You know only cowards run away from a debate?
You know only cowards run away from a debate?
Other urls found in this thread:
reddit censors and hides, promotes groupthink by le upboat, minimizing divergent opinion
you are the problem
Fucking burgers
and YOU NO
>implying you can't have civil discourse without being banned
Maybe don't use offensive words like nigger and faggot and people will take you seriously?
>go to reddit
>post my opinion
>immeidatley banned
>post on Sup Forums
>never banned for the past 3 years
wow so echo chamber
much stifiling of debate
wtf I love leddit now!
So come here and debate already.
> but it's not an open forum if I can't silence dissenting opinions, and especially dissenting facts
You can't CHALLENGE important and divisive topics
Also [Deleted]
if you argue with a fool, you are a fool
Reddit with its moderation is anything but a debate.
You literally get punished on Reddit if your opinion does not fall in line with the moderators kek
Low quality bait
Pretty please don't ban me for not accepting the climate hoax. Oh wait, you ran away from that debate
Reddit regularly bans for wrongthink.
Go ahead, make a verbose, intellectual thread on, let's say, the HISTORY of phlebotomy.
Keep it civil, professional, and curse free.
I guarantee a permaban in MINUTES; I'd bet three organs of YOUR choosing.
Go ahead, I'll wait.
and only unintelligent people use insults to make a valid opinion look less attractive.
> /pol in a nutshell
ok, let's have a debate then
OP I must insist that you go back
EDIT: thanks for the gold kind stranger!
reddit is an artificial echo chamber, the staff will censor you outright
Sup Forums is an organic echo chamber, where dissenting opinion / non-conformative opinions are dismissed with 1-2 general memes (usually depending on what flag you have) and no real discourse
Reddit will ban anyone they don't like or agree with faggot
Maybe stop being a faggot and people will take you more seriously.
As it stands, you refuse to listen to us because we offend you while we refuse to listen to you because you are mentally weak and will throw a fit over some mean words.
What you fail to understand is that the world is harsh and as people who live in reality we reflect that harshness in our speech. You live in a world of artificial social constructs that are made to hold back any truly controversial truths from being discussed.
>go to reddit
>have posted in r/the_donald ever
>get banned from half the default subs automatically
Yeah reddit is really the bastion of free speech
And I don't have to say nigger to get banned on your faggot site. I just have to hurt someone's feelings.
> post evidence of contradiction in /r/latestagecapitalism against communism
> you have been banned from posting in this subreddit
> post article about swedish violence increasing after 1965 immigration changes
> you have been banned from /r/politics
> post anti-trump evidence of incompetence and spreading misinformation
> you have been banned from /r/the_donald
> post evidence that climate change studies data was manipulated before obama gave a speech
> /r/science is a subreddit for only science, your post was [removed]
> post antiwhite hatespeach memes to r/blackpeopletwitter
> 10k upvotes lmao t b h f a m one hunnit
/r/european was the only good board on plebbit and it got banned. Fuck you
Ad hominem is simply that. It's a choice to engage in it or not, and if you stick to your points who cares? Don't tell me you get triggered by the word faggot.
>reddit argumentation
Reddit should probably stop deleting wrong think posts in that case.
>go to reddit
>create account
>post a software project I'm working on
>needs approval due to new account
>seek approval
>we'll only approve your post if you make it open source
>go to reddit
>post something innocent and relevant
>view subreddit in PB window
>shadow banned from subreddit due to wrongthink (low karma)
uh huh. problem is you consider anything that disagrees with you uncivil
and don't pretend otherwise. we conservatives have lived with your shit for years
you hypocrites censor, ban, target peoples' jobs, livelihoods, etc. and then FUCKING LIE about it, call it civility
fuck you
don't be a fucking faggot and we won't call you one
taken seriously by you pussies? nobody serious takes you morons seriously
>muh free speech
>can't make amerimutts threads
your post is hypocritical (strawman) and also self-defeating. you're Sup Forums too
stop posting morons and LURK MOAR
you children might actually learn something and wise up. wouldn't be the first redditor converted here.
truth has power. it's why reddit hides (Your bullshit does not actually hold up under scrutiny)
>Sup Forums is an organic echo chamber, where dissenting opinion / non-conformative opinions are dismissed with 1-2 general memes (usually depending on what flag you have) and no real discourse
you give up that easily? not everybody is similarly weak willed, you only speak for yourself
>don't be a fucking faggot and we won't call you one
>I am the arbiter of what's what and I get to run my mouth as much as I want unless tyrone is around then I just shut the fuck up so as to not get beaten
you guys are really pathetic
Hey, OP, i can't help, but notice the lack of debate ITT... Did you... Did you just ran away from a debate?
here's the difference moron. You come here and act like a moron, we're going to call you a moron. we're going to call you a pussy and a faggot. those are words. free speech is the game here
if you can't handle the heat, that's YOUR problem
we're not arbitrating your ability to post. that's what you do on reddit. because you have no counter-arguments. because you are pussies and you're bullshit does not hold up under scrutiny
>unless tyrone is around then I just shut the fuck up so as to not get beaten
more projection from the pussy left.
