How does it feel being Nordic?
How does it feel being Nordic?
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Why is Estonia in this picture.
Funny isn't it.
This nice Hitler fellow, who did nothing wrong, thought he was Nordic because someone told him based on linguistic analysis.
60 years later, DNA tells us Germans and "Nordics" are separate peoples. We look at a map of human accomplishment and Germans are in the heart of accomplishment - nordics? Not so much.
Why does this whole Jewish "master race" meme still exist, and why do nordics, not the Western Europeans of UK, France, Germany and Italy are accused of being it?
I wouldn't know, I'm a Celtboi.
im half nordic and half polish jew. I look full nordic
Fuck, I probably should've posted a map without Germany in it
Feels pretty great
>mfw based Switzerland is in the center of that area
You are welcome world
So which percentage of your DNA originates from within that area?
Lucky. We might be among the only civilized countries that make it out from the coming race war relatively intact.
Also RIP Sweden.
Everyone wants to touch your blonde hair whenever you go south, but unlike some angry negro woman on twitter I usually take it as something positive
finland is nordic but not scandinavian
Either a bad case of terrible bong humour or bong education.
not privileged or uppity about it
we don't a give shit about your ancestry mutt
when you come here in south I have a lust to fill your ugly mustard hair with shit
Finland wasn't even considered Nordic until half way through the 20th century. Your language and culture are completely different. The only reason you have even marginal similarity is because Sweden owned for a bit.
Cringy fat yank
Like hating your ancestors and history
Finns are glorious Mongol warriors you subhuman mutt
owned you*
I was waiting for a medanon to show up.
Welcome! We sell shill accessories, bait condiments and WE WUZ ROMANZ N SHIET leaflets.
Anything that interests you? Now for the low price of only 1 (one) debt!
you don't want to do this
It's a smaller version of the feel expressed in this image.
Your point?
You implied that Finland isn't nordic today here
which clearly isn't the case.
>You're not this
>You're rather this
Oh trust me, I'm well versed in "debating" medanons like you.
Where would you like to start? The tragic modern state of the greek nation, or the italian soyboys that live with their Mamas until the age of 35?
Fucking great.
I'd take the worst economic depression we ever had 2-3 times again any time over your "life"
>the parts of the world that most inherited Roman and Greek culture and Roman trade routes did the best after the collapse of Rome
You're a genius!
>source: huffingtonpost
Into the trash it goes.
Pay your debts you degenerate fucks.
Wouldn't you say that Huffington Post knows a lot about slutty and whorish women?
The Greek shitskin is right.
What good is for your country to be rich and prosperous when in one or two generations it will belong to someone else?
Then why is every nordic thread immediately flooded with meds sperging out? You clearly have some complexes.
I don't see anything political about this post.
Nordics feel way less compared to most other countries. We're almost like zombies compared to all the feels americans have. The biggest culture shock of living here for most other cultures is that people think we're cold and don't want anything to do with you. It feels cold, and you are constantly fooled to think that you have a lot of money. Everything is extremely pricey. Having a plumber over to work at your house costs 140 dollars per hour. 1 trip getting 2 small bags of food which will last a week is 150 dollars, owning a car costs at least 10 000 dollars per year only in insurance, taxes and regular stuff the state makes you pay. If you own a tv, you have to pay 500 dollars per year. If you want a girlfriend, it's like going through hell until you find a good one since most are depressed wrecks or half way insane. I blame extreme amounts of alcohol.
>Europeans respecting other inventors credits.
They're actually painting a conservative image of scandicucknavia
here, have it from the horse's mouth
pretty sure they congratulated western european and nord females on being liberated kek
that's literaly what they said themselves (studies were self-reported)
You should see the SWEG thread, there is a butthurt Italian there almost everyday. He never shuts up about Italy hahahahha.
Be that as it may, their methodology is also that of a whorish woman. I'd bet you a thousand dollars the source is some online self-report poll from a dating site.
You presume much, and know little.
Unlike statistics and the extensively covered situation in Greece right now, all you know about Scandinavia is Sweden being dumb with refugees (they've been dumb throughout history!). You then take your image of Sweden, and "paste" it all over Scandinavia, because those rich blondes are all the same, right?
