South Africa - Ask me anything about South African politics?

Hi everyone, it's me, your girl Astra Kruger.
Please feel free to ask me anything about the politics of this godless place.

Other urls found in this thread:

What do your shoes smell like after you have walked in them all day?

Why isn’t the South African government doing anything about the Boer genocide taking place right now? And what are Afrikaaners doing about that?

when will the race war begin?

No. Fuck off

>Why isn’t the South African government doing anything about the Boer genocide taking place right now?
The government is behind the genocide according to the suspicions of some of our leaders.
>And what are Afrikaaners doing about
Our have sent another petition to the EU for them to grant our people the "Right of Return"

They smell like lavender

The race war will never happen

Hey you disgusting negroe, or hispanian or Italian-american, get off this whites only thread. You dirty mud person

Nice, also checked.

Do you get stupid white people there who refuse to see the real world?

No. Every white person knows what is going on

What do you think of Renaldo Gouws?

not going to happen
every white person knows what is going on

pick one :P

Who is that

Civil war costs lives. We don't have a lot of white lives to waste.

South African politics in a nutshell:
Kill all white people.

How much for your used pantyhose?

Fok of jy kaffer.

Sage this cunt. They’ve never provided a time stamped pic.

> inb4 she replies saying I’m a shitskin

I’m Irish and a boer sympathizer with many afrikaans friends jy fokkin poes. You’re doing nothing for the cause with these threads

It's free. You can have it if you want. Lol

who said many white lives would be lost? nigs are incompetent. look at zimbabe or the zulus

>the EU
the EU only takes in niggers and camel jockeys

Show us your anus

Yes. You're a mudskin and you know it. Lol just joking.
You Irish are weird though. But youre still white

hows the relationship generally between whites and blacks in everyday life?

Should come to the Dutch parliament and ask Thierry Baudet to put a good word in.

We are socially distant towards each other. They know that we don't like them. We know that they don't like us


If I don't fit into Australian society next year. I am going to live permanently in The Netherlands as an illegal migrant

Hahaha hahaha

Are you able to own firearms to defend yourself from a “botched robbery”?

No. The EU will take us in once things go from the current worse state to open genocide

Yes, my father has many guns. The only problem is that it is a crime to kill armed black attackers. We are only supposed to injure them

You are Anglo-Afrikaner, aren't you?

>same globalist clique that armed and trained Mugabe's thugs
>same globalist clique that supported Mandela every step along the way
>taking in Boer refugees
Not by EU mandate. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Are you aware that you live in a walled prison to protect yourself from the outside world in SA? Or has it just become so common and routine you don't notice anymore?

Why don't the Boer create posses or militia to protect farmers?

The way I see it and have been told, there are really dumb blacks who are doing extremely violent crimes. Dumb and crime go hand in hand, but usually that means sloppy as well. It should not be difficult to stop these assaults before they happen and to regulate your land. It sounds like the wild west but with blacks and automatic weapons.

Are you willing to bet your life on that? hell, the EU might not even exist by then. the only thing they do now is whine.

I am ethnic Dutch+Flemish+English

>Iz yo grrl Astra-Turfed
Too late for this one gentlemen. Move along.

Yes. We are aware that we are prisoners in our own homes. But we have satellite TV, internet, books and magazines to help us forget

Some of our people have secret underground self defense militias, but are classified as terrorist groups by the both South African and United States governments

>It sounds like the wild west but with blacks and automatic weapons.
Where do you sign up? Is it a long, drawn out process, or can you just get to it?

It is sad to say but do most realize that this has an end it you will never be able to go back? Sooner or later the they will get past the walls and no one will come to your aid. The world doesn't help whites and will figure that you were to blame anyways. SA will fall further into darkness and will never reemerge until the Chinese come and take it over. Only thing you can do is move or try to carve out a province for yourself. Which will be a target by all those who surround you. SA is in my prayers.

Yes maybe you are right, but God will never abandon us.
Anyway how come you Canadians always seem to worship the Chinese so much?
Why don't you mention Russians, Brazilians or even Indians?

the chinese are gods

Hi! Few things to start off with =)

1. Yes I'm posting this because you're a female Sup Forumsack, 'tis and awesome thing to see!

2. I'm Brian

3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen xD.

the most canadian post ive ever seen

WHy cant you come to the EU the same way all these other refugees are coming? Couldnt you just show up in germany like any other migrant?

That sounds horrible. I live in Northern California and, though we don’t have “stand your ground”, we still have castle doctrine, which allows a homeowner to shoot anyone who has entered their home without permission and is threatening them. You should consider moving to the states.



Do you have jobs for white immigrants in Canada? I would like any low paying but clean job in Canada, please. I am going to live in Perth, Australia next year.
But if Australia is horrible, I will leave it

Germany has a cruel policy of deporting white South Africans within a few days of them catching us. Germany hates white South Africans

Yes, it is unfair. 100% of the time I wish that I was born in America

You don`t know much about brazilians, uh?

You can live here in Brazil. If you are already accustomed to black violence in Africa it will not be great things to live here.

Want a green card?

Tits or gtfo. sage

I'll support you as long as you feed me blowjobs daily.

Brazil = beautiful nature & beautiful people.
I love Brazilian people but I will never live there. Brazil is too non western

Yes. Please

Are you hygienic and under 45 years old? If you are, then I will be your trophy wife. Especially if you own a house and not renting

Pretty sure its the logistics of limited # of firearms + ammo citizenry vs kaffir being outfitted with military gear (cell jammers, automatic rifles, etc.) Even the stupidest nigger can mag dump, (although they may struggle to reload)

Can I smell your butthole and clean it with my face after you poop

Aa far as i know from my sa friend,which grew up in Durban in the 80s you had blacks as cheap labour everywhere.

