiece though. No buts.

Everything about Hikki life in the late 00's/early 10's is depicted perfectly in it.
Things are changing nowadays though, anime is branching more and more to normies again.

Well, she is an introvert sperg, I'll give you that.
Not at all. Tomoko is a child concerned about high school popularity. This guy is post all that shit and is left with suicidal ideation and in an absolute rut.

>Hikki life depicted perfectly
>He leaves his home all the time

He only goes out to places nearby his house before meeting Yamazaki/Misaki

How could anyone not like the arc from op holy shit, your only friend friend getting you invested in an addictive and immersive game distracting you from the perils of your own existence and exposing you to fleeting romantic hopes only to reveal that HAHA IT WAS ME ALL ALONG LOVE IS A MYTH. Nefarious.


>literally scared to leave at the start

Also times have changed. You don't even need to leave now.

Its not bad, but the LN is better

Normalfag is slowly becoming synonymous.

I like normie in it's childishness.

>tfw waited for my own Misaki for 10 years
>tfw Misaki never came

the MC is insufferable, but sometimes it hits pretty hard. Any eps with misaki were great.

Because "depressed" young adults latch onto it because they can't express themselves in any way other than posting anime gifs/webms with quotes that they consider deep

sad post

/r9k/ faggots who use this place as their personal blog are the reason why we will never have a decent Welcome to the N.H.K thread.

The series is good.

Wouldn't make an interesting and dynamic storyline otherwise.

Why don't they make more anime like this? Its actually pretty refreshing even though most of the shit that happened in the show are cliched

I mean, both Tomoko and Satou are pretty bad when it comes to the relationships and have awful social skills but I can't think of anything else that they have in common and Watamote and NHK differ a lot. One is a story about an autistic teenager disliking herself and not being able to adapt to high school and the other one is about completely being shut down from world and not having any connection with anyone. Satou was afraid to leave his home, dropped out from college, didn't have a job, tried to kill himself and on the top of that fucking failed and was mentally ill, Tomoko is just angry and awkward. Watamote is pretty tame in comparison to NHK.

NHK captures manic depression and anxiety pretty well. The NEET aspects are exaggerated, true, but you need to consider that he spends months at home off screen.

how does someone become a 23-year-old neet and still believe in girls on the internet

i knew better than that by 16

>how does someone become a 23-year-old neet and still believe in girls on the internet

If you are in his shoe you will understand

Girls do exist on the internet, you just need to not be retarded to fall for a shemale. It's actually very easy to find desperate females in many places on the internet

You definitely don't like English grammar though.

>desperate females

Well most people don't want desperate UGLY females

>no misaki to fuck your shit up more than it already is

Many of them are more like average than ugly. Also, I bet MANY people on Sup Forums would be fine with low-tier females.

hell there's plenty who are desperate enough to settle for lower-tier males

Friendly reminder Misaki is an evil witch feeding off of your own misery.

I just want her company, and I'd probably find a way to make her miserable too considering my track record.

Satou is that guy coming home right after his graduation ceremony ande beyond salvation. And Tomoko's still working on not being that guy.

Reminder that if you're saying shit like this, you missed the entire point of the show.

People like Misaki don't exist in real life. People don't just appear to suddenly change your entire life for the better. You have to be willing to put in the effort yourself, to change your life for the better. Misaki didn't even really improve Satou's life how she expected to improve it, she just managed it by befriending him. And even them Yamazaki did more for him in that regard. Misaki probably could have ended up screwing up Satou's life for good by being a mentally ill suicidal arrogant idiot who thought she could save the lives of people "lower than her".

First ep nails its hikki depiction so hard that I cry every time I watch it.

Hikki life in the past wasn't the same as it is today.

Reminder that all these faggots who keep waiting for their own misaki will wait forever. If this show didn't open your eyes then you're punishing yourself for your dumbness by waiting forever.

Just to add to your post:
>Waiting for a woman to save you
Believe me when I say that this is a worse fate than dying alone.

It has a great soundtrack that it uses very liberally

Also because it's easy to relate to

I read it for the NTR.

>implying you arent as well

Are you shitting me? In what way? There's hardly anything like Welcome to the NHK

>Friendly reminder Misaki is an evil witch feeding off of your own misery.
Still better than nothing like I have right now.

Having a witch feed off my misery would mean that I have company and even get to feel like my life has some purpose.

It was pretty boring

>Needing someone to give you purpose
What are you, a woman? There's nothing more miserable than needing someone to give you purpose instead of finding purpose yourself.

>Sup Forums
>not loving pointless self-deprecation
Its literally just wank material for hikkineets.

Yeah, a little girl at heart.

On a serious note, you really shouldn't wait for a girl to give you purpose user, putting your happiness in the hands of someone else just causes misery.

Learn to be happy with yourself and the company of others won't be a necessity anymore.

t.old timer neet/hikki

no kidding

You can find purpose in needing someone to give you purpose.

Problem is that when you place your purpose into someone else, your happiness becomes completely dependent on that person, you are basically a hostage in the hands on someone else. And when your purpose is to find someone else to give you purpose, that's just wish-fulfillment of thinking that someone will magically solve your problems or give you a purpose in life, when trust me, a girlfriend creates more problems than it solves.

I am not waiting for anyone in 3DPD land to do that for me, I live for a couple of hobbies and my wish fulfillment fiction.

Anime was bad, read the novel.

Also, the person you depend on will also be done with your shit because you're so dependent. fucking loser

So I would end up back where I am now? At least I got some attention for a while.

Your life

Might as well kill yourself because you're just a parasite then

After you, my dear user

No, it's not.

I like it but it's fun because I am absolutely sure people would hate it nowadays. There are enough otaku shows with NEETs out there now, it's almost the standard, especially with isekai so otaku wouldn't latch onto this one anymore since it would hit too close home and most anime fags would probably call it pretentious. I am not even a big fan of it and I see the flaws of the series but I know it wouldn't get the appretiation it deserves if it aired today.

>NHK ni Youkoso! 685
People hated it when it aired too. Sold less than one fractale.

Didn't even know that. Kinda sad how popular certain series get on the internet and how few DVD/BD they actually sell. The money rather flows into pandering shows no matter how much people like to discuss the other series.

It wasn't hated, people just didn't like it enough to buy the BDs. I'm fairly sure the novels sold great.

Every human is a parasite in some way, shape or form.

I'd play their galge.

