Syria General /sg/ - Another Hero Edition


>SOUTHFRONT Feb 7 (Yemen)

>Latest interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>Idlib Feb 4
>NE Hama Feb4
>Afrin Feb 1
>Yemen Jan 31
>E Ghouta Jan 29

Sochi FaQs

Devs Feb 7
>Damascus: For the second time in two months suspected Israeli strike targeted the Jamraya Research Center, likely the site of an Iranian base
>SE Idlib: HTS attack Northern Abu Adduhur airbase, but they’re driven back
>Idlib: Russian bombing of Idlib is returning to normal levels. Western media are still autistically screeching about MUH 3 hospitals and MUH babies killed
>NE Hama: HUGE gains in the ISIS pocket as the SAA liberate over 40 villages
>E Ghouta:The SAA is fighting to secure the armoured vehicle base; Over 70 “civilians” killed due to the SyAF bombing in the area
>Afrin: YPG recaptured Sheikh Khoruz from OliveBranch; clashes ongoing at Haj Bilal; both sides accuse the other of gassing the FSA
>Daraa: Shelling on Ghariyat al Gharbiyah, as well as Daraa city
>FSA arrested the commander of one of their brigades in the Daraa for participating in Sochi peace talks
>Erdogan: Establishing contact with the Assad government is out of the question for now
>47,000 people have fled to Aden to escape escalating conflict in Yemeni cities of Taiz and Hodeidah
>Pro-Hadi forces enter the city of Hays


Other urls found in this thread:


(You)DEN RAUS!!!!!!!


>TAF stopped from operating their air force in afrin
>gains stop entirely


We thank God everyday that Ad-Dajjal was denied entry to Damascus
>G O D i s R I S I N G

I really like that song.

Reminder that USA can kill as many SAA and russians as they want and Putin will never do shit.
Reminder that USA is the good guys.
Reminder that Assad will inevitably lose because he choose the wrong country to back him.

How did this become a meme within the last 3month in sg?

Why with a bird? I don't get it

It didnt, Tunisian Jew keeps posting it to pretend to be a nazi to distract from actually being a jew

>liberal russian back to shit up another thread

gimme a quick rundown on deir ez-zor

Did it?
I just keep it because EEEEEEEEEEERIKA.

Something happened, SDF called in an airstrike, NDF militias got bombed.
"Something" ranges between "large scale assault on CONOCO oil plant with intense artillery cover" and "NDF saw something in the desert, shelled it, turned out to be SDF and then bombs fell".

>arab diaspora in London thinks i'm liberal scum
Hang yourself, animal.

First time i saw it since im back it instantly felt cringy

I'm gay.

neither national socialist nor kike you liar


>namefag bread
D........ D
. I....... I
.. S... S
... C. C
..... A
... R. R
.. D... D
. E...... E
D......... D

Reports: dozens of Russians injured in the American bombing of Syria

>Igor Stralkov, one of the leaders of separatists in the former Ukraine, reports that many Russians were injured in Syria as a result of the American bombing.
>According to the report, two divisions of the mercenary unit "Wagner" made up of Russians and fighting for the Syrian regime were almost completely destroyed.

Russia completely BTFO.

I had to hurry- the last thread was 340

what is the name of the song that goes:

"Flames of war combust, I can challenge alone, a fire burning flames"

"My response has come, Satan."
"My response has come, Coalition"

Amurricans bombed the shit out of SAA forces for killing 1 kurd

60-100 SAA fighters killed

also, how is Sup Forums not banned in SA?

According to putinshills "Wagner" doesn't even exists.

wasn't there supposed to be some sort of no combat zone area to avoid mistaking other participants as ISIS?

I guess this is on purpose.
It is art. And criticizes the Jewishnes in jewism

Of course the kike is celebrating this

Actually it's more like 30-100 because the reports vary wildly.

Flames of War

Generally yes but mistakes can still happen.

His name is Strelkov, by the way. Not Stralkov.

Also he has some kind of a grudge against Putin & CO for not furthering their support to the russkies cause in the Ukraine

>Senor de las profundidades

Fire of aids

It was banned until Q4 of 2015. Don't know exactly why.
There still some other NSFW boards that I can't access, but the archives exists and it's not really an obstacle.

Everybody celebrating. Maybe this will be the thing that will make /sg/ assadpedes realize they are rooted for the wrong team all the time.

>Russia raises questions about US attack on Syrian government forces
The pro-government Syrian militiamen have come under attack by the US-led coalition while they were conducting an operation against Daesh terrorists north of the city of Deir ez-Zor. The information about the incident contradicts US claims that the Syrian militias attacked Washington’s allies.

