He wants to deport Latinas

>he wants to deport Latinas

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I can smell the roastie and tacos-fueld diarrhea from here


Funny thing about Latinas - they are cute when they are young, then they have 45 babies and turn into squat, hairy trolls.

all the hot latinas are legal and rich though

She has time to marry an american. Troglodytes shit outta luck.

lol the german forgetting about the most important aspect of leading a nation, culture.

those bad bitches have no sense of priority or family values. their offspring will not keep their word nor be brave. stop thinking with your dick and think of our little sisters.

This. Always look at the mother of any Latina and it’s a window into the near future.

They don't suddenly become trolls.
Troll is a troll their entire life.
The attractive ones just need to not get fat.
So you don't marry them.

La creatura

good lol

My mom is Latina and is actually 47 but looks 30. Any women that doesn’t eat healthy will look like a troll

>she wants to import Muslims

Fuck off we are full go to the US.

Fucking disgusting, keep that shit away from me

There are more latinas getting into physical fitness these days. I would say it's the older generation (boomers) who end up over weight. Anyway, Selma Hayek looks great for her age.

>that middle one

If you want to fornicate with Latinas then go to Mexico. Your argument is invalid. Kys.


"Oh wow one in a thousand are attractive when they're 19"

there are alot who care here legally that wont be deported.
t. guy with south american GF with size E boobs and tiny waist


>Wanting bipolar disorder and schizophrenia attached to your woman's orifice

Wow dude, a mediocre ass! Suddenly destroying my country seems like a good idea.

Not understanding the difference between castizos and mestizos.

what if I want to fornicate with latinas AND not get beheaded?


>thinks Latinas are only in Mexico

Muh dick: The post.


Spic whore gotta go back

Sure they are.

Yep. That meme about some races aging worse than others is retarded. You will always have outliers like these 60 year old asians who look 30, but they're just that, outliers. Average woman, who takes care of herself will look good into her 60s (no 30 tho, of course), no matter race. Of course that means - no getting fat, no drinking, no smoking and no eating unhealthy. 3 things that most Western women never do together.

1) most spic women look like ugly goblins
2) of the ones who are somewhat decent looking, they're typically castizos/criollos (ie, mostly or even completely spanish blood)
3) of the few mestizo bean women who exist that are attractive in their teens and early 20s, they all balloon up into squat-goblins soon after anyway and end up looking like Jeb!'s wife.

Jesus fuck OP you are one stupid fucking Turk cunt. Get off my Sup Forums right fucking now.

But think of the genetic heritage, user. Think of all those hidden genes

The nigger subhuman thinks he can use "muh dik" to convince intelligent man of anything.

>eleni Miller

Unfortunately there are still fucktons of people who defend rice-burning though. Also there's definitely shills promoting gook race-mixing here. Over the past few days there has been a blatant concerned effort to spam Sup Forums with pro-gook-racemixing threads. There were like a dozen threads at a time promoting it.


Good. Get em out of here.

Took me 18 years to get my citizenship, thanks to the "trespassers", gringos think I know about drywall. Being Hispanic has nothing to do with not respecting the law. We used to have a USA white guy work in my home country without the proper VISA. Told the gringo to go back home, jump his red pickup truck and bang his sister because our economy is for our people. Feel the same now that I am "American" about the "trespassers".

Race traitor


>when they hit 30
Oh no, that sucks.

Yes because im gay and these shitty bait posts dont work on me

>Caring about race
>Not looking at individual genetics
You will choose a disguised roastie for a wife, believe you me

She can stay. On my cock.

Sorry but latinas are THE best fucks ever.

just posting another pic from the girl in OP, don't know what she is

You have to go back, Julio.

How bout we just deport the sharpie markers

Literally in every pic of her she does that thing where she holds her ass cheek up to give the illusion it isn't flat.

Disgusting whore.

Nah, i want to gas them all.
As well as all other non-whites, female, male and children included
Go back to t_d, schlomo

el goblino de las americas

This, if you don't want to reproduce with a thicc white Latina, die.

D-did you just assume xer gender?

If the latinas aren't offering their pussies to me so I can fuck them then they deserve to be reported.

Yup, fuck off.

Meh. Depends on the Latina.

Those eyebrows are THICC


Latinas all look amazing before metamorphosis into Taco-Queenz.
All women should fear The Wall. 35 is coming, faster than a blown out pussy could at a Mandingo party. Worry about your own border disaster, bitte.

Drawn on, though. Latinas don't have eyebrows

That's hot. Raise Underwareness.

Bet those panties stink.

>He thinks his opinion on a foreng nation matters
Fuck off kraut you've got your own problems to deal with

Just wait until they get 30 years old and you'll see why

I had a dream, They are the bathwater, not the baby, DUMP.

>Hans wants to import goblins
Why do you hate yourself so much?

>he thinks his own opinion matters ij a democracy
what a waste of digits

They do eat tho.

I work with one. She's still in High school. She's plump now. She gets fatter Everytime I see her. Shes constantly eating. I'm sure next year she'll be twice as big.

check them digits


>1 post by this ID


anyone can cherry pick

i live in california, that is not the typical latina by any means lmao there are cocasian ones, they are allowed to stay

Why are black women always fucking fat

sp yummy

low self control

OP is a faggot

1) low intelligence; unable to think about the future and consider that maybe stuffing your face with 10 cheeseburgers isn't good in the long-run
2) genetics. Caucasians evolved over the past 10,000 years with agriculture and animal husbandry. Our bodies are evolved to better handle a diet consisting of things like grains. Most shitskins - especially niggers - are not. That's also why they have sky-high diabetes rates compared to whites. Their bodies weren't meant for it. They were meant for hunter-gatherer living.


gib belly gf

You must be confusing them with azns.

I resent this. Only 56% of my ancestry is 56%

Salma isn't even actually a latina. She's half spaniard and half lebanese.

Thick latinas will be allowed to stay, however the flat tortilla booty ones and ugly ones gotta go.


She’s not half shit. Her father is a Mexican of Lebanese descendants and her mother of Spaniard descendants. Spaniards are technically latinos, you do know what the word “Latino” means right?

>you do know what the word “Latino” means right?
yeah, mexicans

Castizo and high quality mestizo women can stay, all the men have to be deported. We patriarchy now

No. But still by that definition she’s still Latina. Also Jlo has aged good as well.

Was about to post this.

Don’t be delusional, salma is pure Latina goddess.

No. You keep your shitty huwhite ethnostate and deport all latinas here, all Asians to Hawaii and Guam and the niggers send them to the Virgin Islands.

That's because they drink baby's blood with Soros

Are you retarded? She is half spanish, half lebanese. She is not a beaner. Unless you also want to define a paki shitskin in britbongistan as english

i'd bang her despacito

good, deport them all

>1 post by this ID
>dumb thot posting
>works like a charm on you lonely fags

So, hows your first /pol week going so far, my newfriends? Are you enjoying the slide threads so far?

general rule
the rounder the head, the more this statement is true


Under your logic what constitutes a “Latino” then? All of them have some sort of Spaniard ancestry. Are you so retarded that you don’t refer yourself as American but rather half and half from wherever your ancestry is from?