Trump revealed as a balding mega cuck and made fun of all over the internet
how will the /ptg/ reddit-lite drumpftards ever recover?
20 sec vid for context
Seth Meyers
Jimmy Kimmel
Trump revealed as a balding mega cuck and made fun of all over the internet
how will the /ptg/ reddit-lite drumpftards ever recover?
20 sec vid for context
Seth Meyers
Jimmy Kimmel
Other urls found in this thread:
>I know how to make fun of Trump, lets insult him for the same thing that the majority of men deal with at some point in their lives! that'll make people come to our sides
>i dead broke loser with 80k in student loan debt at the age of 24 but at least i have 70% of my hair!
t.avg liberal
I know joking about Trump's hair didn't stop him from winning the election, but let's try again in february 2018 to stop him from.. something.
I like Trumps hair.
He looks like a man in his 50s.
He is married to Melanie.
Melania but you know what I mean
71 year old mans hair is thinning/balding. More news at 11.
he is 71 yrs old and kicking their collective asses... and this is all they have? kimmel must be getting daily estrogen replacement hormone shots.
>Don't judge people!!!
>made fun of all over the internet
by people who won't live to 71
I thought this was a channel mocking leftists but this is the actual description of the video.
he has had hairs transplanet from the back of the head to the top of the head using a strip harvesting method.
>wanting to win over soyboys who worship a crypto-zionist kike lover
there's no hope for /ptg/ reddit-liters, i'm just here to remind them they are in love with a narcissist and watch them chimp out over 3rd grade insults
>be 71
>hair is balding naturally at that age
Hey if he can hide it well then what the problem? Even if he does go full bald, that won;t effect his power
Why are you bodyshaming, bigot?
Sorry for triggering you by reminding you of your impending baldness, here's a guide on how to 2 disguise yourself so no one sees you for the soyboy you really are
Shut up you autistic faggot. It sounds like you're projecting there? hair receding eh?
Why are you mad, trumpcuck?
kek what a bald cuck
as soon as it does i'll shave it off because i'm not a preening sissy
Only americans have their hair receding.
I don't have any problems so far (27).
Eat a dick beaver fucker
>be over 70
>have thinning/balding hair
>also be POTUS
Drumpf BTFO. Recovery at this point simply isn't possible
Woah, I wish I voted for Hillary now. Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.
Lmao why is this news kys
All leftists are capable of doing is making me hate them more and more with each passing day.
you meds are a notoriously hairy bunch
>Only americans have their hair receding.
the only relevant person to come out of italy since the fall of rome was bald
Wait so he's balding on the back of his head, but not the top or front? Like, we've seen his hairline on the front of his head and we saw that talk show host pull the top of his hair during the campaign. How do you go bald on the back but not anywhere else?
I laugh at cancer patients too. All bald faggots are cucks!
I dont consume soy, sorry faggot.
>be 71
>have receding hair
whoa guys...
>Jimmy Kimmel
>Seth Meyers
They would insult him anyway
No matter how petty they would find something to make """jokes"""" on
ITT: Retarded underage faggots learn things
>A comb over or combover is a hairstyle worn by bald or balding men in which the hair is grown long and combed over the bald area to minimize the appearance of baldness.
This just in, balding man well into his sixties loses hair! More braindead degenarate autistic news 11.
>Seth Meyers
>jimmy kimmel
Is this where leftys get their talking points? From two faggots backed by billion dollar media corporations. For being anti corporation and anti capitalism, you leftys sure do eat their shit up more than anybody.
It’s a pure marketing image for him now, these jokes have existed for years. Personally I would like to see him embrace his oldness and shave it all off, but only once the evidence of all the corruption is exposed. The shaving of his head should be a symbol of cleansing to the American people.
be nice, they got the current cheekiest politician
Leafs never fail at being the biggest faggots that lurk on this board. I mean just look at your faggot leader. Tells you everything you need to know about the leaf mindset.
Has to be the worst cgi since the last jedi. But not to worry the liberals are dumb enough to believe anything, especially communism.
how's this a divisive issue
I love Trump but I can still laugh at him when his hair gets BTFO by the wind. He should either shave or get a transplant, this is just Sad! tbhdesu
Fucking disgusting old man
>70 old man is bald
Psst...we don't care. My dad is bald and so is my baby.
Cheap and easy way to stop and reverse balding:
>juice onion
>put onion juice on hair
>shower it off
Your sweat glands will pick up the scent and you will smell like shit, but it works (look it up yourself if you don't believe me)
Kümmel and Seth both wear toupees. Their hairlines are both unnatural.
Look at how jimmy always swooshes it over his forehead, sometimes on his show you can see where the fake hair begins.
Seth has a very advanced baldness. You can't have no temple hair and then thick hair on top. His hair is so fake looking it's just pitiful. Shave your head you dumb jew.