Link related is Sylvi Listhaug, the Norwegian Minister of Immigration. The title reads: "Listhaug regarding banning quota refugees from coming into Norway: "It is ethically correct (to help them where they are)".
The current danish govt. is even more right leaning overall than the current norwegian one, even though they have no Sylvi Listhaug equivalent AFAIK.
I am aware of the stereotype, but I haven't had that impression when visiting Denmark. Though I've only been to CPH.
My gf, who is born and raised in Denmark, is one of the most loving and warmest people I've ever met.
>uses Jodel screencap as a sauce
I take it back, don't pay back your debts, just neck yourself.
You flood med threads as well. Talk shit get hit, it goes both ways
if you can't handle it you can leave
Yes the greeks are clearly superior, they decided to adopt turkish culture hundreds of years ago after all. Perhaps that's why they need gibs from the rest of Europe to stay alive.
Topkek, what the fuck has the article you linked me to the map I posted? Where did I imply anything about refugees?
I'm just proving what I said regarding the thread's question (that it feels like hating your ancestors and people. Which you clearly do, be it with niggers or without)
While you're not wrong (but inflating alot), every country has downsides, even scandinavia.
You're not helping our battle against the salty medanons who come here EVERY SINGLE THREAD, attacking US, spewing on and on about how they wuz r0manz n ancient gr33ks n shiet.
Didn't say they're 'superior'. The Greek ITT can be wrong about his country and right about Scandinavia.
you are on pol right we love to hate
Any proof for us hating our ancestors?
I personally am proud of what the Vikings accomplished, even though there never was an ancient scandinavian empire.
Do you have any sources for your claim that we hate our history and culture, apart from lunatic Swedish politicians?
Danes are different from Norwegians, they seem happier, less zombie like.
You're lucky, you have no idea how hard it is getting a good one. I have burned my self so many times, 2(!) of them had to be sent to mental asylums in Tromso. I guess a sex doll will be my endgame.
>Tfw i found out Dublin was founded and sttled by Northern men
Kan du holde kjeft, for faen?
Ja, Skandinavia har problemer med antidepressiva-bruk o.l., men hvis du ikke har fått med deg at vi (jeg) forer krig mot de tyrkiske voldtektsbarna (Hellas) ITT må du folge litt nærmere med.
We we're also the first to legalize porn.
And same-sex unions.
Spared our jews from the summer-camps during WW2.
At least we got wiener-brod and frikadeller going for us
Proev aa gjoer landet vaart saa uattraktivt som mulig for alle. Det er iallefall det jeg gjoer. Det er ikke en konkurranse om aa se best ut, man skal proeve aa see vaerst ut slik at landet vaart ikke blir attraktivt for noen. Spesielt de stugge grekerne.
Feels pretty shit.
Except having good looking people, we have no culture, heritage, nothing.
I didn't mention my country in the first place. This thread isn't about me
people throw adhoms because it's the only thing they got, if it makes them feel better then they can be my guests
Congrats, you're one of the 19 to 34% (1/3 or way less) in your country that wouldn't consider a somalian (or a mexican) a true Norwegian
here's the source
>t. muslim
>1 post by this ID
Thanks for the free thousand dollars nerd
Daily reminder that Nords AND Central Europeans contributed literally nothing until 1500. You people are too proud considering before the 1500s and the renaissance (btw who started the renaissance again? It must be something about Roman refugees idk) you were just as bad as niggers themselves
Actually I have surprisingly little shit to throw at denmark, you seem to be doing alright with all the muzzie influx and stuff
how are stuff in general? From immigration to people?
Comfy in Norway, but you always have that thought in the back of your mind that the government is close to all-powerful and are slowly buying into the shit sweden now has an outbreak of. The only reason people haven't sperged out about the government being this encompassing here is that they for the most part do represent the people in many ways, but those times are changing rapidly.
I have no interest in discussing culture with a bunch of arabs pretending to be the people their ancestors bred out (yes, that means you, you hairy fucking turk)
>TFW I'm Scottish/Dutch but my last name is Norwegian
Literally feels like being on the top of the world and a chosen people. I guess Jews probably feel something similiar, except that they are wrong. We truly are the chosen people up here.
