>Best literature
>Best classical composers
Best literature
Other urls found in this thread:
best aids
best krokodil (dirtiest)
best abortions
Really cool architecture too, build some cool stuff here (before Soviet Union). Like the people too
best tigers
>No anglos
Best ideologies :-D
>bogdanoffs are Russians
truly the master race
>classical composers.
That would be Germany, George
Not even theirs you stupid mutt.
best S P A C E
...did you know we have HIV?
Not politics go back to ryssäbot
>american education
Shostakovitch, Stravinsky, and Tchaikovsky.
Fuck off, chink.
20 rubles have been posted to your account
>everything is a conspiracy
Fucking gook
finland superpower by 2020
Almost all writers, composers, "people of culture" were aristocrats\"high society", these people were heavily influenced by europe, to an extent, they talked to each over in french, even studied it from birth, before russian. Id say its a mixed result of european influence and unique russian spirit.
Because Russia has always enjoyed a super rich elite with a staggering 97% of the population reduced in quasi slavery and ignorance.
>Best literature
>every book is MUH TRADISHUNS
Worst thing is that I really enjoy Russian literature.
Greatness comes through struggle and being russian is a fucking struggle
> best self-delusions
> best liver cirrhosis
how can anyone compete
Because it was all created at the times of the perfect political and rulership system. Russia is dead since 1917 and as long as we don't revert the 70 years of moral decay, 20-30 years of capitalist cargo cult, it will not come back or rise again.
Shostakovich lived during the commie era.
Because white?
Only one worth mentioning is Tchaikovsky.
Still pales in comparison to Beehoven or Bach
Best T-I-G-E-R-S
best? I dunno. good tho
cold nights with naught else to do but write? also why russians are good chess players perhaps
Yank, shut up, you don't have a clue. Listen to Jay Z and eat your mass produced burgers.
>best literature
>pushkin, gogol, turgenev, doestoevsky, tolstoy, tchekov, bulgakov, gulgag-guy
Hilarious. France beats that easily.
>Brazilian shitskin thinks he has taste
i dont understand this poland rape ball meme but it is extremely hilarious
I've been weirdly facsinated with Russia lately watching comfy YouTubes. They are a unique bunch. Lots of mystique and quirks. Flashy red square architecture.
The Russia of Dostoyevsky and the 20th century composers is long dead.
Is there any intellectual culture remaining in Russia at all?
White & Cold
Wine & World
These guys look 1:1 Russian lmao
because shitholes produce the most wonderful things, i mean look at america, life is good and all you get is gangsta niggers rapping about sucking cock and that is considered culture
>Best classical composers
Debateable, I like germany's better.
>Best literature
True, Dostojewski is godtier.
>anglo really feels the author gets him on Notes and goes to shitpost on Sup Forums about it
>best literature
Nah that's Ireland
We don't listen to J-Zhe.
Russians are a very talented people. Loved by God, who through the czar established order and faith, guiding them on the right hand path to Heaven.
But alas! Dark clouds assailed the monarch's estate and the young people were aroused by Satanic forces through their lowest of vices. Greed, avarice, gluttony and lust. Hence the nation got hoodwinked into selling its soul to Satan through the latter's henchmen the Bolshevist Jews.
The rest is history. One day however it will kneel before Our Lord again, as will all other European nations.
Good taste.
Swift, Joyce or Beckett?
And Russian proles / serfs take pride in their ethnic spirit and the intellectual accomplishments of the elites who have basically starved their countrymen all throughout time. Even today it's so corrupt there's hardly any social mobility. For how shitty the US is at least I can start a business and succeed on my merits
Polan wanted to gently suggest that he also has great literature.
Bach, Strauss, Handel, Beethoven, Mendelsshon
Russian cultural aesthetic is coldness and sadness. These make for best art.
Swift and Beckett were English and Joyce Norman
>rooskie literature
>muh tzar, muh empire
>rooskie music
>trying tto grasp genius of fgermabs, austrians, french and that obe pole
Why are roosians and rosboos so pathetic?
It's a tie tbqh they both share the first place
The freezing fucking cold, the endless political turmoil, the despair, all soaked in vodka and out of it comes some of the best art and athletics. And Moscow has 80 million people in the middle of a frozen steppe. The whole hellhole is a testament to white people.
All three were born in Dublin
> no brahms
The nobility spoke French all over Europe in the 19th century this was not unique to Russia. Also in the rest of Europe composers also did not come from the peasant class.
...what the hell are you talking about?
>ruski literature is about muh tzars
Yep to this day Swift is the standard bearer for dry biting satire. Being Irish descent and nonwhite this has been a source of consolation.
also blanked on Wagner and Schumann
Yeah nicknamed Stalin's jester. Same as for the others and writers like Bulgakow heavily censored.
Why Cyrillic alphabep must be so unnecessarily complicated?
