Why is her face so punchable, Sup Forums?


thats what makes her so great

shes literally a hate magnet and spews it right back 10x as hard non-stop

Coulter does it way better.

Because she's doin a concern face.

Behind every memeflag is an Israeli poster

you could have just told us you dont watch either of them and we would have understood how retarded you were anyways

Because you're a libtard faggot?

Because her and all the other so called "new conservatives" are all just liberals in disguise shilling for shekels from the new populism wave. As soon as things start to change they'll change too and won't stick to their ideals. Money is everything and they probably get paid a shit load

Punchable with my dick maybe

punchable with my dick

of a leaf

>why is her face so punchable
It's not. It's fuckable.

I don't even know who this is, but the expression really does make me want to punch her in the face. Some weird close attempt at a smile, but failing halfway and then somehow turning into a tinge of disgust.

Who's she anyway? Another ''conservative'' woman that's trying to cash in on the fad?

Shes a has-been. Literal nobody now. Just another punchable face worshipped by nazi incel losers.

And if you do punch her in the face, it's ok because she is still covered under her parent's health insurance plan. Thanks, Obama!

Probably because you’re a gay liberal snowflake.

Her entire audience is old neocon boomers you libshit hack.

Because every woman's face is punchable.

Her face gets beaten by black cock every night.

She posted that to her insta and deleted it immediately.

The tradthot is dead, long live the tradthot, etc, etc...

Why is her face so fuckable?
>also: gas yourself jew

Would love to watch her get gang BLACKED, honestly.

she permanently looks like she just smelled a fart, that's why

Because she got to where she is by being blonde and spouting memes.

not true we use proxies

She’s a vapid roastie, but I’d still hatefuck the shit out of her.