Go news lads.
>It just got REAL: 5 things white people can look forward to in 2018
Go news lads.
>It just got REAL: 5 things white people can look forward to in 2018
Gas the kikes race war now
Not gonna give them my clickies
Synopsis, faggot.
Fuck your website.
Why are their faces photoshopped like that? It's weird
1. Race War
2. Minority Sex slaves
3. The real holocaust
4. No more niggers
5. Peace
It's done for racist reasons. To make us look the same, generic, gormless, simple happy people.
I'm gonna post the test this ass posted so you dont have to click on the website and give him more hits.
During these trying times, the conversation seems to shift to how we can figure out a solution to the societal issues the oppressed face daily. One of those societal issues is living in a world where the culture is controlled by whites.
The only way we can progress as a society is if we address this problem and develop an understanding. Understanding is the hard choice our brain makes allowing an individual to move forward.
But being willing to understand is the toughest part of mentally advancing. In order to reach that layer of psychology, we have to address the problems that need fixing.
In other words, it all starts with you making a psychological decision to understand what effects the world you live in.
With that said, read through this list of what I feel the Caucasian culture controllers will be entitled to this year. These are 5 things white people can look forward to in 2018.
Staying trash at dancing
Listen, no matter how many vibrations are in the air, if you’re white, there is no hope for the Caucasian race creating a new dance form. It’s over.
Peep the above video. It’s the perfect example of how absurd an attempt to try and form a new wave expressing the white emotion through dancing is just wrong.
Lowkey, the choreography looks like someone holding in a poop which can’t seem to find an exit. Still, know that there will be more attempts to find a rhythm.
By the way, ‘Figuring’ isn’t something new. It’s crazy to see that it takes a group of old white ladies to get a tribal dance featured on a huge new source’s IG. Leave the brazy dancing that evokes body empowerment to my indigenous peoples, ju hurd.
Not ‘Making America Great Again”
People are tired of hearing about President Trump, but his election to the White House proved that there are people out there that are just downright racist.
In fact, racial attitudes mattered more in 2016 compared to the elections of 2008 and 2012. The two previous elections had an African-American on the ballot and race wasn’t even a main topic of discussion for President Obama.
That can’t be said for the Cheeto Jesus. A YouGov/Economist surveys more than half of Americans said the word “racist” described Donald Trump.
Additionally, during the 2016 election, 41 percent of white millennials voted for Trump. Analysis of a GenForward Survey, by the Washington Post, showed two reasons behind the surge of white millennial voters.
WaPo explained that the voters believed in something called “white vulnerability which is the perception that whites, through no fault of their own, are losing ground to other groups.”
They also found that “racial resentment was the primary driver of white vulnerability — even when accounting for income, education level or employment.”
No race is superior to another. In order for us to take control, as people who run a society, not vice versa, we have to understand that we are all in the same boat.
Those who understand that race is just a social construct won’t feel a sense of vulnerability and will see the truth in voting for someone that really cares about the people. Not someone who has their race’s best interest at heart.
Appropriating ethnic culture
Have you ever noticed that almost everything that wasn’t made by a white man in this country gets dubbed, quick? That is only until the white man realizes he can make some green off of what wasn’t created by him.
There are mad people that deserve to be flamed for this, but lowkey the Kardashians take the cake on the appropriation of BAME culture.
Look at how almost every white girl out there is plumping their lips and boofing ass fat, it’s just ridiculous.
Not to mention, it got serious when Khloe Kardashian was sued by Black, indie designer Destiney Bleu for allegedly buying a grip of bedazzled bodysuits, jerseys, and intimates just to copy the exact design.
In response to the appropriation, Bleu said in an interview with Refinery29,
Reaping the benefits of marijuana legalization
If you haven’t taken notice the only people that are really benefitting off of the legal marijuana industry are rich white CEOs. Big facts here.
In a recent Kulture Hub article, we described how disturbing data proved that Black Americans are being boxed out of an industry that’s predicted to be worth more than $21 billion by 2020.
Not only are 1% of legal cannabis dispensaries owned by Black Americans, they are almost four times more likely to get bagged for trees.
It doesn’t stop there. Black applicants are also being denied the licensure they need to sell marijuana products legally.
If this isn’t a box out, what would you call it?
