1. speak the truth (unless its not PC, in which case you should be censored, like if youre Faith goldy or you deny the 6 million death toll or the historical accuracy of the gas chambers

2. Tribalism is evil for white people but not other groups, identities should be suppressed but only in places that are majority white

3. There is no jewish ethnic nepotism, they're just high IQ thats why it seems like they're subverting positions of power but they're really not you just think that because you're jealous of high IQ

4. All the tenets of the 60's cultural revolution (material pragmatism, racial marxism, female empowerment, mass migration, paraphilias) are noble and desirable, it's just that the postmodernists made these things look bad

5. You should use tranny preferred pronouns if they ask, the only issue is if it's coded into law. other than that tranny empowerment is good

6. Be a boring, lifeless, soulless, neocon boomer faggot with no heritage, no future and no legacy, keep your sword sheathed at all times

7. The highest goal in existence is the satisfaction of your personal whims and arbitrary desires

8. Shut up and sit down while you become a minority in your ancestral homeland, goi. Resenting this is evil. Clean your room 20 more times, then the pakis will stop raping 11-year-olds in your nation or something

9. Read Solzhenitsyn, but not any of his naughty books like 200 years together, dont read those they're not good, don't talk about that

10. My wife is an ugly jew who looks like a man, we have no sex life and my daughter poses naked on instagram and still only gets 70 likes. since I cannot get respect from my family I have to settle for 56% kekistan manlet loser freaks who get excited about complete banality

11. Buy my awful dogshit modernist rug for 2k if you're a real fan

12. I'm a christian even though i don't believe jesus rose from the dead i thought about this deeply for 60-70 years and my conclusion is "I don't know"

Other urls found in this thread:


Pretty much this desu

13. OP is always, without exception, a massive faggot

your hero is boring and wrong

Jordan B. Peterson has been exposed as a Zionist, please share this video in every time someone shills this anti-White agent of the jews here:

(this link gets around youtube censorship):


Download full quality (please mirror and share, jewtube has already flagged the video for hatespeech):

This kills the Jordan B. Peterson.

>P-please be my personal army
Kill yourself, shill

lel he's such an epic newfag he writes Sup Forums as Sup Forums

>S... support and follow our Zionist eDaddy
>p... please goyim
>stop this

OP you made me smile

Peterson isnt a neocon though. He can't be when he is a non interventionist. Stop trying to water diwn terms


>apartheid in palestine is okay goyim

>Support Israel, goy. They are God's chosen after all!

just clean your room, wash your asshole, and cuck yourself to this system that wants you dead goyim

Why the fuck does Sup Forums like Faith Goldy?

She was the biggest Israel shill not even a year ago.

>12. I'm a christian even though i don't believe jesus rose from the dead i thought about this deeply for 60-70 years and my conclusion is "I don't know"
>1. speak the truth (unless its not PC, in which case you should be censored, like if youre Faith goldy or you deny the 6 million death toll or the historical accuracy of the gas chambers

John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

What annoys me about this guy is that he's essentially so reliant on his own brain that he's trying to understand the whole world and be in control by himself yet he hasn't even looked for truth. Sure, he's looked in hundreds of books written by kikes and philosophers, but never looked for the truth. He's essentially not saved because he denies that Jesus Christ is the messiah. That makes him a liar, and thus he can't go around telling people to speak the truth since he doesn't know the truth, and is a liar.

1 John 2:
22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

Also you're correct about the kike thing, because he won't address their nepotism and sedition and doesn't want white people to live in peace. Why must we constantly be overrun by goyim?

that should tell you how much of a shill jordan peterson is, since he wanted to exclude her from "FREE SPEECH" event for having too verboten thoughts

he is fucking jew


>He's essentially not saved because he denies that Jesus Christ is the messiah. That makes him a liar
It's worse than that, since he teaches falsehood about Christ, he is a false prophet and has the spirit of the antichrist (as your 1 John 2:22 passage explains).

He teaches that Jesus Christ was a buddha-like figure, just like every run of the mill new age cult.

OP is right that JP is full of utter shit. But he does make a good point about being honest and being organized, clean, and having goals. Those are great virtues.

that's about the only good bit of your op, op
did you steal it from another, better writer?

Yeah, I listened to some podcast the other day, like 10 minutes in the background and he was talking about the bible being written by 'smart jews' to make God speak using good metaphors, like 'speak the truth' represents God in Genesis creating good things by speaking truth. He's only interested in psychology.

