The New Google? Or I'm late?

Am I late to the party guys?

>Friend says : Google american inventors
>I do that and all i see Niggers.
>Friend says : Google white couple
>I do that and all i see Niggers and Whites
>Friend says : Google white woman white child
>I do that and all i see is Niggers with whites...

Other urls found in this thread:

Are you ready to learn about the kikes?

I'm informed about the kikes already.
But i didn't think they pushed this propaganda so far.....

Late. It's down to how googles algorithm works and uses popular searches to influence yours. "american inventor" is less searched than "african american inventor" so they raise those results to the top. Search "american inventor -african". I'd assume the other results could be culled similarly.

Google: white woman and baby.

Use qwant

Stop using Google.

There is a good alternative for every google app out there.

They are using your pornhub history to influence your search results.

I don't use pornhub to fap.. There are better alternatives out there.

Yeah, I noticed that. It was brought to my attention by an Asian woman of all people.

This is pretty much what she looked like.


(((Move))) along town rapist

A slight improvement, but doesn't help much.

old shit it's just the Jews jewing

It supposedly has something to do with Google's algorithm. Searching phrases such as "white inventor" and the like are deemed racist according to the algorithm, thus they appear later in search results. If you use Yandex (which is a Russian search engine) you get similar results because Yandex, along with most other popular search engines, also use Google for their search results.

But what else does the google algorithm conceals?




Bottom Left

28 negroes, 22 people who invented something important... let's actually fact check jewgle here... Janet Emerson Bashen invented a software program... so software development makes you a great inventor... Ben Montgomery... made a propeller for shallow water boats... my god the innovation- he was not even the original inventor. Did he improve it? yeah, sure- but at the end of the day he did not invent it. He was a mechanic. Next let's look at Marie Van Brittan Brown... inventor of the home security system. Ok, this is legitimate. She's on here, but lets ask why Augustus Russell Pope isn't- he invented the burglar alarm in 1853. It's clearly biased. While there are some black folk who actually did make something worth noting, it seems like they want to play the stretch game here. "Inventor" apparently applies to anyone in any field. The definition is so liberal you could almost say John Carmack invented Doom. I use John as an example because the negro software developer was listed as inventing her platform on Wikipedia, whereas John, who developed the engine used to create the original Doom lists his creations as such "Carmack has pioneered or popularized the use of many techniques in computer graphics, including "adaptive tile refresh" for Commander Keen, raycasting for Hovertank 3-D, Catacomb 3-D, and Wolfenstein 3-D, binary space partitioning which Doom became the first game to use, surface caching which he invented for Quake, Carmack's Reverse (formally known as z-fail stencil shadows) which he devised for Doom 3, and MegaTexture technology, first used in Enemy Territory: Quake Wars." No mention of inventor anywhere in there. Developed, improved, and created. But if a black man does it he invented all that shit. Makes no sense. Clear bias, and I'm sure you could find more in a lot of these inventors...

mandela effect

google was inveted by steeve jobs in my universe

the software negro was janet emerson bashen to clarify

Yea but have you googled top inventors of all time and clicked on the first link? Google algos missed this one.

>Not using

Wut :/

I think this also has a huge influence on the algorithms

When Sup Forums and Sup Forums found out about the whole black washing of google, this picture popped up

Software Negro AKA Niggerloper?

see wite boi George Washington wuz black and lived to be over 300 year old

DuckDuck gives you the same search.. they just don't send the information to the Google Jews but give it to the other jews..

Fuck if I know. It's important to use alternatives, even though those alternatives are basically just copies of google. I use DuckDuckGo sometimes. I use Yandex email all the time and Russia has a rising competitor to Youtube, though it has not made the effort to roll out to other parts of the world yet.

The guy who got fired from Google for being a White male with a dissenting opinion--James Damore I think is his name--spoke in an interview about how Google search works. He had claimed in that interview that he doesn't think anybody understands how it works and that it has a mind of its own.

I think it's this interview:
Don't take my word for it, though. I haven't seen the video for months and could be completely mixed up.

use, if you're a tinfoil hat guy, go to Sup Forums, they have guides on how to de-google everything


Haven't these fucking hipsters heard of laser correction eye surgery? Fuck wearing glasses if you don't have to.

I see my feminazi waifu

What the fuck?


