Before they broke into the building, 95-year-old Shalom Steinberg from Haifa cried: "You should be ashamed of yourselves. I escaped from Auschwitz and still cry every night because of what I went through there. Many others like me did not survive, and we will not forget that the Nazis massacred us on your Polish soil."

Motke Lieber, another survivor who demonstrated, added: "How is it possible that such a law was passed when the Poles - not to mention the Germans - did nothing to help us?"


Other urls found in this thread:


Why wouldn't Poles risk their lives to rescue their former oppressor?

We informed about the Holocaust already in 1942 and we were pressuring the UK, the USA and Moscow to bomb train-tracks in order to stop genocide: to no avail, nobody gave a fuck.


> Shalom Steinberg
LMAO. What a faggot.

>still cry every night
lol get over it grandpa

Only people I've ever heard complain about genocide are kikes, meanwhile every other group that's been mass murdered doesn't complain, they move on

(((They))) are really desperate to keep their meme alive.

Wait, I don't get it. The Poles are responsible for the Holocaust now?

No. The kikes are just lying as usual.

this a thousand times

We were always "guilty" for the Holocaust because we failed to save 6 million of Jews by throwing ourselves under German guns like we did during Warsaw Uprising during which we lost 250k people in less than 2 months. Jews would be satsified if Germans killed 6 mln of Jews and 30 mln of Poles, then they would say that we are innocent. But since Germans killed only 2 mln of us, it means that we are as bad as Germans.

Almost no one in Israel knows about this. Or about Żegota. Ironic how they have almost Sup Forums-tier understanding of history. There are only a handful of Israeli officials who are talking sense like their minister of defence.

4 to 6 million now
germany to poland
jesus they dont even try anymore.

Majority of Holocaust survivors were former Kapos and Judenrats officials xD

Poor Poland. They get annexed by the Nazis and now THEY'RE the bad guys just because the Germans built the camps in Poland rather than in their own country.

Oh yeah? I walked Bob Dylan on stage in 1975. Who da fuck ah you????

I think the official reason for inaction was that it sounded too much like WWI propaganda. Or that they knew the men didn't like jews.
You'd think the Allies would prioritize the camps if they were on the kike payroll.

The jews are going attack dog on Poland because they refuse to be culturally enriched by muslim rapefugees.
please note this old jewish woman most likely supports the genocide of Palestinians because Israel belongs to the jews, and vehemently opposes immigration of any undesirables into Israel for the same reason.

(((They))) are pushing this shit in order to create white guilt among Poles, so they will be more submissive toward neo-marxist agenda.

Warsaw uprising is literally a meme.

On December 23, 2013, Eli Gat, a Holocaust survivor and author of 2009 book, ‘Not Just Another Holocaust’, wrote in Israel daily Ha’aretz: “Like many Holocaust survivors, I have always felt uncomfortable about the way the memory of Holocaust has been shaped. The myth of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising is an excellent example.” He claims that around 700 armed Jewish rebels in the ghetto were responsible for the death of 50,000 Jews, and not the Nazi soldiers.

The jew hate nothing more than jews who speak the truth. See freedmans speech, literally first hand experience concerning everything in the 20th century...murdered after his willard hotel speech.

You confuse Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943 with Warsaw Uprising of 1944

FDR wasn't interested in anything happening in Europe. For him it was just one of many examples of Europeans killing each other. Balkan Wars, WWI, WWII. Civilian deaths became so common. He was more interested in talking about horses with Karski.

Jesus Christ how is the holocaust still important this is surreal


>Shalom Steinberg
This must be a joke or a blatant falseflag

>Shalom Steinberg

The second one isn't relevant for jews though, because they can't play the victim there.

Why do they tell this old people that poland it's denying that it happened in Poland soil?

>Jesus Christ how is the holocaust still important this is surreal

It is not really about the Holocaust, but about money.

>remembers all the polish flags that have constantly shilled for the holohoax on Sup Forums
Your people deserve this.