I got the feeling that his book "12 rules" was essentially an alternative to the 10 commandments, so just antit-Christ garbage.

what a compelling argument!
wtf I attribute bad things to JP and Jewish people now

the man has blindspots... so therefore everything else he talks about is bullshit.... nice logic faggot

other than his denial of jewry what is bad about what he says... pretty much nothing... sot yourself out OP

these outrageously biased, recurrent anti peterstein threads only tend to prove he is a primary target of leftypol/jidf

He said he has prophetic dreams of the future (including nuclear Armageddon that will be caused by "Whites being tribal").

He's literally a false prophet. He is starting a cult.

>sot yourself out

>SPEAKS at celebrations of the terrorist state of israel
>i'm totally not a zionist or a kike shill, guys! the individual is the most basic atom of society, not the family!

>so you're saying. the post

Steps for a 'red pilled' individual:
>1. Discuss JQ in public and attach yourselves to not FBI Spencer and their toadies like Faith Goldy
>2. Provide no actual solutions but get lonely men to troll, fantasize about 'peacefully' splitting countries up into racial territories
>3. Set up a rally with sad memers that permanently casts legitimate white concerns as violent
>4. Sign up for TRS yearly podcast subscriptions
>5. ???

These anti peterson posts just confirm what is already known.

You guys can't exist without the far left running rampant and driving people to ethno-nationalism. So when an anti-cultural marxist comes along to advocate for non collectivism (thereby reducing participation in both factions), you sperg out.

The saddest part of all is that despite him making his anti ethno-nationalist stances clearly known you only reacted when Faith Goldy was bumped out. This means at least half of this anger is over some over protective obsession with an e-thot.

Just a reminder:
>You'll never get him fired
>Every attack on him just makes his patreon grow and add legitimacy to him - whether its from the right or left
>Telling people to clean their room is still a marginally better solution than going to rallies and getting fired from hotdog stand jobs

The only thing you can do is to go to his events and keep asking him Jew questions until he answers one - at which point you can run straight to CNN with 'dirt'. Be the helpful stooge that Spencer was during 2017 - you can do it too!

Send my thanks to leftypol then because Peterstein is trash

Anti-JBP threads are shill threads
clean your room, faggot
>in all fields

>jidf would expose someone as a Zionist
The amount of Peterstein shills should really tell you something. Peterstein is a long-con Zionist psyop.

I love pol

who says we do?
you can stop thinking like a vagina

>clean your room

gas the kikes

i do too

Hey guys, Normies are flocking to this guy and not my preferred internet aristocrats or whatever.


oh look more anti-peterson shills

kys. he's a force for good.


I see you've read Peterson's new book.

Remember that these people are considered right-wing

wtf I love peterwstein now

Fascism as a political doctrine that might be subject to something resembling 'progressiveness' within its own bounds has never been achieved (read: hurr tried) and a far more compelling case for this can be made than for the likes of communism which has seen a very predictable descent into true omnicidal (often (((bolshie)))) killing and brutal, widespread imprisonment every time, all the time.

The exact circumstances in which the Third Reich came to its end are shrouded in altered, obfuscated history and never to be fully known. We can only surmise the extents of effect that intensive (((allied))) military operations had in the country upon the political prisons that existed inside of it (these were facilities sometimes equipped to the extents of swimming pools and rabbit kennels for the express purpose of food) and what portion of the holocaust as it's known that was NOT a direct result of indiscriminate warfare waged into a prior politically stratified state is totally uncertain.

For all that we know everything seen could have been the results of disrupted logistics in the nation as things grew more desperate for Hitler, atop the specter of careless Allied shelling. (((Facts))) do not fear investigation on this front.

Should the political system have come to its ultimate fruition in the FINAL STRUGGLE AGAINST COMMUNISM who knows what Man might've achieved by now. Fascism has never been carried out to anywhere near as full an extent as communism was.

Fascism isn't even collectivism alone. It is the synthesis of an environment that can only be maintained by the collective consciousness and will of a stable political, military, and societal entity whilst simultaneously allowing for the creation of spaces within these cultures for true individuals to be created and flourish within the confines of values that are deemed positive and forward-thinking. There is no indication that Nazi Germany wasn't a wholesome, beautiful place in its prime.

Communists won WW2.

I can't believe I haven't seem a Juden Peterstein merchant yet. I'm disappoint, Sup Forums.

>so you're saying. the post
you acknowledge it and then proceed to do exactly what you're criticizing?

