Really makes you think
Space Man
You mean that pattern of flourescent lights reflecting off the fender isn't Polaris?
this nigga got em
If any of y'all are serious, that's it exiting the thing that it was in. Everyone saw that already
Didnt we do that already, like 50 years ago ?
Excuse me, but I don't see faking. Can you explain me how do you understand it's facked?
Sends space junk as a shitty PR stunt for his failed car company: the world applauds.
that comes from southern whites, not niggers
Yes, it's perfectly acceptable, in the spoken form.
No one except the utterly retarded uses this sort of contraction in the written form.
You save exactly one character and in exchange you make yourself look like a braindead nigger.
outer space is a 100% hoax
happy Elon is best Elon
>getting triggered by stylistic differences in personal communication
I feel old
>Falcon Heavy (Metal)
d'y'all know what ur sayin?
>being an amerimutt who dropped out of grade 10
Of course the space man is real, who do you think is piloting the spaceship and space car?
I just was worried about how he'd make it back but it turns out he never left at all !!!
>be astronaut who actually drove a car on the Moon and doing science, but no one was interested in Apollo 16
>be old grandpa now watching news
>”ohhhh, all, look, a used Tesla in space, sooo cool”
>world goes crazy apeshit, twitter goes crazy apeshit, it is all over the news, everyone talks about the “space car”
Post your face if you are that old grumpy astronaut
Lmao proof this shit is fake
If you eat a monkey do you consider it cannibalism or does the nigger portion of your brain take over and you just react to stimuli?
>space is a hoax
>civil aviation is a hoax
>military aviation is a hoax
boomer genocide when
Motherfucking old man should have been on Apollo 11 and not 16 then.
wtf am i suppose to see?
Same here...
I'm more concerned that Musk just has a huge ego for doing little more than producing cars for champagne socialists and buying up businesses at the public's expense.
>space is fake
>huuuurrrr lets ignore the re-usable rocket boosters
pol brainlets as usual, no wonder /sci/ laughs at this board of mouth breathers
where does the fakeness show?
>Sup Forums is one person with one single opinion
At the 10th second. Here's another vid:
We laugh right back when faggots like you take obvious bait and can't spot obvious larping. /sci/ is full of people who fell for (((their))) official explanation of chemtrails. No wonder you're all idiots.
if you want to regurgitate everything you've read about the rocket boosters in another place, you are of the retard.
why didn't they just cg the car as well?
Holy shit man...I came here to post this.
alternate angle
>1 post
>anti musk
hmmm, it really does make me think... who is behind all the shilling against someone kicking NASA to the curb.
that car looks awfully tiny compared to the spaceman piloting it.
you could always shut them up by posting video of the center tube sticking the landing
I am sure the flat earth meme was a few anons trolling the above top secret forum
It used to upset the hollow earth theorists when you said the earth was flat and gave them a bunch of troll physics
now there are more literal retards who think the earth is flat
the main booster failed the landing
That's just swamp gas you goys
That's a nice car, they should launch it into space.
TFW you post on pol and are therefore a pol brainlet. I'll have you know, most of us have watched at least one episode of Rick and Morty and gotten the jokes, so we are on par with /sci.
Y'all need to stay the fuck in Aussieland y'all fuckin Wallaby chasin' muslimloaders
>shilling against cultural differences
it's almost like bots cant account for that
But why? What was the point?
gb2 reddit, faggot.
I thought aussies were cool wtf is this
>Putting a 200k$ in space for lulz
Southern whites are not human
You first
Because he doesn't have any blue collars working the production lines. The cars aren't getting built because all his employees are noodly-armed soyboys
Just like G'day mate. Now STFU.
troglodytes from new orleans say shit like, gidja, which means did you eat, they really need to be gassed.
I was talking about this the other day and no one got the reference.
no u
yes, it's used conversationally.
We're not stupid enough to use it in the written form you fucking mouthbreather
>kicking nasa to the curb
bait or redditor?
probably just a dumb good goy.
y'alld've ruined this thread with your autistic grammar patrol
Rocket man baby
Keep looking in the background at the beautiful blue half of planet Earth. Notice anything strange?
There are no lightning bolt flashes anywhere. Are you seriously trying to tell me that half the planet suddenly decided to stop having lightning?
And protip - lightning does not always go down towards earth, sometimes it goes up. Where's the lightining bolts in the video?
>Copying 1960s technology and calling it your own
Thanks Musk.
They are, but the quality of the job i Skoda 1991. Look it up, somebody picked one apart, they fucking HOTGLUED shit together.
Where's the moon?