Russian literature is objectively great even if I'd still like to see Moscow become a smoldering crater, so don't embarrass yourself claiming otherwise.
China also parallels Russia in many ways, but it's the subtle differences that make our world truly rich ans special, after all.
He looks like he's contemplating murder of elderly pawnbrokers.
M8! Borodin, Mussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakoff, Rachmaninoff, Glinka
it's not unnecessarily complicated, it's just the retarded mutt-child of Latin&Greek alphabets
A paki born in Dublin is irish? Swift and Beckett were both of English Protestant descent and Joyce was of Norman descent, none were of Celtic catholic descent, they’re not Irish
That all the greatest ‘irish’ people weren’t even irish
>still a shithole that even post soviet citizens don't want to live in
but hey grats for rockets in space
t. cultureless monkey
>polack insecurity
this. Also Kallinikov
Ameranon is correct though the Germans are absudly better than everyone else
>it's just the retarded mutt-child of Latin&Greek alphabets
That's unnecessarily complicated, it was created for wester for christianize slavs... should be almost the same as ours, but no :/
Russia claims the greatest novelists but France has the best poetry, Great Britain the best drama and Germany the best philosophy
White ethnoculture.
if bashing in your neighbors brains for 20 rubles worth of vodka is a culture, than yes!
He newer Wagner's bridal suite from Tannhauser.
Reading tip: Wagner, "Jewry in music" (Jewry understood here in a double meaning as kike-tricks)
Doesn't have to be x$ worth of vodka, it can also be the lack of vodka!
ssssst it's ok , don't be a Finn m8. Chopin is top notch btw
>Best literature
>Best classical composers
P.S Best Painters
Voltaire. Racine. Corneille.
Undefeated. This was the Kingdom of France. You'll find many similarities between the two revolutions.
>France has the best poetry
You mean Italy. Point to one (one) text that beats the Commedia.
>Great Britain
>Best theater
You mean Greece.
Your culture is souless and meaningless... stop living on the successes of others.
Voltaire is painful to read.
Racine is absolutely based, but I wouldn't trade him for Aeschylus or Sophocles. Fuck, Racine wouldn't trade himself for them.
Left to our own devices, whites create art and culture. What has your race contributed, aside from slowing the progress of the adept white race? You're not inferior, just different.
You don't have any leg to stand on you worthless 56%er.
Your definition of "high culture" is John Oliver.
They killed their entire elite in the course of the commie revolution. All their current intellectuals come from peasant stock.
The greatest Polish writer of the 20th century, Czeslaw Milosz, didn't even want to consider himself Polish.
>Miłosz was raised Catholic in rural Lithuania and emphasized his identity with the multi-ethnic Grand Duchy of Lithuania, a stance that led to ongoing controversies. He refused to categorically identify himself as either a Pole or a Lithuanian. He said of himself: "I am a Lithuanian to whom it was not given to be a Lithuanian", and "My family in the sixteenth century already spoke Polish, just as many families in Finland spoke Swedish and in Ireland English, so I am a Polish not a Lithuanian poet. But the landscapes and perhaps the spirits of Lithuania have never abandoned me". Miłosz memorialised his Lithuanian childhood in a 1955 novel The Issa Valley and in the 1959 memoir Native Realm. He employed a Lithuanian-language tutor late in life to improve the skills acquired in his childhood. His explanation was that it might be the language spoken in heaven. He often is quoted as having said, "Language is the only homeland."
>it was created for wester for christianize slavs
Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Voltaire is the greatest historain ever. Herodotus is fun for unknown details.
Dostoïevski is a heavyweight; you can't debate that. Where XXIth century writers?
Did the century started? Ah yes Harry Pooper; sorry.
Ancient Greece has nothing to do with the modern Greek state, they’re a complete different people posing under the same name
A Russian solved the Poincare conjecture rather recently, one of the hardest problems in mathematics, until he solved it, that is.
burgerposters have reached the levels of white-trash ignorance where they claim all """white""" countries as their own.
For the last fucking time, I am not a yank!
I am a Dixie!
Well Ludwig VAN Beethoven has a Flemish name and his grandfather was from Mechelen so naturally he was a genius.
Still Russians were the only worthy competition to the Germans, although I would add the Italians when it comes to opera.
Typical amerifat, speaking for the rest of us. Your guttural tones fall on deaf ears thankfully.
To be clear, I'm insulting your fat ego.
An inferiority complex to Europe mixed with apathy and an inclination to return to nature lead the most intelligent men in Russia to understand fully the tragic in their nation, and they revealed it through their art.
Its because theyve got tigers user.
>he newer Wagner
He jewed Wagner
Fucking (((autocorrect))) kike trickery
>no Mozart
They may not have one particular text that beats The Divine Comedy but the sheer abundance and variety of France's great poetry seals it for me. Britain also had some great poets - our only real weak spot is our boring novelists, even though they were actually a big influence on Dostoevsky and Tolstoy