>I want to censor words I don't like
Why the fuck are you here anyways?
>Implaying that you are a worthy opponent.
Otherwise you look stupid as your contender.
You are literally prevented from participating in subreddits if you don't have enough good boy points. Also try saying something slightly conservative in the mainstream political subreddits and see how it goes.
wtf if phlebotomy anyway
Leftist ideologies can only survive in a heavily moderated environment. When there is no system in place to disrupt criticism if their ideas, they fall apart instantly.
*your bullshit
>trying to trigger me with gore
>doesn't know I've been here since that video with the russian teens killing a dude with a screwdriver and hammer
>can't spam amerimutt threads
fixed that for you my Spanish friend.
This is the best answer. The reality is the opposite of cocksucking OP's pic
>OP in his thread
Catlunia is kind of right in some way... rules on Sup Forums are applied discretionally.
>implying 3 guys and 1 hammer came from Sup Forums
>You know only cowards run away from a debate?
Holocaust and hate speech laws exist for some reason
Where is your debate, OP?
nigger faggot
I'll debate you m'good sir. What would u like to debate about?
The banning and upboat system is bad enough but then they do something as evil as shadowbanning.
>commit wrongthink
>ban your account from being seen by anyone
>continue to use and propagate the system as if nothing had happened
I don't know how any of those fucking faggots can use that site.
Yeah, it's why we laugh about leftists for being cowards.
>Maybe don't use offensive words
it's impossible to have an open and honest debate with arbitrary moral and speech constraints.
I've been banned 10+ times on Sup Forums in the past 3. You must never have advocated a moderate and well-reasoned position
Whether penis tastes great. You’ll be the proposition.
you can't post gay porn on Sup Forums reddit fag
Is this the power of finnish meme wizardry?
I got banned from reddit, and half of my messages deleted. Guess I'm a coward now.
Your ID soothes my soul
That's the nicest thin anyone has ever said to me.
Why would gay porn be needed for making a point?
>implying this place isn't chock full of groupthink and people trying to shout down all diverging opinions
shout down is not the same thing as BAN
how do you not understand the difference?
How do you shout down something here?
you're here, you're posting, you can shout just like I can
I've been on the minority side of arguments on this board, but I persist, because truth has power. this isn't democracy, mate, this is meritorcracy
reddit gives all morons equal vote
scare the poor redditor back to xir safe space
>Disagree with reddit
Get banned.
>Disagree with Sup Forums
Get as many (you)s as you want.
Claiming pol is an echo chamber has got to be one of the worst cases of projection I've ever seen. The fact that I am able to read your message at all is proof that it's wrong but apparently such a simple leap of logic is too fucking much for you braindead """progressives"""
People giving you (You)'s just makes it certain that more people will read your comment.
Oh yeah and not only that but your message actually STANDS OUT more than any other because of all the (you)s you're getting.
How shut down are you feeling right now?
That is any gathering of more than two people expressing their political opinions. You will always have some majority consensus and it will always shout over the minority because, guess what, numbers. The difference is, on Sup Forums, you can write your contrarian post and it can’t be hidden, it can’t be downvoted, and it can’t get you banned. The worst that happens is a hundred people call you a faggot, or no one replies at all.
Reddit has zero discourse. Every shill faggot subreddit is a circlejerk where they ban you immediately for posting outside of the “acceptable thoughts”.
By bombarding the poster with a bunch of (yous) meant to ostracize said poster
>Found the shitskin
>t. Muhamed
>t. Pedro
>Fuck off kike
>Fuck off nigger
>Numerous anti Jew graphics
Etc etc etc
>This is why I make horrendous shitposts.
I’m sorry.
How the hell does giving attention to you shut you down? You don't have to respond to insults.
>don't use offensive words
No, it’s the communism daily socials and the constant apologize Sup Forums threads that shout us down to conform to you nigger Jew loving society suicide...
>>kys kike, you know you’re not wanted here
I like their voting system. It sorts messages based on how many votes you've gotten, so most people will only see the highest rated messages. Those will, of course, be retarded puns offsenive to no-one and productive to even fewer.
>Tfw almost vomited when I saw that picture.
Gtfo Jew, you’re that same nigger that posts here non stop cause they honor the shekel flag of catafag-onia so you come to larp as a europ
>le echo chamber meme XDD
Kys you kike faggot
Both these statements are correct. On Sup Forums if you say something outside the norm your thread is ignored or shitposted into oblivion. On reddit if you say something outside of the norm you're banned or your thread is downvoted.
Reddit is a bit worse when it comes to this sort of thing but both sites compel the user to tow the ideological line in one way or another.
ugh downshouted
*edit* thanks for the upshouts guys!
>shitposted into oblivion
You mean bumped until it hits the limit?
>On Sup Forums if you say something outside the norm your thread is ignored
>both sites compel the user to tow the ideological line in one way or another.
reddit you TOE the line or you are banned
Sup Forums you can post whatever you want as long as it's no topic
if you are a pussy intimidated by others, that's your problem. not all of us are similarly "compelled"
*on topic
>can say whatever you want and your post will not get deleted
>less freedome