why are European police forces more aesthetic compared to American police forces?
European aesthetics
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What gun is that on the right? I've always loved the aesthetic of it, but I've been confusing it for a UMP in my head until I saw it again now. Anyone know if there's a good airsoft replica of it?
We don't have countries, we have states, remember? There aren't that many different kinds of people that aren't already spread out across the continental states.
Also, I drive the same car. I've only owned Alfa Romeos (3 of them).
Is that what Italian police look like?
I dunno, our police actually looks like a bunch of bums to be honest. Even when beating up hippies
Because we arent faggots
Probably some sort of obscure gun made exclusively for them, i don't recall seeing it outside of italy
They don't have niggers to do their whining black fragility thing every time the cops actually do their jobs, so they have no problem celebrating their law enforcement openly w/ a e s t h e t i c uniforms.
gun looks cheap.
doesn't match the suit.
Alfa Romeos are easily the best looking cars out there. Sadly they don't sell them in Brazil anymore.
Ours looks like a cleaning crew.
Some special police? I mean shouldn't cops rather have pistols than submachine guns?
Nah it's out there, I've seen it in movies. It's beautiful.
No it is not a FAMAS a FAMAS is an assault rifle
at least they have cool hats
alfa is good looking but too unreliable, it's meme here, people joke about alfas all the time
I think that's a Beretta SMG, forgotten weapons did a vid on it i think.
why hasn't anyone posted that homoized cuck car
they look great till the bumper falls off after a month.
?? I don't think it's a FAMAS. Unless there is some model I don't know.
MA State Police look pretty aesthetic in my opinion, although they are some of the biggest faggots on the planet. ACAB
can't tell it better than an old question on yahoo answers:
>is valentino rossi gay?
best chosen answer was:
>no, he's just italian
hes a Chad, you obviously dont understand Maximus aesthetics
Nice! Thanks. Would you mind linking your video?
Isn't that parade gear?
because they aren't that fat.
We have to wrangle niggers on the daily and dress for function. You don’t want that funk all over your dress blues.
you were saying
They're not 'standard' police, these guys mostly deal with organized crime and serious law enforcement issues
Riot police/ roadblock police are clothed differently but still aesthetically
plus they're both based
Nope, State Police in Massachusetts dress like this on duty as well. Only variation you may see are the caps.
beretta m12
If I was the guy on the left I would hold a tighter grip on my SMG at that moment...
>only posts Italian
Beep beep
Just noticed the one on the left forgot her gun that day lol
Cheddar man with Curry man together to save the day
Cool but unreliable, right?
Beretta M12. Shit gun tbqh mi famiglia
Posted the wrong pic
yes but that gives the car personality :^)
I know i shouldn't spoon feed but there you go youtube.com
>cops with grease guns
that buggy is cripplechan approved
look at this faggots
Alfas are only for Italian. GTFO
They look like the Mordian Iron Guard
>blocks your way
alright gents, you're coming with me ;)
alea sunt trupele speciale de la jandarmi, spartule.
I have a friend studying in the UK and he tells me that most of the UK men are turning to homosexuality. Everytime I see pics of British men it's them doing something like this. Is it really true?
Oh. Our step up from regular cops are basically this
Nope this is what our police looks like, the onein the OP picture is an autonomous italian militar force called Carabinieri
Supermarket security guard tier
Yeah mate we all like a good cock up the arse, we play a game called 'willy hand shake' to greet each other.
O futi pe ma-ta
The black uniform is pretty cool though
still can't stop grenade attacks on police stations afaik
Does the girl have yogapants or just thick thighs?
Because Europe actually has distinct cultures, whereas Amerifats are just a result of sticking a bunch of cultures in a blender so all that's left is disgusting mush.
o fut pe curva de ma ta mai bine
ppsh heck of a shotgun.
>*blocks your path*
did russia gift you that?
or did you actually manage to get enough money to buy it?
Those are just the mid-tier. These are the top-tier. They look like military, but are just cops
And they can't stop it because they don't want to stop it. I thought that was obvious. They could shut it all down in a day if there was political will
>but i don't want to
Looks like a Lexus modded bmw
Id let them arrest me if you know what I mean
Brits have a long homosexual tradition as it's preferable to banging their hideous women. The upper classes fostered it then it spread throughout society. Since gender is a social construct and men, being superior, make the best women this is logical enough. Reproduction is taken care of by immigrants.
even our traffic police officers are aesthetic
Where's your leather jacket?
Oh you don't have one?
That’s fucking rich coming from a bong
>literally just a tube with a trigger
Nothing beats the HK5 in terms of aesthetics.
Nice Nazi outfit.
So far no problems, have had it for about 3 years. My first car was a 155, also surprisingly few problems, until after about 2 years of me owning it with about 220km on it, the clutch started to get heavy to push down and I got rid of it. I think the issues with reliability and rust were mostly on older models.
Thanks a lot.
We have the same problem with these overpaid faggots.
How do police in other countries deal with unnaceptable behaviour?
if I'm not mistaken those uniforms where an inspiration for the SS dress uniforms
Albanian police
>absolute state of the British police
At least the pigs here would shoot the nigger
It doesn't even look anything like a ppsh. Still laughed though 8/10.
We removed those recently you dimwit
I miss our green coppers blue is such a dumb colour
the swiss make better guns.
you suck.
Police are not you friends. At the moments notice, when the command is given, they will side against you and destroy you. Remember National Action, Remember C-Ville? They are not interested in the future, only about protecting DIEversity, white genocide, and annihilation of all European peoples.
If your opponent has grenades (easy to make) then you cannot stop all attacks. All an attack requires is the will to do so.
They look like fucking Cobra Commandos from GI Joe hahahahahah
Albanian police looks like video game terrorists. Why am I not surprised?