Sup Forums demographics

How come 95% of anons are above average IQ underachiever white men?

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Underrated post

Sup Forums is the most non-white board

Because we are discontent with the crusade against us. I have lost so many of my boys.

I'd Recommend the trident of the swamp and toxic blowpipe for Zulrah; Void will be fine but if you're rich, Armadyl and Ahrim's are better.

really makes you think...

they're lazy
like your intellect

This. Most Nazi LARPers are actually brown people taking a piss. Sup Forums is a culturally enriched board.

cus when was the last time you heard of a white male scholarship? or the fact that they are at a disadvantage when applying for jobs with racial quotas

Sup Forums is likely the largest gathering of INTJ personality in the world. From previous demographics polls something around 80% of posters fall into it, considering INTJ's make up around 2% of the population, that's a vast number.

and yet we still get called white supremacists.

I fucking wish Sup Forums was that white. All we have nowadays are niggers and redditors

Sup Forums is still at a minimum 90% white and you're dumb as fuck if you believe otherwise

Because we're all virgins watching white women go after black and Arab men and all the jobs get taken up by non-white men and women.

Half of America posters are; Hispanics who will tell you that they look more white, octocoons, etc

got a source for that, lad?
besides here?

My whole family shitposts here regularly. My sister's fiance even shitposts here now.
t. white mexican

/pol and (((IQ)))

90% of pol posts their IQ scores and then comes up with some anecdotal evidence to prove their intelligence

>muh IQ 181, genius and I am racist af

My sides every fucking time.

Spend some time learning interferometry in college to help NASA/JPL only to lose out on the opportunity to work there because of a diversity hire, and one's desire to see the future burn becomes more and more prevalent. Thank God for double major.

They're "above average IQ" because they all took free online IQ tests that tell everyone they're geniuses. That's how they try to get you to pay for their services.

>How come 95% of anons are above average IQ
You are woefully misinformed if you believe this. There was a time before the exodus that this was true, but it isn't now. Watch how many retards can't pass this test designed for literal morons.

>Part 2

>Part 3
Now, sit back and see what happens. You're about to witness mind-numbing stupidity.

I will try in ethnostate

>part 3

Nice try, rabbi.

Funny because this test was made to prevent blacks from voting.

nazi education, everybody

This test was designed for five year old retards to pass. I understand your reluctance to take it. Most people on Sup Forums are retards.

I would wager any amount of money that pol is well below average IQ.


I agree that anybody who thinks
>95% of anons are above average IQ
is wanking themselves, but come the fuck on. There's a reason this test is infamous. It's not a fair test, and it wasn't meant to be a fair test, because it was meant to disenfranchise as many black voters as possible (you can think black people are retards all you like, I don't care, but failing this test wasn't proof of that). Many of the questions are very poorly-written and the difficulty comes from how finicky they are. It tests your patience (and carefulness) not your intelligence. Anyone's capable of misreading something, no matter how smart they are - talk to literally anybody who's ever been a programmer, you won't be able to find a single one who doesn't have a story about how they wasted several hours trying to find the bug in their code because they accidentally wrote a single = instead of == and then couldn't find the error for the life of them.

Are you trolling or do you genuinely believe this is a fair intelligence test?

>Are you trolling or do you genuinely believe this is a fair intelligence test?
I assure you, I'm not trolling. Any person with an IQ above 85 can pass this test with ease if the instructions are followed. Anyone who claims an 'above average IQ' and can't pass this test is of diminished mental capacity.

I'll be in void then.


Not an argument. The guy you are replying to is right.

Take your pretentiousness and shove it up ur ass, faggot. Youre not proving anything here.

>Sup Forums posters
>above average IQ

It's full of low IQ, low education white trash, because "education is for jews"

>Not an argument.
Are you retarded? The test is simple if you follow the instructions. What's so difficult to understand?

This is not a very g-loaded test.
Pattern recognition, matrices tests are better determinants.
This test wasn't even designed to measure IQ.