Moscow is analyzing the information about the attack, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, stressing that the version from the American side raises a number of questions.

“First of all, how can a 500-strong unit attack a headquarters with the support of tanks and artillery and injure only one of the attackers?” Zakharova stressed during the weekly briefing on Thursday. “How could the people inside the headquarters be able to survive in these conditions for at least half an hour that is needed for aviation to arrive at the scene? How could a decision to open a massive fire to defeat the Syrian militiamen be made in such a short period of time?”

The ministry is collecting the information to clarify the situation, Zakharova added.

US Version of the Events

According to the United States Central Command (CENTCOM), the incident occurred eight kilometers to the east of the demarcation line between the areas controlled by Damascus and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), allies of the US.
The US-led coalition has described the attack as retaliation for an “unprovoked attack” by pro-government armed militias on the headquarters of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

“In defense of Coalition and partner forces, the Coalition conducted strikes against attacking forces to repel the act of aggression against partners engaged in the Global Coalition’s defeat-Daesh mission,” the statement reads, adding that the US-led coalition will continue its operation in the Middle Euphrates River Valley to eliminate Daesh forces.


Did they ever baned redit?

Is this the first event in history in which Americans directly attacked and killed multiple Russians?

Apart from several air battles during the Korean war I don't think Russians & Americans ever had a direct military contact, not to mention killing multiple servicemen on the other side

ABC news reported later citing an unnamed US official that as many 500 militiamen were reportedly hit during what he described a coordinated attack against US allies. He added that 100 Syrian militiamen were killed as a result of the incident.

Russian MoD: US Seeks Control Over Syria’s Economic Assets

The Russian Defense Ministry said on Thursday that one of the units of pro-government Syrian militia was carrying out a reconnaissance operation near the former Al-Isba oil refinery in Deir ez-Zor province when they were attacked by the US-led coalition’s aircraft.

“While carrying out the task, militiamen were subjected to sudden mortar shelling and artillery rocket fire; after that the helicopters of the US-led international coalition struck them,” the statement reads, saying that a total of 25 militiamen were wounded in the attack.

The ministry pointed out that the incident occurred because the operation of Syrian militiamen “was not coordinated with the command of the Russian task force,” adding that there are no Russian servicemen in that area of Deir ez-Zor. The militiamen launched the operation to deal with the attacks on the posts of the Syrian government forces by one of the Daesh cells in the area, the statement added.

The Defense Ministry highlighted that the attack on the militia showcased that the real goal behind Washington’s “illegal military presence in Syria” is control over the country’s economic assets rather than defeating the terrorist group Daesh.

Damascus: US-Coalition Strike is a War Crime

The Syrian Foreign Ministry has blasted the US-led alliance for the attack, urging the United Nations to bring the military bloc to account, according to the SANA news agency.


Currently it's not banned. I don't know if it was banned before or not.

“This is a new act of aggression that constitutes a war crime and a crime against humanity, shows the direct US support for terrorists who and is aimed against sovereignty and integrity of Syria,” SANA cited the Foreign Ministry as saying.

Earlier, Syrian state TV has slammed the incident as “new aggression” by the US and “an attempt to support terrorism.”

US Military Presence in Syria Remains a Challenge to Peace Process

The US military presence in Syria presents a serious challenge to the peace process and thwarts the protection of the country’s territorial integrity, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova said Thursday.

“A 55-kilometer zone unilaterally created by Americans around their military base near al-Tanf is being used by the scattered units of Daesh terrorists,” Zakharova said during the weekly briefing, stressing that the extremists have the opportunity to hide from the government forces in the area as well as regroup and prepare for new raids in the Syrian deserts.

“Some influential external players are apparently not using the opportunities they have to promote a political settlement in Syria and facilitate the elimination of terrorists on Syrian soil.”

The US-led coalition of over 60 states has been conducting a military operation in Syria without the consent of the country’s government or UN approval.

I'm having limited luck finding a full instance of the track anywhere.

>“First of all, how can a 500-strong unit attack a headquarters with the support of tanks and artillery and injure only one of the attackers?”


>“How could the people inside the headquarters be able to survive in these conditions for at least half an hour that is needed for aviation to arrive at the scene?


> How could a decision to open a massive fire to defeat the Syrian militiamen be made in such a short period of time?”

white men in charge of the army

you're welcome you dumb russian slut lmao

why did russia let women in the government?

Yeah, probably.
>we're unable to do shit but we must show bydlo ruskies we're deebly goncerned
Like a pottery.

