Why would a gay man get intestine parasites so much?
Why would a gay man get intestine parasites so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw gay
>tfw in a monogamous relationship
>tfw rim and fuck each's other butts every night
>tfw no STDs ever
I fucking love my bf
Weaponized parasites when?
>Sticking your tongue up a blokes arse is a bad idea
Do people really need to be told this?
I came here to post exactly this. Don't be a turboslut and there's nothing to worry about.
It is almost as if you were suffering from your unhealthy lifestyle choices.
Also rimming is a highly intimate thing. I'd never do it with an hookup. Also I'd totally wear rubber even for blowjobs
Med student reporting in. Very awkward to discuss parasites on certain viruses given their modes of transmission.
Hard for professor to say what they mean.
*parasites and certain viruses I beg your pardon
Hope you faggots get aids
Die, virgin.
>Hard for professor to say what they mean.
Not much of a doctor then.
People ARE animals and do a lot of weird fucked up shit. A Medical doctor needs to learn to deal with it. Rimming is far from uncommon.
the only cure is your death
>i don't like other dudes assholes
>that makes me a virgin
wew, can't wait for the silent majority to rise up against you freak faggots
Me Too
What happens when he casually fucks some cute twins you both know mutually out at the bar one night and brings home sypholis
Die, virgin. No one wants you. Just die
Oh god, does this fuck just eat ass in any condition? My gf uses a little enema bulb and furiously scrubs herself before I eat her ass
Take it out on the family member that molested you as a child fag
Kill yourself fag. Not like you even need to be told to anyway.
>no one wants you
Nice projection faggot
>"haha guys im totally wanted by society and not a virgin because i had sex with another man as a male"
the fucking absolute state of (you), kys
Sure. That happens.
No one wants you fucking vile faggots on this land either, you gross fucking mistakes, fucking kill yourself queer.
>how do you turn a fruit into a vegetable? Curb stomp them :^)
Gtfo soyboy freak
>Hard for professor to say what they mean.
the word is analingus
>le silent majority will rise up against da scary homosexuals
Lmao and who the fuck will that be? People like you who post on Sup Forums? You're a fucking retard. Homosexuality is only a problem for insecure retards like yourself. Nobody else fucking cares because being gay is objectively fine. Suck a dick already or just kys
It does.
t. semi-faggot
Jesus, better ask Achmed what might've caused my recent belly ache
Did he get the parasites from rimming, or being rimmed?
Totally asking for a friend, of course
>being gay is objectively fine
fucking dudes in the ass and choosing willfully not to procreate is objectively fine now? Most people are pressured in to benig ok with this stuff because it's sugar coated; the media treats every fag story like some romeo and juliet love story or makes the fag out to be girls best friend but the truth is they're immoral fuckheads and deep down tons of people know it. Keep pushing us gayboy, you won't like the outcome
Thanks for making my point, faggot.
Gays are loaded with diseases and parasites that the general pop doesn't have. Doctors suspect that their sexual activities and wanton drug use severely weaken their immune systems. There are even theories that AIDs is caused more by a overloaded immune system rather than a single virus.
"Bu...but goy! You must be insecure if you do like homosexuality"
How about the fact its because we actually don't like how fucking disgusting the act of shoving your mating stick up someones shitter full of bacteria and parasites isnt normal?
Or maybe its because faggots spread their mental illness like cancer and homosexuals are some of the most unpleasent, obnoxious and toxic people to live and work with, resorting to gossiping and generally acting like 12 year old girls in the workplace. Worse yet, faggots will call you homophobic for calling out their little gossiping behaviour
What point? I've only ever been in monogamous relationships.
Fucking kek, West is third world shithole.
Even Russia in 90s has no parasite problem.
Because they eat da poo poo
>eat shit
>wonder why you get sick
If every single person what had rimmed, been rimmed, or ever considered or fantasized about rimming or being rimmed died suddenly and horribly, that would be okay with me. The world would be a much better place.
y do u eat da poo poo??
Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Not AID's or AIDs.
Sounds like the typical Sup Forumstard
you've never seen a woman that youd want to stick your nose in her vagina and your lips in her anus? and circular breathe?
>Why would a gay man get intestine parasites so much?
3rd worlders have parasites, america has slid all the way back to 3rd world status
all I give a fuck about is that it AIDS in killing faggots
It is laughable rimming is actually being normalised.