Denying that racism isn’t a big issue
In a recent study, researchers found that after incidental exposure to Blacks who succeeded in counterstereotypical domains people drew an automatic inference that race was not a success-inhibiting factor in modern society.
FOH, with that “if he can do it, so can they” mentality. Just because we finally had a Black president doesn’t mean that racism is over. Any one that’s ever walked up to you and said, “RACISM DOESN’T EXIST ANYMORE” is full of shit.
Nazis still roam the earth with tiki torches in hand, innocent men and women are still locked up because of the color of their skin, and people still die because of their pigmentation.
It’s time to wake up sheeple. Racism in every way is still a very big issue. Don’t let anyone fool you. We are in the age of a new Jim Crow era.
All you have to do is open your eyes, understand it, and then do something about it.
Chris Harrison ·
Oh please fuck off already...just fuck off you stupid idiots. Who pays you to write this race baiting BS? Probably Soros so fuck off.
Based chris harrison
I'm a minority and have a big cock. Would I be part of the sex slave contingent?
You put more effort into this thread than I did
d-do I really look like that?
I'm not sure if the people that would want you would care about the size. Never really thought about that before. I don't know, maybe they would
> there is no race superior to another
> race is a social construct
> but culture (especially black/ethnic) culture exists is super real and everyone is ripping it off without giving credit/money to blacks.
>not shouldering it
that shotgun gon fly outta that bitches hands.
Is Chris /our boy/??
they look nothing alike, you could easliy tell them apart in a crowd.
Asians and Africans on the other hand.
Your probably fat and mexican looking, but if you sorted yourself out then sorta yeah
I can't wait to continue having an IQ over 100!
>Race doesn't exist
>Racism is a real problem
No self awareness
How the fuck are white people to blame for the Kardashians? This stupid bitch...
The first 2 look alike. Also Filipinos look wayyy different than Chinese.
Always ready to help where I can, the last thing we need is these assholes being rewarded for writing garbage by getting clicks on their shitty website and raking in ad money.
Confirmed noguns, she's done with her shot and the trigger is depressed, shotgun is being lowered as she looks at her target
Asians look very similar to me.
These are all generic good looking guys. There's a look that they are selected for. Europeans look the most different to me. Apparently there is a bias to it.
1. Less brown people
2. More white people
3. Endless Jewish kvetching
4. Democrats being brought up on felony charges
5. More money in their pocket
True. Thanks
Do now the kardashians are white again?
Just like the ole "There's only one race, the human race, but Jews are a distinct entity with high IQs and they have to be protected."
>Muh money
You are no different than a consumer materialist kike
This guy gets it.
imagine still being an SJW in 2018
even the counter movement is already becoming passe
>Continue being trash at dancing
>Not making america great again
>Appropriation of ethnic culture
>Reap the benefits of pot legalization
>Denying that racism is a real issue
Here's the real list from the article and all I can say is normies in society are so programmed and just want to be viewed as better than others. Completely toxic in the worst way. This will be seen as the second dark ages in the future.
What is the next phase?
everybody converts to judaism
> be terrible at dancing
At this point, White people should just lean into the skid and just dance out of beat to hip hop tracks as simply a sign of irreverence to the music. Just "yeah, that new single all of you are dancing to? time for us to fuck it up like you did the english language and all our cities."
DNC kike shills.
>oy vey da goyims can afford things now that the economy is improving!
Good luck convincing people with that argument.
>minority sex slaves
That sound quite degenerate user.
2 sould be qt trad wifes
Yes, if you say no homo first
This is why I love having a face full of scars. I dont look like anyone except Venom Snake, and Veno Snake is Big Boss, and I am Big Boss. Gene Therapy and Kojimas scare me. If the Asains have there way. We as Big Boss will become a genetic majority in a generations time using the protien of an Asain becoming a genetically altered Big Boss Aryan Army
> I love having a face full of scars.
>be me face is scarred from self mutilation
>look like Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing
>going for more of a Kurt Russell in Escape from New York.
>Need to be hard in this world. 99% of everything between 2 men is intimidation.
>if you can't beat someone bigger then you in physical combat then you need to look like you aren't afraid to die and you are armed and dangerous.
>in the end I end up beating up men twice my size becuase I am a genetic freak of nature enhanced threw gene therepy with and high I.Q and uncanney hand eye cordination and health
>still cant spell. Probably dislexic.
by dislexic i mean autistic of course user
Please continue