You really bought into the leftie propaganda. Every single place got exact same amount of culture and heritage. Since you are a part of the culture you don't notice it, you only notice it when contrasted against that of others. And then you should realize yours is superior dumbass
While i'm slightly perplexed that e.g. France, England and Germany aren't much lighter (why? How old is this map?), Norway isn't alone in being bright yellow. Countries like the Netherlands and Belgium are equally yellow, as well as various dots in South-central Europe.
Yeah you're right. This must be mohammed or commie trying to trashtalk us
>a chosen people
Time to move to Spain for a pure queen Isabella catholic waifu
feels ok. norway is one expensive as shit country, and niggers blast trough our border every second. other than that it feels nice man.
We're doing better than Sweden :DDDDD
Otherwise I'm quite apathetic towards society, it has given me shit during my life, I'm a beta loser with no GF and never had so I just shitpost on Sup Forums from afternoon to bedtime and pay my taxes like a good goy.
You spelled "I have nothing to answer back so I'll resort to adhoms and hope nobody will notice" wrong
I liked the part where he only enjoyed the "good looking people", he's obviously a muslim.
Fucking Stockholm ruining our score as usual. Still according to this Greece is no different
I was about to say "where the fuck is Greece?", heheehhe.
>you are just as bad as us
is a horrible argument friend. Shitting on meds instead of fixing your own problems is peak blindness
Looks nice. Except the food there. That is like Northlander food. Here in the Southlands we eat different stuff.
Anyway I like this IKEA gallows
Definitely before 2014 I think, it's not very recent
would explain how things ended how they did now
yeah I never said you are the only people being very detatched from your history (not as a whole ofc, just many of you)
And as you can see in the well-being map, Netherlands etc are also very high
so I'm assuming it's about having money etc, which is why I made the point about heritage, history etc (to me that's more important and I'm probably right, history-wise)
I could also post the suicide map which kinda contradicts the well-being map
(most suicide are up north, least are in the south. We have the lowest numbers in the whole Europe here)
I really like the Estonia song festival, seems so White pride.
Mutt you got no right to tell any country anything about anything until you purge 44% of your DNA from your body
Why is Norway green? I havn't met a norwegian that likes blacks, and sure as fuck havn't met one that associated them with anything good. I understand if it's Oslo only, and they asked 100 people or so. Do you have more info about this? How many poeple they asked, and where?
That's regarding niggers. Do you know how many niggers we have here? A few thousands. In the whole country.
This is why Italy is much higher, they get all the trash from Africa on their coast
regarding overall intolerance, see picrel
Whiter than u Achmed!!!
US literal niggerland
We have nothing compared to countries like Germany/UK
We have more scandinavians in the US than there are swedes in sweden btw just sayin' bruv
Not to mention that its those scandinavians (Minnesotans are a great example) that just LOVE bringing the niggers in. Isn't it funny that scandinavia today loves bringing in niggers to the point that even Scandinavian Americans in Minnesota vote to bring more in? Pathologic
I haven't met a single Swede who likes niggers either. I guess it is a capital phenomenon in general.
Of course an infograph can't give the whole picture. I am just saying it is not so simple as saying "x wants immigrant LMAO" as you can probably imagine.
>T. La Cretura...
Fucking gr8
You comparing your total numbers of Scandinavians with our total of one group of Scandianvians?
>Mutt tries math and fails
Plus they are racemixed degenerate Mutts by now, not real Scandianavians
Yeah in the south you eat halal
Hardly, I just explained that there's little point in shitting on med threads. It would be kicking someone already lying down.
Yeah they're the med Sweden or Germany
hopefully we can still save them, just nuke cucktalonia and the rest should be relatively easy to fix
You brought in those niggers long before any Scandinavians immigrated Mutt
Anyway who cares. They are not Scandinavians to me. They are race mixed trash just like you. Go cry at mcdonalds
Actually it can. I don't see people hating niggers here as much as they hate muslims for example.
If we had african refugees, we'd hate niggers a lot more
but it's not like we love them either