Doing your households, your gardens, your cars etc.

So instead of deporting them already in the 20th century, when they were still fewer in numbers you chose to use them and nurture them, because you were a bunch of anglo-dutch colonial cunts, too lazy to do your own dishes and living the grand life of the masters.
You pretty much behaved like the boomers in the USA in respect to the Latinos.
Why the fuck should I feel sorry for your plight, when you brought it onto yourselfs?

I don't know about trophy lets not flatter ourselves.. With that being said you are def do look good.
I figure this may come in handy. I can't do much myself, but I can easily send Gatorade powder. Distilled water isn't great, but mix it with some Gatorade and you won't die of thirst or electrolytic imbalance.

I really wanna guilt Israel into sharing their tech on desalination with SA. They supposedly have some of the most efficient plants worldwide and have managed to create a surplus of water. While I doubt they would actually send aid in the form of water, potentially US could help supply water and Israel begin construction of desalination plants. I mean if they were to refuse on the world stage... It would be saying too much.

Why will a race war never happen?

Perth is nice, you'll like it. A bit expensive, but it's basically the Whitest part of Australia. Quite a few white South Africans moved there in the 90s.

The problem in sa is not, that they don't have enough water in total, its nigger corruption.
Instead of reinvesting the water taxes to fix leaky pipes, efficient water usage and water reserves they lined their filthy pockets with it. With desalination you'd have the same problem. You need to exchange the membranes and parts regularly..

oy gevalt

Would an openly trans girl be accepted there?

Guys this is clearly a larp. This "girl" posts the same 8 photos or so without ever a timestamp. Plus they show her in age from about 18-29, how retarded are you all this is clearly a larping ex bf or brother.

Also let's not forget the flooded mines that spew out putrid water into the water tables thus making them unusable..all because nig government stopped or couldn't maintain the pumps


Yes. I'm a hygenic neet, but I have a lottt of money.

Then we are stuck with providing the Boer with a way to get water and defend themselves. They must militarize. We can't confront the corruption via infrastructure then we have to do it the hard way. But people must have water to drink!
The kaffir turn whatever they touch with their grubby little hands into shit; and whatever they lead descends into maddness and depravity.
But the people need water to drink! How can we tackle this logistically?

tits or gtfo

also I know all about SA politics, or the nigger circus that you call politics. SA is lost, the sooner South Africans realize this the better chances they have to emigrate (survive)

>t. Defeatist nigger

when will you stop making this stupid threads? I have sympathy for boers, but you're just annoying

is pic related true in any sense?

> open genocide
If that happens Germany will go from current sleeping while getting raped to full furor teutonicus mode in one month or less.

>he thinks these threads suddenly stopping would be a good thing
I'd probably freak the fuck out; as long as the threads continue there is hope for the future of SA anons.

>teutonicus mode
and after you cleanse your country you'll end up invading other countries again... What's wrong with people letting muds in germany, it's poking the sleeping monster

I enjoyed threads where afrikaaners would tell stories about stupid shit kaffirs do, but this kind with
>astra kruger
are annoying

>pop the cork
Yea, but someone has to be making the thread. If in three months time there are no more of these threads and less SA anons posting in general wouldn't you fear the worst?

do you speak a bantu language like xhosa or Zulu?

is it true those black languages only have 5,000 words in its dictionary?


Will you let me cross Bronkhorstspruit?


Germanon is right. Unfortunately it seems to be a matter of human nature.

>Move into country
>Use locals as cheap/slave labour
>Locals are fed using Western agriculture
>They breed like rats
>They take over

All so some already rich people could get even richer in the short term. With thought to long term consequences.

Here is how you colonize:

>Go to place
>Shoot all inhabitants on sight
>Demolish all non critical structures
>Encourage colonization by your own unemployed/underemployed/prisoners.
>They are given land and required to work it to produce crops.
>Bounty system for native ears/scalps. Crowdsource their extirpation.
>Colony rapidly grows qualitatively.
>Modern infrastructure and utilities soon follow
>Continue to have Set in Stone policy of no non-whites.

But no. Human greed trumps all.

>people must have water to drink
The solution will be very 3rd world...that what sa is coming to be.
You'll have clean water trucks and deep wells for those who can afford, bad water trucks and shallow wells for the less fortunate and putrid surface water for townships and such.
Whites can manage as long as they have the dough.
Water will be there,but also epidemics of water Bourne diseases.
Water will be another comodity the Nog's will covet the whites for.

I don't see any solution or do you know a black governed country with a functional water system?

I spent about a month in johannesburg, the place I was staying at was located in someplace called four ways, its like beautiful big estates, I was checking the place out and saw that our 'neighbors' had a mini horse ranch.
Then one day I had to go to Dept of Home Affairs to sort out my visa, and it was somewhere in central Johannesburg. Jesus christ, I though I am gonna die that day, and apparently it wasnt even the worst place in the city, literally 10000 smelly niggers on the street, all looking like thugs about to kill a whitey.

Hoped you're a Boer. But you're just a bore.

Since when did Sup Forums get filled with so many suckers? Guys this thread has been posted for months and months with the same old photos of the same girl from about ages 18-29. Never a timestamp. It's pretty obvious it's just a larper using his sister or exs images. Stop being thirsty betas.

White knight suckers will attack this post.