> So when an anti-cultural marxist
JBP is a racial marxist, and that's the one thing that matters

> This means at least half of this anger is over some over protective obsession with an e-thot.
i don't give a fuck about faith goldy, i give a fuck about the fact that you're pretending this snake oil salesman gives a shit about "free speech" when he openly and transparently suppresses speech that he considers to be forbidden. No better than "le postmodernists", all globohomo neolib jude scum

my room is clean, guess what theres still hostile brown people flowing accross the borders every day

reply to this with a cookie-cutter response if you're a Nazi IDF shill script

>9 replies

.5 USD into your account sir!


>He's essentially not saved because he denies that Jesus Christ is the messiah. That makes him a liar, and thus he can't go around telling people to speak the truth since he doesn't know the truth, and is a liar.

so the truth is in the kikebook?
kys srsly
that's your epistemology?
it's true because it's revealed int eh bible?
come on you can do better
check the nag hammadi library, you'll see the oldest jewish books are purposefully botched translations of sumerian records

Just presume that I'm a script. Less thinking for you to do.

israeli military intelligence services in conjunction with compromised components of the US government and military carried out 9/11 as a flase-flag terror event designed to draw america into an open-ended and protracted war in the middle east for the sake of systematic obliteration of israel's enemies and the rendering of the region into a series of pseudo-ethnostates largely devoid of any sovereign political or military power, besides the terrorist state of israel itself.

I think there’s a resurgence of racism because at this point in time Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and I think we’re gonna be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that they once were in the last century. Europeans are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and freedom loving citizens of the world will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Israel will not survive.

>clean your room
A way to disregard any anti-JP arguments without having to address them.
If you value critical thinking, read pic related.

Because at least she has a coherent position on race, unlike Peterson

absolutely delicious titties good job user

>that Jesus Christ was a buddha-like figure, just like every run of the mill new age cult.
former newager here, can confirm that this is standard freemasonkikery newage shitdoctrine

Hey, listen up
*outsources jobs*
when I was your age
*guts manufacturing sector*
We had to pull ourselves up
*impovrishes nation*
By our bootstraps
*imports third worlders*
Look our boss in the eye
*require college degree for entry level position*
Shake his hand
*Increases national debt through social security*
And work our asses off
*decreases wages*
You kids today have it so easy
*hyperinflates property values*
With all of your fancy iPhones
*Implements suicide nets at slave factories*
And internet technology
*Implements orwellian police state*
You need to learn the value of hard work
*Pays college tuition with part time job at McDonalds*
And earning what you want
*makes penises illeigal*
instead of demanding it for free
*squanders inheritance*
Learn to appriciate the value of money
*erodes purchasing power of the dollar*
Instead of wasting it so flagrantly
*sends hundreds of billions of dollars to third world nations per year*
Pay your own way
*comps $100k in sushi*
And stop being so damned degenerate
*Acid flashbacks to woodstock*
Get a wife and raise a family
*implements no fault divorce*
We aren't going to be able to support you forever
*cashes retirement check*
So you need to take responsability for the future
*sells land to foreign nations*
You have to get right with god
*donates childrens trust fund to televangelist*
And stop being such a weakling
*poisons water supply*
So man the fuck up and give me some grandchildren
*donates daughter to remote african tribes*
Or this Great nation is doomed
*Votes for communism*
*shits self*
*downs 37 perscriptions*
*audible pacemaker sounds*
*outlives children*
*gets raped to death by muslim nurses*
*wills life savings to clinton foundation*

Those who have accomplished something as individuals feel no need to be proud of their race...

@Kevin MacDonald
Replying to @jordanbpeterson
It's not about pride in one's race. It's about understanding that all people have a powerful genetic interest in their race and understanding what the demographic trends in all Western countries portend if Whites don't begin to act to secure a territory.


"Here is a video of Peterson giving an hour long speech with his buddy Ezra Levant at last year's 100th year anniversary celebration of the founding of Israel, 'Canadians for Balfour 100'"

"Antisemitism is a 2000 year old disease."
Jordan Peterson nods furiously

>Secrets man that not meant to know

You dont seem to have a grasp ehat actuall “right wing” actually is, dont fall for the left right paradim its mostly bulsshit.

Fascism and communism are way more alike than people realize, fascism and comunism didnt fight with each other because their ideologies were to diferent, they fight because theyr ideologuies were to mich alike and were trying to be the big boys in the block, sometimes people fight with each other by the most miniscule diference ( see islam for example like sunnis and shias).

Well left wing SJWs and right wing SJWs should all get gassed.


13. Just take Wellbutrin and an SSRI and literally become an unstoppable powerhouse of a worker who never gets down about anything and can look death right in the eye. Ignore all the other rules.

