dat ass
We Can't Study/Bokuben
I thought this was sensei but it turned out to be /chem/.
I'm disappointed.
>Rizu confirmed as autistic
not fat enough
Cute bum
Sup Forums is also /fa/ as fuck
>Memeing yourself into pretending to enjoy Nisekoi 2
He should get with /chem/, she's a bro.
>not enjoying both
That's a nice magic trick. How do I make my butt talk?
>still being tsundere about nisekoi
>Tanline just visible under hotpants.
>no sensei
For what purpose?
>teacher joining a high school slumber party
That's as out of place as Shinomiya, a grown ass adult, sleeping over with Souma and friends like in all the promotional art. What's he doing hanging out with kids a generation after him anyways? Doesn't he have you know, a job?
Looks like a delicious /chem/ ch.
i want to do tongue play while /lit/ sleep
Would /chem/ be into anal?