So you've discovered the Google game. Now have fun and search for American History. Other than a few pics of George Washington and some flags, all you're going to see is blacks, native Americans, and white men with Swastika tattoos. Run that now and reply to this with a picture of what you find.

I guarantee you some of those glasses don't even have lenses.

Google is a kid brainwashing tool. These search results are skewed for kids doing research for a school assignment. Who else researches for inventors?

On another note, search every despicable term you can think of, the results won't surprise you.

>Ugly man
>Crazy man
>Serial killer
>Drunk man
>Poor man
>Fat man
>Disgusting man
>Man robber
>Dishonest man
>Criminal man

... you get the idea.

Google has not gone far enough to keep us away from gems like pic related.


startpage uses the same Google results, the only difference here is that it doesnt send your info to the jews unlike other sites do

Its because google works based on the words you type not the way you type. White couple couple white are the same on google. What youve done is looked up couples and the word white on the same page. Thats going to show things involving race relations because normal people dont think about race all the damn time. That being said. If you type in “cute couple” its all whites with whites. Even the gross fag couple was white with white. So fucking figure out how to google man. Likewise “american inventors” wont show you american inventors, it will shows you pages with the words “American” and “inventors” so you get pages with African AMERICANS because normalw white americans arent called anything. Thomas edison isnt presented as a white american inventor. Instead hes just thomas edison.

Its true, google family and then good american family. Mariage and then american mariage.


What's a search engine that isn't Jewish subversion

I have a dream, that KFC will be free for each nigger in the country.

Even a white German painter is rendered yellow brown pajeet by doodle

This breaks my heart. I loved in japan and they care more for us than we do.

You missed a great opportunity to call it "Cuck Cuck Go"

why does she

look like her?

Just look how disappointed they are.... Its really sad.

There ya' go. Disgusting, isn't it?

search for white inventors, its even funnier

You can say they are Argentina White......

Are these South Koreans?

Graham Bell isn't even really an American inventor. He was Scottish born and grew up in Canada.

If you search Canadian inventor you just get some Wigger with a basketball.

Yep. Not really a fan of any Korea. I'm more of a Japan guy.

First, OP, FPBP. Second, it used to be that you could change your country code for these search results, and get a ton of different results. Now? The search results have been normalized.

Here's the real kicker:
When switching to duckduckgo or startpage, you suddenly realize their results are based almost entirely on google prefetches. Bing is the only one that lists Thomas Edison and Ben Franklin on the top list, but it's still riddled with "mixed" results.

do you have a town rapist?

They do this every year during black history month. They still do this shit year-round but it is alwaysbad during February.

Its a Meme.

Meant to

He invented basketball

this shit was what finally convinced me to change to duckduckgo as my default search engine.

Now I just use jewgle for the maps.

you know you're going to hear about it in every thread you post. it could be worse; your flag could be turkey

Yeah but duckduck uses the same results from google... you are just going around but the road is the same.

its more about not giving them metric data out of spite. viewing jewgle results from a proxy is better than just using jewgle since duckduckgo offers it in a convenient way

It was a lame joke.

Its fine i'm not really proud of my country. And memes and jokes always offend someone that's why they are funny.
I heard here on Sup Forums that duckduck sells ur data to someone else.

remember the 7 year old girl that was raped by a "refugee" in a park just out of sight near her mother? google that one --- fucked if i can find it anymore

I think I need to take a step back from pol and rethink where I spend my time. It's almost impossible to justify sparring intellectually with a bunch of honorary nigger-kin who chimp out over fucking computer algorithms. NOBODY TAGS PICTURES OF WHITE PEOPLE WITH ADJECTIVES LIKE 'WHITE' OR 'AMERICAN' YOU STUPID FUCKING NIGGERS. Quit getting triggered over pointless fucking shit.

Lucky americans to have so many blacks who can invent things

Says the cuck.


Nikola tesla was a serb who lived in america

Your retorts are childish my friend i think you should go back to your (((designated shitting street)))

Seems like you are putting Jew and Jew together.

Do you honestly believe that? That "african american inventor" is more popular than "american inventor"?
Such fucking shit


this is a skit from an improv show so who cares?

How can i tell you that you are a hypocrite? oh wait i did. Now put your brain in motion and think why i said that you are a hypocrite.