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but muh free market
conservatarsds love being slaves
>$1.2k for a studio apartment
i pay $450/month for my free market studio. btw this city has over a million people.
the 'largest US cities' are liberal shitholes
user, that's because either 1. your city sucks ass and nobody wants to live there 2. your studio is a piece of shit and nobody wants to live there 3. there is more to this story 4. All of the above.
Don't even bother telling me your city isn't shit, cuz I already know it is.
Only on the smart city people who voted for Her
Conservatives dont live in cities. This literally only affects urban soygoys
Lettings manager here. If you're so awful at negotiating that you can't shave at least 5% off your rent you deserve to get fucked.
>prices go up
>taxes and insurance go up
>still need to pay for upkeep
>still probably want to make a little money on his property
Boo fucking hoo, don’t like rent then buy some property or get a Roomate you fucking commie nobody owes you a home
>Studio more expensive than 1 Bedroom
There is no negotiating in the states, britbro. Property Manager from a large US city here... "You don't like the rate? No worries, there's 18 people waiting on the other line. Good luck with your search."
>Democrat-run cities have high rent
>Somehow "conservatarsds" fault
>being this retarded
How's that minimum wage increase workin' out for ya?
stop living in cities, filled with degenerates niggers and hillary voters
Califag here
Studio $1,200
1 bed $1,400
2 bed $1700
3 bed $2200
4 bed $2500
Seattle is starting a push and fence campaign to eradicate Homeless Vermin.
You saw it here first.
How the fuck is a 1bed cheaper than a studio
>the free market determines value
>the free market has determined my city is shit
Choose two
who is going to flip the burgers if burger flippers cant live in city?
Literally slave mentality
Rent? Only libs, numales, niggers and millennials rent.
This is the price you pay for cultural enrichment
who is going to fix the robot burger flippers if robot burger fixers can't live in the city?
>I’m too poor to buy my own house
>oh this kind man will let me rent a place so I can live
>wtf! How dare you charge what I don’t want to pay
How the fuck do you get this way in your thinking?? Why can a property owner not charge what he wants? Don’t like it? Fucking leave you entitled faggot
>owning land instead of paying someone constantly to be able to sleep on his property is slave mentality
>conservatarsds love being slaves
conservatards are homeowners.
probably, in high demand areas, they build studios, because getting more units is better than charging $100 for twice the space
Seems liberals want homeless and ONLY homeless people living around them.
Oh gee! I can't wait for the affordable coffin apartments. It'll be nice and cozy right up until the state-supplied suicide kit complete with exit bag, so I can zip myself up right at the curb for collection.
I FUCKING LOVE trendy liberalism!!!!!
Lel. Idk about bongland, but here it's either pay or move out
Aren't those price increases inline with inflation?
Are you being retarded on purpose
maybe having a lot of first world crap like public water, public toilets, parks, street sweepers, public schools, ect. increases the property tax and thus, increases rent
Buy property so you can be the one increasing rent for the plebs.
>public schools,
It's mostly the schools. Moving to an area with public schools that aren't shit comes with high property taxes
Such Jews, increasing rent is unconstitutional sweetie!!
Explain to me commercial and industrial prices then. Empty since the recession, still won’t negioate prices. Lease and building prices still going up. There is no line waiting, agents would never negotiate. Zero explanation for the price hikes that’s destroying our industry.
I had to construct my own building because the prices were absurd from these agents and their explainations were ridiculous. My neighbors lease went up from 55 cents per a square foot to 72 cents per a sqft (This is a 200,000sqft building btw). I told him he should set it on fire, buy out the property and build a new place, much cheaper.
Tiny building in the ghetto full of nogs selling drugs costing over millions of dollars now.
This is not sustainable unless we want an African tier economy, because if it is, it’s working. Commercial and Industrial buildings are now out of reach to 90% of American businesses.
Now you know why your area is devoid of businesses.
I pay 1k for 2 bed 2 bath. Eh.
That's a good deal
This. Leftists are so shit at memes that they forget their own shit memes when making new shit memes.
Other robots doh
My 3 bedroom house mortgage is $890 in Kentucky.
3 more years and it'll be paid off :)
Texan here. Stay the fuck out of money country/state commiefornian.
I pay $870 for a 2 bed in one of the richest areas in texas. It called low taxes and a balanced budget. Look into it sometime.
I pay $470 a week for 1 bedroom apartment
>richest areas in texas
Fucking where
>470 a week
Jesus fuck
>having a landlord
There is literally nothing stopping people from buying a place and renting it to someone, reversing the situation people complain about. If you're a white man, you owe it to yourself to be a successful landowner.
No. It’s quite the opposite. There are a lot of developers and shareholders who want large margin profits off this market. They’re creating artificial scarcity and build up shitty apartments all over the place. Add to this the Chinese who enters s this market a few years ago, buying out properties left and right and expect prices to go up constantly like bitcoin.
This is why during the housing crisis, people were killing themselves, burning places down and going to prison, the pyramid scheme collapsed temporarily.
Housing crisis 2.0 will be more entertaining.
