H. P. Lovecraft was not bas-

Tell me an why isn't he /ourwriter/

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In the strangest eons, even death may die

'' in the strangest eons, even the jew pays taxes'' - HP lovecraft

lovecraft was pol before pol existed.
>anti-race mixing
>stories about civilizations falling into degeneracy and decline
>stories about race-mixing and inbreeding destroying once refined and distinguished people
>stories distinguish between civilized western people and barbarian/savage peoples/myths/cultures
>architecture fetish
>wrote tons of letters about things, shitposting before the internet
>almost killed himself because he hated welsh and found he was part welsh

He married a Jewess


He was shy, intoverted and a virgin ... until a point where he met a woman, he laid the cornerstone for Sup Forums

She was russian, ukranian or something else, but she was slavic

He has a very narrow definition of whiteness, which basically only covered Anglos.


I love me some Lovecraft.

He actually named his cat "Nigger Man".

>H. P. Lovecraft
H. P. Lovecraft was an devil worshipper

"When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger."

what was his cat's name again, Sup Forums?


They call him Dark Child

The original "whites" were WASPs white anglo saxon protestants. Everyone else was a foreigner. During the late 19th century a WASP bitch on a boat on the Rhine told a bunch of germans THEY were the forigners. What constitutes "white" has changed radically since the Victorian era.

absolutely /ourpoet/

Italians used to be lynched as niggers in the American south.

He knew about (((antarctica)))

He basically created the Antarctica meme

lol, you saw that too?

Everybody saw it, everybody shamed


But he is
Always was, always will be

married a kyke tho, still hes my favorite author

This is unironically better than anything Emily Dickinson ever wrote.

He's pretty good but his dislike of dogs is a black mark

I have a feeling that at a subconscious level the average longterm Sup Forums user gets a thing for long noses.

You guys want a mega redpill story, you should read The Street.

It's a story about a small town that gradually takes in more immigrants over the centuries until it loses all of its cultural identity.
And the only way they are stopped is by the street and the houses themselves collapsing on top of them and killing them all.

(((Critics))) consider it to be one of the worst things he ever wrote but it's actually one of the best.


>not Horror at Red Hook

Ya a nazi conservative schizo shut in

Thats pol alrighy

Are you telling me that the Lovecraftian horror monsters and creatures were literally him spouting “El Goblino” and “La Creatura” memes? Lmao

A wasp called a german a foreigner once
Must mean this was universal
It was in a book
Must be true

He knew about them and that they have contact to such beings


He penned many hilariously racist passages. This is one of my favorites from one of his letters:
>In the matter of politics—I don’t go much with the younger crowd. I’m more interested in keeping the present 300-year-old culture-germ in America unharmed, than in trying out any experiments in “social justice”. [Al] Smith, to my mind, is a direct exponent of the newer-immigration element—the decadent & unassimilable hordes from Southern Europe & the East whose presence in large numbers is a direct & profound menace to the continued growth of the Nordic-American nation we know. Some people may like the idea of a mongrel America like the late Roman Empire, but I for one prefer to die in the same America that I was born in. Therefore, I’m against any candidate who talks of letting down the bars to stunted brachycephalic South-Italians & rat-faced half-Mongoloid Russian & Polish Jews, & all that cursed scum! You in the Middle West can’t conceive of the extent of the menace. You ought to see a typical Eastern city crowd—swart, aberrant physiognomies, & gestures & jabbering born of alien instincts.

Nope she was Jewish

>Some of Greene's biographical details are unclear – she was born as either Sonia Haft Shafirkin or as Sonia Shaferkin Haft, in either Ichnia, Ukraine, Russian Empire or Konotop, Chernigov Province, to Simyon and Racille (Haft) Shafirkin. It is known that she did come from a Jewish family.[1]


it's like I'm reading a pol post.

truly /ourguy/