>This is not a very g-loaded test.
I know exactly what this test is. The fact that no user is willing to take it tells me all I need to know. If the instructions are followed, any normal person can pass this test. And I posted this test deliberately because Sup Forums is infested with brainlets, and I want to prove it.

Because, as I said, and as you completely failed to address, the test is written in such a way as to make the instructions difficult to follow perfectly. The questions are not intellectually demanding. They are exacting. They don't require you to be intelligent, they require you to be meticulous and precise, which is not the same thing. Making a single error, or even several errors, over the course of thirty questions, by e.g. underlining something (instead of "drawing a line around it") does not make somebody stupid. It's a careless mistake, but the word 'careless' is misleading, because that implies fault, and absolutely everybody is capable of making that kind of mistake, although I suppose maybe some literal autistic savants might be less prone to it.

Add to that the fact that about half of the questions are simply worded poorly, and that's clearly deliberate. Notice how they wrote "draw a line around" and "draw a line under." They did that to make it confusing, in the hopes that test takers would misread one or mentally transpose the two, as I can promise you many did. Most people would have written "draw a circle" or "draw a box" instead of "draw a line around", but they didn't, and I guarantee that was intentional. "Write right from the left to the right as you see it spelled here" is borderline incoherent. I'll be generous and not even touch questions 28-30. Anyone who wrote software documentation, an electronics manual or a standardized test with instructions as poor as this wouldn't last a week before being fired.

Ironically the test does serve as an intelligence test, in that anyone who can't spot its obvious faults is unlikely to be very smart.

And that's way more time than I should have spent replying to someone like you. I guess that was my intelligence test, and I failed.

> Cross out the number necessary, when making the number below one million.
> 10000000000
1) This sentence makes no sense to me. Can someone explain?
2) If I had to take a guess, I’m required to cross out some digits necessary to make either (A) the number below become one million, (B) the number below become *below* one million.

Am I retarded? Please explain this.

Uranus did nothing wrong

In the land of the blind, the one man is a king.

They aren't.
This, look at all these 'Brazil' and 'US' flags (I'm white tho).
>Most Nazi LARPers are actually brown people taking a piss
You mean brown people doing it seriously, leftypol falseflaggers and white people taking a piss,
'the one eyed'.

Missed that on my first readthrough. That's even worse than the other question I called incoherent.

And because you're going to fire back with "lol clearly you're just afraid to take the test because you're a retard" I'll drop this shit here.

Now, obviously not all Ivy League students are smart, but it's safe to say MOST of them are of at least slightly above average intelligence, certainly not "of diminished mental capacity" or "brainlets." I promise you the same thing would happen if you gave the test to a room full of STEM grad students, or surgeons, or whatever people you'd agree are generally reasonably smart.

It's a shit test. And with that I'm done with you.

>How come 95% of anons are above average IQ underachiever white men?
Sup Forums posters are confirmed to be of lower IQ than average. This is why mootles in his infinite wisdom created Sup Forums.

implying im not an under average IQ overachiever, im just so retarded i fail at everything

u sure? i think Sup Forums profits from a cut-off around 80 below which it becomes too exhausting to get the highly idiosyncratic meme-rich parlance. also, theres a language barrier for non-native speakers.

dispossessed working class white men.

>as you completely failed to address
I did address it. The test is easy if you pay attention and follow the instructions, it's that simple. Your tracts of text tells me you have difficulty conveying simple ideas concisely.

Could be better worded, hate tests that are not autistically specific and make you fill in the blanks.

>The test is simple if you follow the instructions
The instructions are purposefully misleading. This "test" is nothing but a series of trick questions designed to deceive the reader. American Jews created this test to keep blacks disenfranchised in the south. You're literally using a Jewish trick to deceive people and you don't even know it.

this is bait.

>And that's way more time than I should have spent replying to someone like you.
>And with that I'm done with you.
You are long winded, I'll give you that much.

depression kills the man.

Also i am a white minority even on Sup Forums. The northern Europeans here are easily averaging 110. Most 15p over that.

10 is T, I was distracted putting up the blue text, sorry