LWA was overall a disappointment, but you can't deny that these three shows saved Anime

LWA was overall a disappointment, but you can't deny that these three shows saved Anime.

Other urls found in this thread:


I see four and they range from decent to terrible.

I really like their art/animation style. They should push more stuff with it .

Only TTGL saved anime. KLK is fucking shit and Luluco is just mindless fun.

I only liked SPL out of those

Only Luluco from those three.
Add Inferno Cop, and Ninja Slayer, and you have a solid fucking list.

I should really watch Gurren Laggan after all these years

Yes I can and I will continue to. Faggot.

Only Reddit and Tumblr like Trigger.

LWA was enjoyable imho

Only if you lacked the sense of shame and myötähäpeä

ok user

luluco was shit

the only part of lwa I was disappointed with was the last two episoees, the rest of the show was great

LWA was a step up from the steaming pile that was Kill la Kill.

TTGL is the only show there that saved anime.

KLK fucking shits on your favorite anime. From a great height in fact.


KLK and Luluco saved nothing. KLK is also overrated shit overhyped by its delusional fanbase.

>muh anime is dying
>muh anime needs saving


I feel that you've left out Sup Forums, but you did include Reddit and this point there's no difference.

TTGL is an ambitious project with great moments interspersed with terrible ones. Post timeskip, the terrible vastly out-numbered the great, but still worth watching in the end.

KLK, scheduling issues and trying to bank off TTGL's success prevented it from becoming the next TTGL, still somewhat decent. Second half was much easier to watch compared to TTGL's second half.

Luluco, literally just a mediocre show produced in Imaishi's free time. Everyone, including me, has already forgotten about it. Somewhat bolstered due to Kiznaiver being complete garbage.

As for as I'm concerned none of them even comes close to the genius that is Ninja Slayer.

I haven't seen Ninja Slayer but if it's anything like the unfunny, lolsorandom and childish garbage that is Inferno Cop, then I don't see it being any good.

LWA was good.
The fact that Sup Forums elevates meme formats like Luluco to such high levels just speaks volumes about your fucking shit taste.

LWA had good episodes but overall it was mediocre.

Agreed. Early on it was promising. It really went to dog shit with the croix and chariot shit.

Its a Japanese parody of American ninja tropes and cliches.
Watch DOMO's release for extra parody

LWA was better than any of those.
I guess this is just a bait thread then.

Yeah even Sex and Violence with Machspeed is better done than inferno cop and ninja slayer. The point of the latter two is no focus comedy and it just sucks to watch

I just want pantsu and stockeru s2

The fist half of gurren lagan is better than everything Imaishi and the boys have made post-ttgl and they will ever make. Yoshinari may be a talented animator but he doesn't have it when it comes to directing or storyboarding.

Well I'm one of the people who think that TTGL went to shit in the first few episodes and that Kamina is a shitty one-dimensional character, so your argument is pointless for me.

My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck did PSG not get a sequel? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want PSG to have a sequel and save anime. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought it was hinted as really well???? This is so fucked. I just punched a hole in my wall im so fucking pissed. Are people really this stupid? You know what you deserve this. you deserve a french mecha shitshow. you deserve to all burn to the ground. You allowed trigger to do this, no one spoke up. Now they wont listen to your voices when you spoke up and chose PSG. My hand is fucking bleeding but i dont care, i dont care anymore. fuck all of you. fuck everything. when people say there moving to another board but i actually am. Im leaving this shitty board with shitty trigger bitches. Fuck all of you.


Go fuck youself, Kill la Kill was really bad and spit in the face of Gurren Lagann.

LWA was at least good.

>You will never watch Gurren Lagann with Sup Forums ever again

That was the most unforgettable Summer of my life.

You need more summers in your life.

Reminder that TTGL is NOT a Trigger show
Dont include it with those other shows

It's an Imaishi show therefore it is a TRIGGER show.

Oh i didnt know Gainax consisted of only him
Carry on then

>these three shows from over a period of a decade saved anime
If Trigger keeps saving anime why does it keep needing saving? Are their other shows dooming it or is the absence of quality Trigger entries in the gaps?

Why, because watching Jap cartoons shouldn't be memorable? That's silly. In many cases like this, it's not just the content of the media itself that imprints upon you so strongly--it's the experiences surrounding it. It can foster bonds between people, where you feel like you're part of a community and have shared something exciting together. That's such an amazing feeling.
One of my most memorable Christmases was spent marathoning a super bad anime with someone. I'll never forget how I felt so overjoyed to have that much fun.

This is shitty pasta.

>LWA was overall a disappointment
Speak for yourself, peasant.

people who didnt like SPL shouldn't be allowed to post on Sup Forums

Only the first half of TTGL was good and the rest of those shows were shit. Kill La Kill had Gurren Lagann syndrome but went straight into the gutter instead of becoming mediocre.

