Why are whites the only people capable of creativity and the production of wealth?
Why are whites the only people capable of creativity and the production of wealth?
Other urls found in this thread:
>What are Asians?
>What is Chinese manufacturing?
>What is Japanese innovation?
>What is Korean music + TV dramas?
>copying whites
Bongistani intellectuals
>>copying whites
than why do Japanese and Korean make better cars?
American Autos where shit for the lostest time.
Why are Toyota's cars still the number one selling in America?
>What are Four Great Inventions?
>What white country is ahead of Japan in robotics?
>Can w*ite music even compare to K-Pop?
Italians are shitskin arabs anyway. You have no right to discuss here.
When are you gonna finish building Rome?
why are Samsung phones and Hisense tv's the top selling in America
>production of wealth
Schlomo beat us in that.
Where are his gloves and safety glasses as he works on that A/C?
All copied from whites.
>Chinese being enslaved for thousands of years by some mongolian retards
>Forced to cut their hair
>Massacred nonstop
>Equal to whites
Because they're cheap and americans aren't white.
>>Can w*ite music even compare to K-Pop?
It surpasses it. Also thanks for reminding me that it's k-pop Thursday on Sup Forums
>than why do Japanese and Korean make better cars?
Because an American, Dr. Demming, taught them how to make a car.
>What is Chinese manufacturing?
>Chinese manufacturing
Implying whites don’t copy others creativity
>>production of wealth
>Schlomo beat us in that
Schlomo is only skilled in scamming us out of wealth. The whole debt based fiat money and fraction reserve banking. If you did that, you'd rightfully be put in prison for fraud.
>posts the single worst cherry picked example
Nah, that one is defective.
>Mongolians adopt Chinese customs, culture, language.
>Can bankrupt w*ites simply by selling fucking tea.
>Implying whites weren't slaughtered by arabs and mongols.
>Surpasses it.
you mean jews , whites steal and rehash jewish inventions and jewish science .
You're out of your goddamn mind if you think TS isn't in some serious kosher control. No one gets a corporate push like her without us asking cui bono
vanilla ice?
Whites had no civilization until mixed with their Egyptian, Persian, and Arab superiors
None of this makes any sense. The native chinese were ruled for thousands of years by some random mongolian tribe of a few thousand and forced into total humiliation and subjugation.
There's a reason the japs call them slaves as a racial insult.
>He thinks you need to cherrypick wiggers.
Hey remember when the Chinese had cold fusion? Yeah neither does America
Yeah that one too.
Lol. I have no doubt this is how it will be pushed in history.
Problem is you wont have us anymore to invent new stuff so you’ll stagnate and die off like a disease that kills its host.
you can hindu/sanskrit myths/fables/stories to that as well
their raag music system is actually quite complex desu
They don't count as normal humans.
>what are the 4 great chinese inventions
>implying inbred nigger loving anglo apes have any right to talk either
Because while other races like East Asians have high IQs, they have different genomes and have faced different evolutionary selective pressures than us. Europeans endured millennia of ice ages in small tribes, and as a result likely evolved limbic systems that lend themselves more to creative thought than that of any other race.
Some asians too..and some indians (the northern ones) are capable of creativity and production of wealth.
whites are more capable because they had no choice but to, in terms of evolution.
Why are people who use the Kek flat always the purest of faggots?
>Thousands of Years.
>I can calendar.
Also you can easily say the same for the Romans. Be an empire for thousands of years, contribute to the sciences and philosophy. Encounter famine, civil war, mutinies, natural disasters. Gets conquered and genocided by some Turkic bois.
Reveal yourself, stop using the meme flag.
The absolute state of /pol
we're not
They aren't though
When are you going to defeat those Emus ?
Chinks copy western tech, they can't inovate.
Japanese are honorary aryans.
Koreans are worse than chinks. And music and TV dramas don't count, especially when they're just copying 90s style of western culture.
mongols massacared and raped whites way more than chinese. china was invaded succesfully once
explain Israeli inventions. no white here to copy
shut your trap with your limbic system crap.
just accept you are inferior. blacks can say the same thing about them being creative creating most of modern day music
>implying the emus won the south
From the Pasta Shop (1 of 2)
Humanity, like Wolves, is a species with numerous subspecies. While all are capable of interbreeding and creating hybrid, each distinct strain exhibits its own unique social and survival behaviors.
Most Africans are Bantu's. The Batu were a highly aggressive form of hunter gatherer humans that literally killed and ate the competition. Like the Khoisan peoples. The Tropical climate of their native land also insured they would not need to form complex societies or develop advanced technology in order to survive effectively. Suitability became less about social behavior, and more about how strong you were, and how good you were at procuring from the ample bounty of your environment at that very moment. This meant things like rules based tribes, and planning ahead were actively selected against in favor of immediate gratification.
Compare this to the White people, who are descended primarily from a interbreeding of northern caucasoids and neanderthals. Winter came every year and you had to plan ahead constantly. Instant gratification over long term spatial concept of time was actively selected against, as well as anti-social behavior. To be abandoned by the group in Winter is a death sentence.
We see the results of the divergent evolution of these subspecies play out today. Caucasoid humans have an almost pathological relationship with time. Constantly planning for the future, making lists of what they need to get done today, tomorrow, next week, next year, next 30 years. This mindset naturally trends itself into adherence to a rules based society. White people can biologically project out cause and effect. If I steal X, get caught stealing X by Y, then Z will happen after a certain amount of time, causing me to lose years in prison. By contrast, Bantu humans never developed this trait, indeed it was actually selected against. Their natural environment rewarded immediate gratification, and anyone who was cautious got outmuscled.
From the Pasta Shop (2 of 2)
Why do Nigs Nog?
That is a serious answer. While mostly similar to us, blacks and whites have many different features (most obviously skin color) such as bone structure, hair form, and, most relevant to the discussion, an insistence on narcissistic materialism ("showing off"), especially if that stuff if """free""'. A black's need to show off is so persistent that when given a chance to take something of value, they will 99% of the time. Amongst whites it's much, much lower. This is most likely due to the average intelligence of blacks being much lower. More intelligent and empathic people know that looting, while benefiting the individual, is toxic for communities, especially ones with community members in need of aid
What nationality penned the first novel?
It wasn’t anyone white user, it was some Japanese cunt
>Chinese being enslaved for thousands of years by some mongolian retards
Not for thousands of years but merely 300. Oh and the invaders (Manchus) became Chinese as opposed to your rulers - the jews, who will never become true americans.
White people have been slaves of the jews in the past too, look up how the Carolingian Empire treated jews.
>Forced to cut their hair
Forced to to be guilty of the holocaust and accept diversity
>Massacred nonstop
Becoming a minority in their own country while financing Israel and shitskins.
>Equal to whites
Who wants to be a cuck who sold his own country to jews anyway?
Asians can produce like machines m8 and they can make things efficient but it seems Caucasians are the best at innovation and invention.
Don’t know why I think it’s deep cultural things
I fully support whites and Asians genociding blacks and beaners that are more than 25% native and then combining to create the Hapa masterrace to conquer the galaxy
Just use lowloss fittings an/or pull the fitting back while quickly turning it
No need for fucking gloves
> why do Japanese and Korean make better cars?
Because American cars are made by blacks and mexicans
Smart people are buying stock in China based shit. Sorry if you don't.
Unironically some random mutation in ape genes. All nations who ever contributed into human civilization can be traced to a single source, perhaps to even single common ancestor. Lose these unique genes, and sentient life on planet will be gone.