Who in the ever loving hell wants to lick the place where literal shit comes out from
Definitely not. I am mentally healthy and have purged all traces of Jewish indoctrination from myself. Therefore, I find feces revolting and buttholes unattractive.
My problem is with the act of faggotry. My problem is that 95% of faggots want to destroy every instutition because it isnt fag enabling enough.
That's fine. And I agree. but people who write Aids, AIDs, or AID's come off as complete retards. Just trying to help that leaf not come off as a retard in the future
This. God's wrath is potent
>where literal shit comes out from
Not today
>It is almost as if you were suffering from your unhealthy lifestyle choices.
>This. God's wrath is potent
You're both retarded
You can only get a parasite from someone who has parasites
1st world people don't have parasites
have you actually had sex with a women then?
>all these bona fide prudes
At least give rimming a shot; it feels great for both parties. You don't have to be queer to enjoy it.
>it feels great for both parties
not everyone enjoys the taste of asshole you degenerate faggot
Dirty Harry was such a great movie
Ewww... That is fucked up. And even after all that they just keep on going. Mmmm, man ass...
Fags eat shit and die in agony with a belly full of tapeworms. What a happy ending!
>1st world people don't have parasites
It seems you're the retarded one then. Plenty of 1st world people have parasites without even knowing. A lot like AIDS actually. Doesn't change the fact that eating anus is not only faggotry but bad for your health.
Evidence of karmic justice
Oh please, a stomach parasite is just about the least-scary STD of them all.
You have diarrhea or stomach pains or w/e, you go to a doctor, and you take one fucking pill. Boom, cured. At the end of it all you're probably down 5 or 10 pounds to boot.
there is still jewish indoctrination inside you brother, for you don't find buttholes as equally revolting as crap
get off your high horse. and also 1488 gas the kikes race war now
Damn that would be really hot instead of a vagina it was a juicy cock
I'm bi. Have never once considered licking a guys asshole. Have never even considered licking a girls asshole.
Rimming is the most degenerate thing in modern times and its ridiculous how widespread it is.
>most degenerate thing
>is bisexual
kys faggot
Divine retribution.
Fags will enjoy their diseases on earth before they go to hell.
Bisexuality is high IQ.
Stay mad.
you probably shouldn't be calling things "degenerate" when you fuck guys assholes
wow I guess I am a gay
It's almost funny if it wasn't so sad
>Pissed off American, Hitler and Stalin all want to genocide gays.
>fag defending fags
Nothing to see here, folks
Watched it recently it was so good indeed. I like how they went for a stylistic buckle (?) and how it was kinda about putting a Wild West Sherrif guy in the new world of police and politics. 10/10
>Eat Shit, Get Sick!
>Good Night Fag Blight!
>Antifagshitse Aktion!
kek this probably happened to
>high iq
sure mutt
>Fags are literal shit-eaters
>It seems you're the retarded one then. Plenty of 1st world people have parasites without even knowing.
You're literally full retard, >90% of parasite carriers in europe are non-white recent arrivals
Enjoy your Aids
If you find them equally revolting then you have overcompensated. It is possible for a butthole to be clean, while it is not possible for feces to be clean. Also, the butthole has good and desirable properties since it's actually that which expels waste, performing a vital function. It's just degenerate as fuck to sexualize it.
Had a French gf that would get wet like a bitch in heat after getting rimmed, only did so after taking a shower together and properly clean her
Its gods punishment for being a sexual devieant.
If that is not a satisfactory answer for you, its because your eating shit you dumb ass.
>be heterosexual
>'eat ass'
>constant influence of nigger culture
>gays are 'worse'
>most women dont even clean their pooper because why would you put anything there?
>itt Sup Forums pretends only gay people can be filthy sluts
>meanwhile they jump at the bit to dehumanize any woman who gives them a second of their time
>woman who have no problems fucking 100+ guys before you and not saying anything about it
So let's run through why you hate gay people so much.
>running the wide brush of degenerate against an entire group of people not so dissimilar from yourselves
>"muh sodomy sex is sacred" says the pathetic faggot who jerks off daily with a death grip
Or my favorite
>we just make you uncomfortable because you're probably also gay and don't want to admit you were wrong.
Kill yourselves, humans have been gay since before the Romans and nobody had any problems until your shitty Abrahamic religions went full retard to keep sand people in order.
you're full of AIDS Russia, shit the fuck up
It's GRIDS, actually.
Gays are literally disgusting