Cities are overwhelmingly liberal you fucking retard.
But aren't the largest US cities strongly Democratic leafcuck?
Rent controls just result in slums
The cost of maintenance increasing just means that when you can't charge more rent to cover it, it doesn't get done
>renting anything
>Living in (((cities)))
You deserve every bad thing that happens to you if you do this
>Largest cities
Almost as if scarcity played some kind of role here.
That's 4 months rent for me
>Can't afford rent
>Rent controls force prices down
>Move into slum and die of plague cause the landlord can't afford to fumigate since you're paying $14.95 a month
>1.2k a month for a 1 bed
>only 1.4k for a 2 bed
Do you actually think this is expensive you fucking retard? Talk to me when you pay 2k USD for a 1 bedroom or 1k USD for a micro apartment.
What they need to fuckng do is bar foreign investors from buying up real estate, and driving prices through the roof. We need another real estate crash to drive these fuckers out of the market.
>having a literal rent-seeker
>Urbanite scum BTFO
What's the real estate market like I'm Poland? Does the average hardworking man own his own house ?
Toronto? Hongcouver? We're both higher than NYC lol.
I'm just a uni student so I dunno.
>actually thinking you're entitled to another persons property
Commie scum like you deserves to be gassed.
>muh foreigner boogeyman
Supply and Demand. That's all it is. Foreigners are having an impact but not as big of an impact as domestic speculation and a massive generational wealth transfer. All the homeowners from before (some places as high as 60%) are now sitting on a massive chunk of equity with their house, when they sell they now have the gained equity plus saved money. So that family who bought a house for 300k that's now worth 1 million can move into a 1.3 million dollar house if no other factors have changed.
Lol renting.
The only things you rent are things that fly, fuck, or float
Hongcouver. At least new west is still pretty cheap. Lots of development going on at old dying shopping malls too. Our city still doesn't understand that when demand outpaces supply prices go up. We need to tax the shit out of non primary residences already and then fast track development and remove parking limits already.
This, wtf, how is a 3% a year increase a problem, that's barely higher than inflation.
when it comes to women, renting is the way to go
>sign a contract that does not allow this
>problem solved
My wife manages a 150 unit apartment community in portland and every year she increases the rent a 1 bedroom will coat you about $1400 a month first and last required on move in and a $600 security fee. If you can pass the background and credit check.
>paying rent
>living in the city
bad, Goy! nationalism is bad!
Rents go up with interest rates
LOL! Serves them right for being a left wing lowlife parasite.
>making money, wanting to advance your career, having access to all kinds of entertainment and activities is a bad thing
I would rather kms than live in that place
Hopefully it all works out
>signing a rental agreement and not lease agreement
If my landlord tried to raise rent my next call would be my lawyer as he signed a contract dictating the terms and nowhere did it say he could raise the rent if his costs increased.
ITT: faggots who aren't adult enough to negotiate their own terms
-liquidate 6mo emergency fund when we have a baby under 12mo in the house
-buy at the peak of an obvious housing bubble
-can only afford one unit so you're risking getting screwed over with a nightmare tenant
-make money like a rent seeking Jew or Boomer parasite
How about no?
Why? It's got lots of parks, good public transit, lots of jobs, close to hiking, can go kayaking, has mild weather, close to skiing, sand dunes in oregon, not that large of a city but not small either. Rent is still affordable, housing is still affordable. It's also very scenic with Mt Hood. Got a pretty good beer scene too if you're into that.
>Make slightly more money
>Pay significantly more for everything
>Make net loss
>Live in tiny "condo" with no space for activites
>Pay a small fortune to access facilities so you don't go crazy in your cuckbox at work
t. City retard
good for you
Tell that to my rent that hasn't gone up from £350/month for over a decade.
>Living in a council flat
this is obvious housing bubble? man I hope you are right... what will happen to real estate prices? But what if they keep printing money and shit?
>hey I want a different contract that what you have
This is a dumb argument
Cities are cheaper though. I pay less for everything. There's small towns in canada where you literally have to pay like 15-20$ for a gallon of milk.
My wages are also nearly double what they would be living in Vancouver over living in any smaller town in my industry. I live in a decent 2 bedroom condo, nothing impressive but if i'm at work or out doing things most of the time it doesn't even matter what my house is like, i'm mostly there for dinner and sleeping and not much else. Living in a city also allows me to move jobs everywhere. If I lived in say Trail, BC i'd be a slave to one industry and one company, in Vancouver I can shop around for higher wages and better positions.
Yes democrats own slaves.
Mate it's a two bed terrace owned by a private landlord. It's not small at all. The reason why it is cheap is because the location is in a town rather than a city.
>Cities are cheaper though
>I pay less for everything. There's small towns in canada where you literally have to pay like 15-20$ for a gallon of milk.
Towns in the tundra are not representative of an average town
>but if i'm at work or out doing things most of the time it doesn't even matter what my house is like
Why even rent? Just sleep in your car and shower at work if you're never home
Everywhere is not like Canada.
>utilities increase
no questions ask
>taxes increase
oh what can ya do about that
>rent increases