So I went to Tokyo to do a diversity report

So I went to Tokyo to do a diversity report.

As a major global metropolis, I expected a high level of diversity. Here are the facts after having spent an entire day each in Shinjuku and Shibuya districts, the most international and central parts of Tokyo.

>90~95% Japanese or East asian
>5~10% white tourists, niggers, paki/indians, SE asians
>interracial couples: very few, most common asian and white, 2 or 3 indian and asian, absolutely 0 black and asian.

>State of Japan 2018: Decisively uncucked

In other news; Water, wet.

>2-3 indian and asian
>5-10% non-Japs

Take data from 10 years ago, place an exponential line covering today and yesterday, see what Japan will be like in 20 years. Weep

Indian looking people are the most common visible minorities in Japan after whites. I’ve seen dozens of them, vast majority alone. Japanese girls clearly dislike them.

Things... will change

>90~95% Japanese or East asian
That sounds incredibly diverse.
[spoiler]Diversity means anti white[/spoiler]

What happened to white people lol?
There’s not a single wealthy white capital that’s not veering towards white minority.

Book I found in a 7/11

You can probably cherry-pick a few outliers but yea you're right. Switzerland maybe? Iceland. That's about it.

Now go to Roppongi

~10% white tourists, niggers, paki/indians, SE asians
>>interracial couples: very few, most common asian and white, 2 or 3 indian and asian

Still too much. Fight this now or this will become a problem very soon.

Fucking racists. We shall send refugees to nipland

So more niggers and foreign tourists?
I still don't think that breaks the conclusion in OP.

This is a good thing you fucking retard

Eveybody dislikes indians. They smell.

Hitler's conspiracy legend

What is it about? Lol

post your hands ty


He wants to see you faggy hands

rumors without certain proof.
it's same level with tabloid newspapers.
normal people ignore it.

That sounds pretty gay, bro.

Oh I see

nips are based. just have to watch out for the nukes and earthquakes.

Holy shit how stupid are you?

don't be a faggot, just answer the god damn question

because please senpai

>What happened to white people

>tfw no bobs and vegene

how exactly?

Do the Japs like Slavs anyway, In general of course

I hope you stay forever homogenous Japan. Indians are disgusting. Don't let the niggers, jews, christfags, shitskins sandniggers and israelites in. Make no comprimise with white leftists, we hate them too.


I agree christians are one of the biggest threat to Japan. Their missionary tactics and jewish subversion if left ignored can be disastrous. There is still another problem that people don't like to talk about. Japanese liberals...

Why are they so comfortable leaving places like China, Japan, and South Korea alone as they assrape the rest of us to death? Do they really think these countries are going to roll over and spread their asscheeks for multiculturalism after witnessing in detail what it causes in other places? Are they really not worried that Japan in particular might be smart enough to create self-replicating nanobots that will pepper the entire planet with an invisible smart dust mesh net equipped with audio and video surveillance technology and lethal poison payloads to instantly spy on any coordinates on earth and kill anyone who opposes Nippon Kaigi's planetary dominion?

Your country is excellent, but you guys need to improve your birth rate.
Just imagine in the future if a cuck PM gets in and says "we need immigration to counter the declining population"


Sotty but that does not answer my concernes, Abe is not staying in power forever you know...

The Nippon Kaigi cabal will never allow a cuck PM. Their goal is to restore the empire by any means necessary. If they fail they will kamikaze the whole planet with a nip equivalent of the Samson option.

>that anti/fascist poster

Thought the same lul

t. christcuck

Forgot to bow down to mama Merkel today?

I went in september and you're right. the only niggers I saw were some ugandans outside the strip clubs and golden gai. and the japs are redpilled as fuck. I had a conversation with this japanese guy at a bar about how niggers are shitty and kikes and subversive parasites.