A recent study has shown a direct correlation between IQ and how racist people tend to be. According to this study, the lower your IQ is, the more racist you tend to be.
Does this mean that blacks are the most racist people in the world?
A recent study has shown a direct correlation between IQ and how racist people tend to be. According to this study, the lower your IQ is, the more racist you tend to be.
Does this mean that blacks are the most racist people in the world?
if you didn't already know blacks are the most racist people in the world then you must have zero experience with them in the real world
Well, they are quite damn racist, see most of the BLM incidents and protests.
>blacks are racist because low iq
>Sup Forums is racist because...
Because blacks are racists.
Blacks are from far the biggest racists.
Trust me, we have been dealing with those turds for about 400 years.
I have IQ of 160 and am extremely racist
come on, faggot, there's Sup Forums racist and then there's "raped and knifed an old white lady to death cus da ol' cracka had it cummin" racist
More realistically, it's like this...
The higher your IQ, the better you are at hiding your racism
My IQ is 155, tested twice (private and public sector). I am racist in the fact that I want to live in a society that will have the most people like me, which would be European whites.
Still believe in (((IQ))) in 2018...wew
>Lower IQ, more racist...
IQ always has and always will be a political tool, nothing more.
post the study or get the fuck out
Let me guess. They glossed over what areas where racist and what areas had low IQ and when HEY! Look what we found. Not realizing that areas with low IQ had niggers in it and people are racist because they had niggers in it.
> I am super intelligent guys and super racist
If you are that intelligent you should know that your personal experience does not = proof
I still am not really racist.
I became harshly woke a few years ago when I fired an employee for chimping out at work, fighting and yelling in front of customers and was sued for being racist for firing them.
Now I just use data to make those decisions, and got even more 'woke' realizing this data was heavily suppressed.
I found that the phych prof I took in school had his books suppressed.
>tfw to smart too hate niggers
Nice proofs asshole
Just look up the map of most racist countries, then overlay iq, then overlay race. Not hard data to tease out.
Everybody that uses their personal views + IQ scores to show that intelligent people are racist = IQ is a political tool, nothing more.
Truly intelligent people don't make such stupid conclusions
Since the inception of IQ tests, the media and junk science has been using IQ to push the leftist agenda and validity of Jewish supremacy
Reminder that this happened:
>be a libturd
>Perform a study that finds out that being a conservative is literally a mental illness
>gloat about it, suggest that they should start looking for a cure to conservatism
>few years pass
>Some Danish scientist checks your method
>Turns out you completely fucked up the statistics and got everything reversed, meaning that liberals were the mentally ill people and conservatives were mentally healthy.
>Researchers have fixed a number of papers after mistakenly reporting that people who hold conservative political beliefs are more likely to exhibit traits associated with psychoticism, such as authoritarianism and tough-mindedness.
>As one of the notices specifies, now it appears that liberal political beliefs are linked with psychoticism. That paper also swapped ideologies when reporting on people higher in neuroticism and social desirability (falsely claiming that you have socially desirable qualities); the original paper said those traits are linked with liberal beliefs, but they are more common among people with conservative values.
You literally can't make this shit up.
133 IQ I only hate Nigger and Muslims, I do believe America should be a white majority nation and people should stay in their own countries. I don't hate anyone but niggers, niggers all need to die.
133 iq sure
when was the last time you are outside?
you probably live your life here
nice pic
trade ya
There’s differenct reasons to be racist.m though. There’s the low-IQ emotional type of racism where you’re just scared of people of a different skin color than you, and there’s the high-IQ racism where you’re not emotionally distraught by other races, but you can logically deduce that there’s going to be superior and inferior races and the only debate is in how they stack up.
well they're not afraid to admit it
low iq
>I only hate niggers and muslims
>Doesn't hate the jews who are the ones responsible for making niggers and muslims they way the are today
>How to prove you're a kike in one post
They kill each other in record numbers, they must really hate one another.
Where's the link? I read -- can't find link -- that the opposite is true, that high IQ people know race is real, but are better at hiding their natural preference for people like themselves, but when given a galvanic skin response or other subtle test, the results clearly show that the better educated and smarter you are, the more likely you are to be rationally racist.
low iq will inherit the earth
None of the shills want to touch this one I see
I hate niggers but still going to breed this one because I can and like to bleach Nigresses. Funny thing to sent her a pic of my dick and she was like damn you so big. I said compared to how many guys you seen and she said like 20 all black. She said I thought white boys had small dicks compared to black I just keked. I'm not even really big compared to plenty of other white Guy's I know still more than enough for her to be in love and she isn't even close to being the only black chick to tell me that.
theres an equal amount or racists on noth sides, but the smart racists know not to reveal their opinion until the time is right. the dumb ones dont care or realize it
Everything about this post is degenerate
Statistically a nigger will have a higher chance to be a criminal.
How is applying statistics to your everyday life choices something considered dumb?
i totally believe that study
It would follow that they are, yes.
(((Someone))) said pattern recognition is racism
I've seen two studies saying the opposite. Fuck these god damn (((studies)))
While I agree that blacks are both extremely racist and extremely stupid, I have to disagree with the proposed theory because asians are probably the most racist group of people on the planet.
Yeah only articles written by scientists count ever. You experience on top of millions of other people's experiences of different and same races don't count. Why?? Well duh because it wasn't don't by people at Berkeley and then put in salon press. God you people are so stupid and stuck in your little bubbles.
Sup Forums "racism" = venting, telling the truth, throwing off indoctrination, exposing hidden agendas = positive
their racism = violence, telling lies, false flag hate crimes, riots, demanding institutional racism, ethnic gangs = negative
ah I see what you did there
What it shows is that low IQ people are less self-aware and under less pressure to be socially 'correct'.
Tired of these "sociologists" being paid to spew propaganda.