We invaded your shit in 1917 and killed your commies for you

According to the more recent report, 20-30 tank shells fell 500m away from the oil plant and wounded a Kurd.
Hence, NDF shelling something they thought was ISIS seems most likely.

How do you know it's currently not banned?
I couldn't even tell if its banned in Germany

>Americans kill multiple Russian servicemen with horrific white phosphorus bombs that induce eternal agony to it's victims

>Russia raises questions about the US attack


Is someone else BAKING the new thread or should start early so I won't be in a hurry?

All russians are dumb as brick, not only women.

I believe in you kiki

You do realise the SOF's aren't stationed anywhere near the frontline there right.

Because I am able to access the website.
If it was banned pic related would pop up.





Assad will be gone. Based US army will finish the job

They're talking about the russian troops on the ground, they are formally members of one of the two PMCs controlled by Putin's cronies

They're talking about contractors from wagner.

>Excessing redit
You should be punished for this.
Also you should protestet your king for not banning redit

See this post:


>#Syria now firing bullets into #Israel on the #Golan. That would be an unwise choice.
Assad's palace on flames S O O N.

protip: download youtube videos you like
or look them up on hooktube

PFFHAHAHAHA Assad regime is so stupid

He's right and you know it pidorashka.

Scheiße, Hans. I don't give a fuck about Reddit.

I have no idea who Nikita is. I dislike Navalny, really dislike Khodorkovsky, don't care about gays and think Ukraine is a failed state

I also strongly believe I am free to laught at the russians elites that are absolutely incapable of doing anything properly. The russian MOD is a cronyism-ridden shithole that can't conduct any policy properly, especially not in the middle east

>be an unwise choice.
What? Gonna send your pussy conscripts that need to jerk off to slavic jewish whores you use as a morale boost to fend off 100k Iranian millitias?


Give back our Auschwitz reputation.
It was our best death camp from all of them

this clip is only a minute and twenty eight seconds long and i wasn't assuming it was the full rendition. if that's the best available I'll make do for the moment, though.


But seriously what's gonna save Assad? I really want him to succeed but I just don't see how.

If the US can walk free after killing 60 of his soldiers then I really don't see how can he win this

Your hourly reminder that Russia is a shithole dying of Tuberculosis (a disease that doesn't exist in the civilized world)

the next generations from every country on earth need to completely re-write this landscape of warring hegemonies. they've been built during a time period where God was dead and the primary motivation in life was the acquisition/preservation of power. The pillars are beginning to crumble as the demons of a day that has seen it's final dawn, scamper for a solution that does not exist. God will rise, and so shall we, Inshallah
but also, GOLAN is Syria's babay
he's already won

At this point it wouldn't be wise to open another front.
Pick one at the time.
Hts first kurds and us with the help of turks.
Turks will gain bad raputation within the nato and can't expect help.
At this point its ok to kick turks out of syria

This game could take up to 2 years from now.
Russia playing the strategy at this point.
And compared to the trump they actually know how to play chess.
Actually chess is one thing russia will always be famous for

SAA captured abu ajwah today in daesh pocket

The Grandmaster

You fucking cowardly Slav subhumans should shoot down a few US jets

That'll show those zog terrorists that actions have consequences.

The US has declared war in Syria without a single debate in Congress after electing a president that ran on the policy of withdrawing from Middle East quagmires.

Now we are murdering the soldiers of the legal government in Syria in support of literal Islamic terrorists and no one is going to do anything. At least Obama had the common courtesy to lie about the fact he was supplying ISIS with weapons. Fuck this country man. Fuck the neocon kikes and fuck the cuckservatives that bow to them.

Yeah let's star a nuclear war what a great idea.

>be turkish government
>have one website where you people can take care of pretty much every government business that can be handled online
>announce that you're making ancestry information until the 1800s available on this website
>site crashes, still unresponsive deep into the evening

al mawt

Stfu, bootlicker.

Enjoy your jew overlords wedding your sons and daughters to gooks and niggers.

yeah i am f5'ing like there is no tomorrow as well lol


>17 members of White Helmets killed in airstrike on their HQ.

HAHA get fucked you AQ propaganda machine.



good news

Double benis :------DDDDD

>oy vey we are such meanies to the based mudshit sandniggers
fucking cuck, neck yourself.

Pick one,faggot.

>it's two benises now
you can't make this shit up


Now i actually have a meme request.

Lavrov with all the Russian chess grandmaster laughing at trump playing golf thinking he's playing 4d chess

>oy vey putin and assad are murdering mudshit sandniggers
el asesino del cristo...

Can someone explain why this retard keeps linking nigger music and his shitty thread?

I'm very excite too.
Post results here.