Demand twice as much in compensation from Israel for the loss of life and freedom under the Judaeo Bolsheviks. I'm serious from now on only call them Judaeo Bolsheviks

Hahaha our rightful clay is burdened with guilt aswell

It was the bombing of rail lines that caused the typhus outbreak which was spun into the "Holocaust". There were no gas chambers.

The Ghetto Uprising (not to be confused with Warsaw Uprising the year later) was a mass suicide. That's why it's controversial today. It was basically one day of fighting and the rest was just Germans going from house to house and killing everybody. Many civilians had plans to escape on their own but were prevented by the uprising.

Another controversy is that after the war one of the two organizations that started it, the left leaning Jewish Combat Organization made sure that everybody forgot about the other, right leaning Jewish Military Union even though they were the ones who fought the hardest (which is why they didn't have that many survivors) and were recruited from people who belonged to various conservative movements trained by the Poles who were huge fans of Polish underground and modeled their own organizations after ours (they later fought against British and Arabs in Palestine).

Those mysterious bombing raids are like Bigfoot it seems.

Right, it's a very profitable industry, I just don't get why people keep going along with it even here in Israel. I mean, even if you believe in the holocaust, it's still a cynical exploitation of it, and it's still 100% an irrelevant mundane event that happened around 70 years ago. Honestly boggles my mind.

Are you even Jewish? Jews never resign from a goose lying golden eggs. They are geniuses of business ;)



The thing that makes me laugh is your begging for money for "holocaust" survivors pensions abroad. This obviously begs the question where does all the extortion money go ?

You know that your government already sided with Israel and told us not to pass this bill?

>"We encourage Poland to reevaluate the legislation in light of its potential impact on the principle of free speech and on our ability to be effective partners," State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said in a statement on Tuesday.




The Holocaust happened. Ok.

However it was rich jews sacrificing the poor jews and goyim so they would have six million deaths to occupy palestine. Nazis fought in north africa to attain this goal. Plus the upper echelon of the nazis, were in fact jews, adolf hitler included.

Remember the six gorillion you anti semitic piece of shit.

The USA has a direct interest in making a source of money for Israel/Jews out of Poland so it could stop paying them itself. USA would be glad if Poland was paying few bln dollar to Israel per year instead of American taxpayer


Jews are trying to shame poles into accepting more mudshit parasites.


When all of these lying old kikes die will their offspring still push their "muh holohoax" guilt story?

>Jew invades foreign soil to spread a message of hate
>The Jew cries as it keeps hitting you
>Slalom Steinberg
The memes are real.

Meh, have a lot of Russian in there. Real Jews call me a Goy.
Israeli holocaust survivors or whatever also live in sub conditions here that no old person deserves. So yeah

>addressed to the governments of the (((UN))) which didn't even exist during the time when the second world war was in full throttle.
The institution's name during this time was league of nations. The alleged proof also looks fake. Show the inside of the book. The 2nd page with the content will be enough for me.
Nice try kikele

no it didnt. 280k died from typhus and malnutrition. millions died from the war, only 1 group got a free country and a lifetime paycheck from it. muh jews are smarter, yeah well why couldnt you conquer savages with 70 years, burger weapons, and international support. they may be clever with word magic, but they cant fight for shit.

I'm not following you Polack. Everything in Germany got bombed by the Allies.

yet jews are fine with anti free speech laws when it comes to questioning the holocaust

bunch of hypocritical kike faggots

Holy shit these Holocaust survivors are like refugees.

Meme terms like refugee and survivor should be banned.

Pretty sure the camps have nothing to do with the poles. And they weren’t even death camps they were fucking work camps.


So what kikes are stealing from the pensioners money from Germany >?


this triggers the slav

Finkelstein is god-tier. Lost his family members in the Holocaust so he's not gonna deny history like a retard but hates the holocaust industry with an impressive passion.

Have some god damn dignity kikes ffs.

Wow, you really are subhumans. Why would you want to stop the eradication of the Jewish filth?

I'm guessing that it goes to private kike pockets mate


Sup Forums can't into history as always.

Not here. Too far. And the bombing raids on Germany intensified in later parts of the war. Also in order for your version to makes sense the bombing would have to begin in 1939 or early 1940.