TTGL is Imaishis child dipshit. It wouldn't exist without him. He is the single most responsible person for it being a thing. Fuck yourself.

I think it was already mostly written when Imaishi came aboard actually.
Or maybe it was already mostly written when Nakashima came aboard, I don't remember.


" Imaishi had finished writing the main storyline long before the reaching the end which facilitated the staff in making the episodes."

"Imaishi decided to include drills as the robot's main weapons despite its impact on the suspension of disbelief.[13] Imaishi also wanted the series to only have robots. The robots were made organic so that they would be easier to animate."

From Wikipedia.

Luluco is god-tier

TTGL is still fantastic, like seriously I watched the first two episodes earlier and enjoyed them more than anything this year so far.

TTGL > Luluco > Kill la Kill > Inferno Cop > LWA > Ninja Slayer > Inou-Battle > Kiznaiver

This is fact.

KLK is overrated as hell

>Better than anything

why was kiznaiver so awful

Kill la Kill is babies first anime, it didn't save shit.

Yeah im sure he animated, produced the music and all of the other stuff himself
What a genius


Pretty good actually.

LWA was garbage

Kiznaiver>Inou Battle>Ninja Slayer=Killakill=Luluco>LWA(OVA)>IC>LWA(TV)

TTGL is another studios show, so i wont put it there

Do we credit Hayao Miyazakis films as belonging to the entire fucking production crew and their families? No, because that's retarded. We look at the originator and ostensibly the person who is most responsible for the work becoming what it does. Get your head out of your ass and stop being pedantic.

PSG > the rest

Tumblr hates trigger you faggot.

No, you credit it to the studio
Not to one person you dumb cunt.

The studio financed and supplied the resources. For legal reasons you say the studio did it but in any focused work not thrown together by committee that's fucking moot. The director is usually the most involved and the most responsible for making the work work. Individual artists that impose their vision through the lens of material they gather around them. Whether its brushes and ink or people and money same shit. You're citing a formality.


This is probably the worst taste I've ever seen on Sup Forums.

Good thing the writer, character designers and lead animators are all at Trigger now too.

Craftsmenship is fine but direction is everything. A sweeping view of a river valley from a mountain is beautiful but if you don't direct that artistic vision into a canvas or a script or a chord then its just another passing moment that lives and dies with you. Art is about synthesis and that requires the guidance of a single hand. This hand can be swayed and influenced but it ultimately makes the art. The director is everything. You can draw something on autopilot and write a script with nothing but 3 hours of sleep and a mug of coffee but to put it all together you need focus and vision.

Im sure you know them all by name
You are talking out your ass, im not going to read that

Imaishi, Nakashima, Yoshinari, Sushio, Wakabayashi, etc.

Niggy I love all these animes. Even LWA!!!! Yall have shitty tastes to be frankly honest. You all have shit tastes in anime.

>liking the one with the blue haired twink who wouldn't shut up about how much he loves men

LOL, at least i'm saying something you default waste of breath. Nice way to let me know you either don't have an adult attention span or you simply can't come up with a rebuttal. I love how you even admit you just stopped engaging with the conversation because you got assblasted. This is like a child throwing his blocks because they don't fit together the way he wants.

It's not a list of significant Trigger shows, it's a list of significant Imaishi shows.

>TTGL saved anime
>implying anime needed to be saved after 2006, probably the best year in anime

>KLK saved anime
>implying 2014 wasn't just a shit year and KLK was one of the few noteworthy shows

Anime isn't in need of saving and hasn't been for a while. All 3 of these are just fun shows.

If anything TTGL ruined anime by reaching the medium's apex, thereby ruining every show to come out after it.

Holy shit, you have to be a one huge ironic weeb to like those shows.

>spirals in spirals


I think we can agree 2 of those 3 shows killed Sup Forums.

>he says, posting a meme comic which only serves the purpose of spawning reaction pictures
Stay classy.

It's a shame how unpopular Luluco was.
Such is the fate of shorts.

Kill la Kill had higher highs but overall LWA was better

>There are people who literally think Trigger made Gurren Lagann

Who implied that?

And then there are people like you who enjoy Gravity Falls and cosplay it.

The picture implies it.

OP never mentioned TRIGGER.

Reminder that space patrol luluco made us experience digits on a whole new level with it's wonderget thread.

That space getting thread was the best fucking thread.


I know this is Sup Forums, but GF was actually good.

How? Maybe he just listed Imaishi stuff.

Triggerniggers fanbase is the worst.

>three shows by Imaishi
>clearly this means that OP thinks all three were made by Trigger!
How is it so consistent that EVERY tripfag is an uneducated, drooling retard?

fags who use "triggerniggers" and "kyoanus" belong to Sup Forums along with shitty stalker fags

Retards usually think of the studio before the animator

>There are people that actually care about distinguishing TTGL from Trigger

Okay Sup Forums

>associating a great show with a shit studio
I dont like it