BTFO, brown skin and eyes are the future

Pelosi: My Grandson's Birthday Wish Was To Have Brown Skin, Brown Eyes; "Face Of The Future Of Our Country"

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I have hazel eyes due to my Irish blood but Anglo skin. So uh I’m screwed cuz I know the niggers want me dead.

She's fucking deranged.

what her grandson meant is that every day he's being beaten up by muslims and blacks at kindergarten because he's different, and he's going to an hero if it doesn't magically stop.

Go tanning and wear brown contacts user and you shall be part of the future

Good, its good for these fuckers to finally come out and say with ever increasing honesty what they've been thinking all along.

Democrats are just batshit insane now

>her grandsons
Looking white isn't in style

>there's white kids whising to be non-white
This is outright proof of the propaganda and brainwashing.
You'll never see a black kid saying shit like that, they're told since a very young age "be proud!", "black is beautiful!", "you wuz kangz and then sa evil white man destroyed it!" and they end up believing it and develop a proudish, entitled behaviot.
Meanwhile whitey gets told that he and his ancestors are the root of all evil and gets guilt tripped put of everything and that he should apologize.

And this is the final result.

Just imagine the chimping if some black or brown politician said "my grandkid wishes he was white, blonde and blue eyed!" Leftists and non-whites would flip their shit ah but this is ok somehow.

Im not even white but this behavior pisses me off.
It's okay to be proud of your heritage whatever it is, and you shouldn't be guilt tripped or ashamed of your ancestors actions.

I'd bet all the gold in the world they never said that, she just made it up because she's a nutjob and a professional liar

>pic related is the average American in 2020
>Nancy dies in 2020 seeing this happen

im dying

Id rather look like a beaner than grow up to look like grandma the toxic avenger.

coloration isn't the issue, intelligence is. the woman is batshit insane.

>nancy pelosi's family is doing more for the survival of white people than the entirety of Sup Forums

She’s a disgrace to Italians

Huge portion of black population bleach their skin but it is still "black power, fuck white"

>the absolute state of Los Ogros De Las Americas

Obsessed with race much?

Who is this guy, anyway?



Nothing short of insanity. Worshipping the other based on ethnicity, it's irrational, delusional, fucked-up beyond belief. This is not virtuous or good, this is insane and evil.

A daily reminder that anyone opposing this lunacy is unironically on the right side of history. And that goes for all people of any ethnicity. Anyone supporting this shit is just another victim of brainwash (or worse) marching in the ranks of delusional ideology just like in the past. This is the lesson mankind never learns. Irrationality by its nature will allow these dingbats to believe they're the good guys even though they're time and again proven to be utterly incapable of mounting a rational defense for their ideas.

>some kid of some nobody wishes something that TV told him is good
and this is related to politics how..? sage

Is she ok?

B-b-but user I don’t want to live in South Africa 2.0.

Ain't seen that flag in a while

>this is related to politics how..?
She is Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives. This is part of her 8 hours DACA Speech.

some model with an aryan phenotype

>South Africa 2.0
Canada will get there user

Somebody’s doing the brainwashing.

So..nobody? We talking e-celebs now?

Wasn't this the moral of the hit horror movie "get out"?

Can't we use this for mass subversion by pushing that Nancy Pelosi AND her kids literally fantasize and fetishise being minorities like the rich liberals did in that movie because it is "hip"

That would resonate with normies and African americans

no white man ever wanted to be a shitskin

Why none of her family has beautiful brown skin?

>whitest and most aesthetic man in the world is american
/po/ BTFO!!

this reminds me when my wife's son wished we had no laws n borders n shiet. also he's black. beautiful, simply beautiful.

>Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives is nobody
>not politics
My brain hurts, watching too much Czech-porn

>wife's son is black
Isn't Croatia white as fuck?

>Pelosi: My Birthday Wish Was For Your Grandson To Have Brown Skin, Brown Eyes; "Face Of The Future Of Our Country"


Very possible.

Most Irish people have blue eyes you nigger


slav(e)s aren't wh*Te

Thats so brainwashed

>My Grandson's Birthday Wish Was To Have Brown Skin, Brown Eyes; "Face Of The Future Of Our Country"
this sounds like legit mental illness
maybe your son wouldn't want that if he wasn't berated and dehumanized 24/7 for being white by the cancer left


Have you ever been to Australia? If you see a white person fully tanned, no matter what, they still are "white". Tanning isn't going to make you look less white unless you are already mutted to begin with.
Race is more than skin deep.
The skull shape, the facial characteristics, the proportions, all are indicative of European ancestry. Oppositely, look no further than, "white Hispanics", no matter what they do, and no matter how white their skin gets through sun deprivation and bleaching, they are not fooling anyone. The thick black hair, disgusting facial proportions, dark soulless eyes that are closer to black than brown, are dead giveaways that they aren't white.
Sun deprivation is shown to make white people look less attractive and causes vitamin d deficiency. Why else would they promote the use of sunscreen so much and demonize tanning? They want white people to look and be as sickly as possible.

