Why this is allowed?

Why this is allowed?

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Why shouldn't it be?

You want to castrate little boys? Or put beautiful women under a black sheet and forbid them to meet any male without supervision?

You're the pervert here.

because /ss/ is the purest form of love

Fact: big breasted onee-sans are MADE for little boys

Fact: big breasted onee-sans are too much for little boys

This is the ideal female bod. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

>Not wanting Onee-sans to take care of shotas

OP is a faggot

Shotas are for Onii-chan, not Onee-san

But he is scared...

That's not fear. He isn't running. And he is always following her.

New experiences can be scary, but people learn to enjoy them. Its like riding a rollercoaster

He's learning about his sexual desires.
Which could best be taught by Onii-chan who could massage his prostate and awaken him to the male g-spot.

>Shotas are for Onii-chan, not Onee-san
Why not both, senpai?
shotas are for everyone (including cakes, lolis, and faceless old men)

It isn't I reported it to the SPLC

why is it that /ss/ shit always ends up attracting gay shit. i don't want people to start putting fingers up my ass and dressing me up in stockings, fuck. If i had a nice soft older lady to play around with, I wouldn't want her head going near my ass, or me to be wearing a skirt. I want use to both be naked, preferably with my head under her ass

Fuck off and die, fujoshits. You're not welcome here.

Crossing-dressing is extremely rare and probably takes place in less than .1% of /ss/ hentai. Prostate fingering is less rare, though not exactly common in /ss/, but I'd hardly call it gay shit. It's not the same as pegging.

>18 years later
Whatever you say Kloah

I wish that was me on the right.


Why she dye her hair that way?

she's Quetzacoatl, the feathered rainbow serpent

The Japs apparently like pedophilia

>"Fuck off and die, fujoshits"
>Fujoshits gave us this gem
It's you who should fuck off

Or they were abused as children (doesn't have to be sexually, might be the insane pressure to perform and not shame their family) and drawing/reading /ss/ manga is cathartic to them.

On with older woman x younger boy these days.

Fucking trash.

Because it's illegal, regardless of gender.

whats illegal about a harmless cartoon?

Roughly speaking, 100% of little boys fantasize about having sex with older women. /ss/ is just about recapturing that feeling.

Shota are for gay times

I notice whenever Sup Forums has an /ss/ thread (which is relatively often), there's always this one fujo or gayfag who thinks

>A shota thread? Oh boy, I can't wait to post all my favorite uke/seme faggot stuff.
I think he's been banned before, but probably keeps invading.

There's probably more than one. Just give me a good shota thread dammit.
Self inserting as the female in /ss/ only goes so far

no translations

like always

/ss/ is a fetish for literal cucks. I mean do you want to see little boys take hot women from you?
I'd rather see those ara ara cakes being ravaged by bbc.

Sup Forums sure is shotacons these days.

It should always be legal for 6/10 or better girls to molest any age of boy.


Shota is the thinking mans fetish.

It's borderline legal as it is.

meanwhile the other way around is demonized

Welcome to reality.
Boys are different from girls.

Everyone knows you really meant to ask, "Why isn't there more?"

Because we all wish we could be shouta

basically this is why (social standards)

KyoAni in a nutshell.


This is hotter when you realize that at least 4 of those queens are gender swapped

I wish I was the shota.

I agree with you OP. Cowtits should be illegal.

cant you think about all the children watching?

>Liking any sort of shota
You are no better than them, faggot.

Isn't it pretty much legal, considering they never get in trouble?

no man reports women abuses

adult Shouta is going to be a powerful wizard married with a deity

> abuses
But if she's a cow you're still fucked.

they wanted to be biggirl after all


cow tits disgust me but

the ass

right here

Where can I read the raws? Google is not being very helpful.

This needs a translation fast