Israeli flag calling out kikes.
kek would be proud

Lmao what a triggering image.

The typhus outbreaks didn't happen until 42-43. Towards the end of the war. Hence all the scrawny people in the liberation photos. Typhus makes you little because the body can't absorb nutrients properly when infected with it.

Are you one of those russians his cunt mother came to work here?
Take your stinky ass Vodka out of my country. Your mother is already damaged goods.

Do Israelis feel no shame in parading out 90 year old Holocaust survivors like a marching band?

You expect me to believe a 95 year old broke into a place without any assistance?

>"How is it possible that such a law was passed when the Poles - not to mention the Germans - did nothing to help us?"
what did the jews ever do for poland?
if he asked the question, the converse should also be valid. just saying.

one of them told me he had his bar mitzvah money stolen from him by a kike, and was tricked out of it. jew got kiked by a jew. takes a special kind of piece of shit to steal from a child, like nigger levels. daily reminder hitler had 30 kike officers, some of them hate them.

Not even official canon claims jews were being gassed in 1939.

Stay mad you filthy kike cunt

The biggest irony is that Jews weren't really willing to help other Jews and themselves. Google such terms as "kapo", "judenrat", "sonderkommando", "group 13". Jewish collaboration with Germans against their own nation was incomparably bigger than Polish one. But talking about such things is antisemitism.

Someone's irrationally butthurt about us talking about your compo scams

>95-year-old Shalom Steinberg

Is poland out of ovens?


pic related are surely Ashkenazim

>Oy vey, goyim, remember all the times we got kicked out of your country for undermining it.

This is the true face of kikery.
>we will not forget that the Nazis massacred us on your Polish soil
>no country saved as many jews as Poland
This is why only kikes have a word for "chutzpah" because nobody would be this dishonorable and disgusting except for the filthy jews.

oh ya, thanks for helping me remember.
The jews ran away from poland in her time of need.
thats what it was, I remember now.

cant wait for all the jews to run away from the US durring civil war 2.0.

pic related are surely English.

Hail Israel.
Hope poles actually are put back under Bolshevik control. Remember the evil Hitler

It was a thing but only one of many ways people were dying. And they were dying right from the start in 1939 and 1940 not from 1942.

No they weren't. But they were still dying. In mass executions and because of hard work. And not just Jews it's unfair to single them out just because. It was definitely universal and the first target was simply the Polish elite: officers, politicians, clergymen, athletes, professors.

>Shalom Steinberg

That is the most Jewish name since Jews starting Jewing

Jews didnt really run away from here. The Holocaust wiped them out. If Hitler wasn't born, Yiddish would be a second official language in Poland today, i guess

Gas the kikes race war now

There's a bit of tasty fanny in that pic m8, what's the problem?

>Makes assertion
>Prove my assertion DIDN'T happen goyim!!

If Germany was so efficient in genocide of Jews, how are there still so many alive? It’s like every jew on this planet survive the holocaust. Of 4 million jews living in Europe at that time, Germany killed 6 million and the rest of the 10 million survived.
Crazy how nature do dat

I love being polish


these are a 10/10 in occupied Palestine


stormfags sure start young these days

who are the dems going to fight? trash cans and women in maga hats? that war isnt coming. the 3rd great one is. the stage was set a while ago.

>Oy vey Goyim, I see you know the 6 gorillion of Germoney,,,Do you remember the 6 gorillion of Poland?!


>Sup Forums can't into history as always.

Then why isn't it addressed as the UNC or the united nations charter but instead simply as the the united nations. It stinks to high heaven. Adding to it you are still not in the position of making claims until you show up with the remaining pages of the (((book))) you use as a source. And even your wiki page says that the united nations charter was founded and signed at the end of war. fucking kikes I swear.

I have 1 of my own and my brother has 2.

They all hate kikes and niggers. Be afraid.


This. Pole cucks and all these Jews are desperate to remind keep this non white shit relevant.
I don't care about Jews dying . It doesn't even bother me when a modern Pali takes out Jews out in the desert

Fix your teeth. Ugly mother fuckers.

"Why are the British so ugly?"