Take the tanning pill.

More "white" than France?

This is the US user. Anyone could be black

that was just from Zrce. It's a poor man's Ibiza so those dudes are mostly the underclass of nu italians, nu bongs and nu frogs.
Gladly women avoid them like the plague but coal burners arise everywhere


This is genius. Someone edit the film and her speech together from the scene when the white people tell him it's more hip to be black now

"Get Out" will get an Oscar

where were you when White Nationalists were proven right?

Nancy even looks sorta like the lady from the movie. This can be powerful even against leftist minorities. The movie gave us the premise, now we can show it in practice of liberals literally craving to be in the skins of minorities for the benefit of being them in a sick fetish-like way.

Pelosi and her friends have been forcing children to have sex with adults for decades now. Of course it's possible that some of them are Mexican.

Black Irish master race report in.

>breeding with Mexicans
nothing could go wrong

why is there so many niggers? did some rap video promote this place to bleach white bitches or something?

H-he is English!

the real Irish, not Scottish niggers planted there

>white nationalist
Do you count Jared Taylor as one? I met him once. He is right.

How did you meet him?
Give some context. I'd like a story if you don't mind.

Catholicism was a mistake.

They were always the future, blondes are notorious underachievers.

I attended this:
I asked him to sign my "White Identity" book afterward. Nothing special.

it's just because her grandson is getting bullied by beaners everyday, just wait about ten years until he wakes up, pretty standard for growing up in California

>11 v 3 v 3 and they're retreating, wtf

>standard for growing up in California
Please secede REEEEEEEEE!!


Yeah bullshit. What the fuck is wrong with this hag, literally trying to tell the country to be a certain race

She even failed at burning coal...

more like regrouping and planning the counter-attack

this has potential, video editing anons pls respond

You dumb motherfuckers need to stop using white power terms and talking about white genocide. This story has already been swept under the rug due to the language people decided to use. It's been dismissed just like all of you deserve to be dismissed. You had your best chance and you blew it by being stupid, white people. Say hi to Darwin for us.

There's a single Youtube video and it's titled "NANCY PELOSI CALLS FOR WHITE GENOCIDE". Yes, that will get attention. It won't be auto-censored and automatically discarded and it will certainly reach an audience of more than just white nationalists who happen to see it.

Despite the video being racist to damn near everyone and being an opportunity to put those people down, instead you still manage to look crazy.

And even there the person failed to upload the fucking thing properly so it looks like blurry fake footage.

It’s a problem because it means their analysists are certain there are enough brainwashed soyboys who agree with the sentiment to make it a good thing to say.

She just wants us to be shit skins to more easily rule us.

Thanks leaf friend

Fuck Chris he just did it for china

Of course. She's a Democrat. The party who wanted to retain slavery.

Somebody's gotta pick the cotton.

Commander Erwin from the Survey Corps.

"Errun wanna be us, but nobody wanna BE us!"
"We ALLL know dat da. white. gene. uz. RUSUSSIVE!"
"Daaas rite!"

>white privilege still somehow exists

Don't try to play it this way. God damn you people are stupid. Just play it as it is. The Democrats on display fetishizing brown people. The Democrats not viewing them as people, but rather as part of a eugenics program.

You basically have Nancy Pelosi admitting to them trying to bring about their own version of the Aryan Race, yet everyone is just banging the White Nationalist Neo-Nazi gong. It renders it 100% moot. You're not reaching beyond your circle-jerk. You're just jerking off over your own conspiracy shit. Well guess what? Your little conspiracy just got proved 100% correct. Maybe you're unsure how to handle that and so you're trying to sink back in your little circle so you can say nono words. Maybe you've become accustomed to becoming ignored. Well, not the fucking spotlight is there for you. There is no going back. Man up or move on to alien conspiracy shit because this actually does need to be addressed.

>"Face Of The Future Of Our Country"

People totally miss this. There is no conspiracy theory jabbering anymore. It isn't an elite caste of powerful Jews out to get the white race. It's people like Nancy Pelosi who only have power because the majority of voters are dumber than she is.

That repulsive Kike literally willed itself into Niggadom. Literally a race of reptiles - chameleons

Black irish isnt real you mong mutt

Where does this canker-sore ridden syphilitic whore get her warped ideas from?

Of course this stupid wop whore thinks that. Everywhere the catholic church goes up, racial barriers come down.

Holy fuck, is she Shaun King's grandmother?

This. Let them squabble on the other side and kill each other, then come in to pick off the pieces.

Nancy Pelosi's grandson is afraid of being raped by Don Lemon

Black rapists prefer white skin.

Wonder what has happened to the little boy so far?

v 3 v 3 and they're retreating, wtf
I hate the comic, but just to jerk myself off a bit. Art of War. Both sides hate eachother. If you can lure two enemies into conflict while avoiding the conflict yourself, you win while losing nothing.

>He doesn't know about Lauren Southern's based Black Irish boyfriend JaMarcus O'Malley.