WTF IS THIS SHIT???!?!?!?!?!?!
VIDEO (german):
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do you like hot dogs guys?
If d1g1ts this fag will burn
Seems like typical degenerate kraut behavior to me.
>Sticky as a long, slow summertime fuck
and only 10EUR, what a deal
look at the bottom:
Andro "Süßkind" ("Sweetchild")
Sticky as a long, slow summertime fuck.
CHECKED. I'll get the matches
james alefantis loves this place
Pizzagate is real
Miene Deustch ist nicht so gut...what is going on??
children are getting raped.
wat the fug
any other info except the website?
don't forget this one
Anons found a site like this during the election/pg fiasco.
Look at the background. There are embedded pictures or something. (the scratch marks)
Dr Pong is a quiet old ping pong institution here in berlin. used to go there sometimes to drink beer und play. used to be at another venue
>t guy from neighbourhood
>ping pong
just a coincidence right
On the positive side, all of this shit has made me start believing in Jesus.
Checked motherfucker
>remembers circumcision ritual
>over a year and a half of pizzagate autism
>0 (zero) hard evidence or bodies
nigga, can you provide ANYTHING else except a website and writing "children are getting raped"?
We're not law enforcement. What exactly are you implying?
He is Rothschild this is why its in full damage control since day 1
Pizzagate is a Sup Forums fantasy.
since (((they))) probably cover all there tracks and change tactic who knows
just sage this shit, as you can see, nobody could answer a fucking simple question. not even the useless op
I'd be willing to bet that the surrounding businesses are just as suspicious.
the damage control response was so swift and extensive no doubt it is true story
english version*
the clowns roll with the Rothschild agaisnt their own interest like good little soygoy ... for cash money
ive been there. couple years ago. Its a very small space, seems like a very small biz. but who knows
BUMP for more Information anons keep it up
Quick reminder that the traffic cam that was facing the entrance of Comet Ping Pong was moved one day before the 'shooting' occurred. The shooting was supposedly single bullet that went into the hard drive of a web server they had on premises. What kind of pizza place has a server on premises?
suggestion: pls keep it germany centric.
Just another humble ping pong club
That is a creepy video.
James Alefantis co-owns a restaurant in Berlin called Nalu Diner
The address is Dunckerstraße 80a, 10437 Berlin - just a few blocks away from Dr Pong, which is located at Eberswalder Str. 21, 10437 Berlin
>What kind of pizza place has a server on premises?
all businesses do
minimum a tower server for POS stations, unless you're a square hipster
Global warming is a UN fantasy
This is old shit from 2016. They're linked from Comet's site.
Same dodgy crap. The good and plenty . de page in the links contains secrets. They also link to companies that install "art installations".
Take a look at the Japanese blog too. It's all about throat and nose or some shit. Made me think of Camp Nose.
Those kike pitbull eyes, though.
there seems to be something preventing you from accessing the content but theres defiantly something there, the site seems to "break" links. I can see alot more image files than the gallery section lets on. Not to mention you cant actually view the gallery. There is likely some way around this. I really shouldnt do this but ill try to get into it for you guys, this will be my only post. If I do find anything Ill start a new thread called "pong general". If you dont see the thread in a day or 2 either I failed to access or there was nothing there. Keep trying no matter what, pizzgate is real.
What is this shit?
"Andro 'Süßkind' € 10,00
Sticky as a long, slow summertime fuck."
Check the video I linked you can connect to an ftp.
Alefantis actually owns restaurants in Germany. One of which is
SURE !!! a fucking pizzeria with a server !!
"Süß" means sweet and "Kind" means "child".
Old news but bump
look like they love your children's very much
>"Strong Candy"
So much pure coincidence !
Tilman being useful instead of overreacting and imagining things? ok, i'll give it a try. But i don't have high hopes
center right is a childrens museum
"MACHmit! Museum für Kinder"
"Contribute! Museum for kids"
"Create a global community around ping pong"
How do we wipe out pedo genes from the face of the earth?
>I can't debate for shit or prove that my opponents are stupid so I will invent an alternative reality when they are all pedos
rural retards
Saw that too. Tech fags can decode?
You have infiltrated comet ping pong pizza by posing as a customer. You wait patiently in line until you are next. Your turn comes. The man behind the counter greets you . It is John Podesta.
You post number is your cunning.
Singles and spaghetti falls out of your pocket and you leave
Doubles and you are able to convince John to take you down to the basement.
Triples and you are able to make him confess on the spot in front of a large crowd .
As a business owner who is friends with many other business owners, you're incredibly full of shit. Consider killing yourself
Fire up the ovens
Spaghetti burst forth out of your pocket as you open your mouth. Your face turns red. John let's out a mocking laugh as you cowardly make your exit.
This is fake news, snopes debunked it and so did Mr Podesta. They are the victims you heartless virgins.
Praise Brexit
Fake. The pizza has pepperoni
sup skippy?
John asks "welcome to comet ping pong, how can I help you?"
In your anxiety you let out a loud fart. John is aghast. The customers behind you are moaning and protesting. You feel wetness start to slip down your legs. You run home leaving brown footprints .
chillin! Listening to
>That little baby is already dead
At least I tried.
Mom's spaghetti
what was and why is it gone?
Roleplaying post, which is apparently against the rules.
clownfag is here
>clownfag is here
Just another paid nigger from a shit hole country that can't afford to VPN on .02 shekels a day
Bump of interest
Is money & drugs (Pills n' bills) requirement or synonymous for the act of doing "Ping pong"?
They're all in on this
Pretty damn similar. By the way, what kind of fucking necklace is that? Some cult related shit I assume.
YES, YOU SOUND CRAZY! Dildos also, you clearly know nothing of ping pong user.
Does that actually belong to the eponymous band, or is it someone else?
i hope they would prove it, they should give out names of those high ups or they'll hang themselves