>falling for the horseshoe meme
>mexican intellectuals

>right wing SJWs
muh world of forms individualist philosopher intellectual, proselyte of sargon of akkad classical liberal horseshoe theory centrist ebin smarter than you

literally fuck off


confirmed JIDF proxyfag
straya shill
>mfw these faggot shills post again
Give me a criticism of his message of personal responsibility to young men.
Give a criticism that isn't related to jews or selling a rug.
You can't, because you're all faggot shills.

This is a five star post my dude. For some reason it gives me a warm consoling feeling knowing there are people who see the bullshit of Peterson on Sup Forums.

Do not use a dentist, surgeon, or barber unless they are willing to throw the entire Jewish population into a concentration camp

"but at least thats something especially in that god forsaken part of the world
where theres very little anything resembling the city of god"

Peterson on Israel.


"Here is a video of Peterson giving an hour long speech with his buddy Ezra Levant at last year's 100th year anniversary celebration of the founding of Israel, 'Canadians for Balfour 100'"


"Antisemitism is a 2000 year old disease."
Jordan Peterson nods furiously

Those who have accomplished something as individuals feel no need to be proud of their race...

>>jidf would expose someone as a Zionist
of course they would are you a dumb retard?
their agenda is to take down altright ecelebs through weaponizing us
we may despise our ecelebs but those kike jews are sure convinced those fricking youtubeing cunts are useful to the white nat cause


>i have nothing to say so i resort to name calling.

You sure got me there Ahmed.

You're all kikes. You have 0.0000000000000001% Jew blood in you.

>his book "12 rules" was essentially an alternative to the 10 commandments
so a noahide connection: laws/philosophy for the dirty gentiles

Go back to your reddit cuck paradise.

Clean your room, tranny.

I think that post hits the nail on the head. Eventually Peterson will hang along with the other boomers, but for now he's our "useful idiot".

great post

>I think that post hits the nail on the head. Eventually Peterson will hang along with the other boomers, but for now he's our "useful idiot".
>1 post by this ID
>didn't read the pic
eat a bucket of AIDS you faggot shill
JBP is /ourguy/

here's your second post JIDF shill

>here's your second post JIDF shill
go dilate your fuckwound, tranny

>has no argument so just goes "y-you're a canadian!"

Look how the jew recoils when he is found out and resorts to emotional warfare. Are you upset that I insulted daddy? Now you'll have to defend his honor.

Is he for or against Israel?

Who's jewing who here, faggot?
What's your criticism of Peterson? Just the JQ again? Try something else.

Is Peterson for or against Israel? I can't work it out.

come on leaf, we all know it's xou. I think you can, considering your 7 other posts.
What's your criticism of Peterson that isn't about the jews?

he's a racial marxist who appeals to Lewontin's fallacy (a sociologist lie from 15 years ago) to deconstruct racial classifications

hows that for a critique

he cannot help but suck its clipped cock

I'll try something else when you or Peterstein have an actual counter-argument on the JQ, but all you've produced so far is "I can't do it".

He is a Zionist. Pro-Israel, Pro-ZOG, Anti-(You).

>he's a racial marxist
I can't find that JIDF insider who posted about the jew fingol proxyfag, but if I could I'd be posting it just for you, shill

>muh JQ
If this is the best you can do he's already won.
kys faggots
>in all fields


>muh JQ
If this is the best you can do he's already won.
kys faggots
>in all fields

not an argument, I saw him on twitter claiming race isnt real because of lewontins fallacy

your counterpoint is..... JIDF ?

did you read my OP ? Do i seem like someone with a favourable image of jews to you?

Are you aware that you can't just go "KIKE KIKE JIDF JIDF KIKE" to make these things go away?

mad because you were called what you are? you're the same exact thing and you know it.

>no argument, ad hominems again
I'm starting to suspect that you're literally a Jew yourself.
Nah, you kys.

you do better work for the jews than any kike ever could. good job, faggot. youre practically a recruitment machine for the left.

These are Hasbara shills.

>calls others shills
>posts 1500 times a week with PA requests

stop poking holes in me, lost goys...

>straya shill
Reaching this hard mate.
>Unless you can criticize his message of personal responsibility to young men, JP is jesus don't you ever speak to me or my son ever again
Time to grow up mate, sure he has some good points but I think his bad points outweigh his overall message.

I was making coffee let me just check your insights.

My criticism is here:
See image

He called israel a hell hole... So he is a traitor to Zion.