Also, look at letterman's fucking ridiculous wig. It's so awful most don't even suspect it. But there are pictures of him jogging completely bald after he retired, now he has that Netflix show and magically his hair is back. Hmmmm ok.
Remember when Colbert had that bet and he lost so he had to shave his head? He really did this to coincide with his hair transplant surgery, stupid goy!!!
I always wondered what kind of hair gel did they use that managed to hold it glued to the top of your head.
If its so normal why can't he accept it?
he had a hair transplant, that's how you look when it's done. they basically stapled hair to the sides of his head where it would take, but was likely almost completely bald before he had that done
would actually be glorious if he did what this kangaroo said
That's around the time he beat and raped his wife
If wrinkles are normal then why people are using wrinkle creams?
They're talking about Trump's hair,meanwhile real news is going unreported
>also balding
italyfags confirmed least hairy mediterraneans
how can spaghetto niggers even compete?
Remember that time Obama walked around on his plane with this little 4 inch stiffy and stuck it into a female staffers face as a joke?
fragile ego, vanity. that's like comparing moisturizer to a face lift though.
What an interesting trumpfag blog post
>leftists body shaming
Hypocrites much?
No one cares
Yet here you are sniveling about someone else’s hair. You are the very definition of a gossipy bitch. Go home and kill your children before someone releases another shareblue employee list and decides that they would make wonderful fuck toys.
if you're into body acceptance, you understand trump needs to accept he is bald and love himself for who he is.
He has a lot of hair for a bald man.
Do you know what wind is?
>all those bumblasted trumpbabies
Lol, keep worshipping this cuck
Gg, fags
it's okay if it's male and white
>thread full of people doing as i predicted and defending their god emperor over petty criticism
>no one cares
pick one you delusional cuck
a fucking leaf is the only one in this attitude who actually has the right attitude This whole thread has proved my point that Sup Forums is overrun with reddit-lite and can't handle any bantz at the man they circle jerked themselves into worshiping
More interesting than an old guys bald spot. BREAKING NEWS Trump has hemorrhoids.. Colbert does a 20 min skit
Looks like white hair, dyed darker on top. He just needs to touch up the roots.
I am not into body acceptance, but I am into shaming hypocrites for their hypocrisy.
He has a thin, overgrown tonsure that he can sculpt into a helmet. Even that is probably thanks to implants.
missing most important step: spray liberally with military grade hair spray lacquer until rigid
imagine that poor bastard's ritual every fucking day: an hour of spray tan and hair spray and eye highlighter, no wonder he has dementia after decades of inhaling that shit every day
Does he deny the hemorrhoids and wear a false butthole to conceal it?
Trump isn't dealing with it though. He's trying to evade reality. Go bald with dignity you fat fuck
He should have shaved it long ago. It's childish as hell to give this much of a fuck about it though, the guy's an old man.
>all of trump's detractors are the same person
>body acceptance is about accepting weird ways to hide your body
Or perhaps your shitty slide thread isn't very funny. Also blatant shilling for kimmel is disgusting.
His medication has serious side effects. A president is taking medication that could be dangerous because he wants hair lol
It's the fact that he can't accept he's bald and is going to such extreme and ridiculous lengths to hide it that is just so funny
>Go bald with dignity you fat fuck
He's the president, he tells you how to live.
T_D cucks who get triggered because somebody calls their jew master a fat bald cuck should leave Sup Forums kek
I somehow doubt that was your motto before 2017
It's never been my moto
Ah so you believe in this modern imperial presidency thing. Weird
>le 56% hairline
What do you think screaming that trump is bald and fat on a chinese image sharing forum is doing? You call him pathetic and yet you are making fun of the actual president of the entire world basically for having a bald spot. Get some perspective
That IS how 71 year olds go bald with dignity you fat fuck. OK you say he should just shave it off but he likes having hair and you could say its an iconic haircut who Trump is loved for.
People should be able to laugh at him but its cruel to do some of the things these late night host did. If it was another man people would be ashamed of themselves.
Sometimes you have to remind yourself he's still 71 and a grandfather, he's strong in some ways but old man frailty can't be ignored.
Just like trannies should accept their bodies, amen.
Maybe it's such a good fake no one has noticed? Maybe his hair is a distraction from the fake butthole?
Riddle me this guys: Is it better to be going bald in your twenties or have a shitload of salt and pepper gray hair but a full head?
Now that would be a better angle to cover than durp drumps bald....
the unpopular president of the entire world
He was voted in by the majority
Why doesn't the billionaire just buy a toupee?
gray hair. you can dye it if you care about the colour
grey hair can at least be thought of as cool, balding not so much
I would trade balding for greying
I used to be a Trump supporter but he's pretty much done now. He can't recover from this.
>75 year old man is balding
Holy fuck someone stop the presses
I think grey hair is too fragile that it can't handle any colours....
You're defending a man who goes to extreme and painful lengths to try to pretend he still has hair just because he is too insecure, vain and narcissistic to admit that he is bald. YOU get some perspective