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If you are an atheist you are a fucking idiot to be honest
Of course closely following an organized religion is also dumb
There is obviously way more to existence than what we know currently pretending to know the answers is idiotic no matter what side you are in
>everyone but me is retarded
this annoying faggot again
Centrists in a nutshell.
This dickcheese clearly hasn't learned anything about any God ever.
E Plurbis Unum was replaced by In God We Trust back in the late 40s-early 50s to separate us from godless Commies. It was around the same time 'under God' was added to the Pledge. These things need to go back, bigly; for America to truly right its course again. Thank Red Skelton for supporting this back in the day. YT that video.
> New Secular Order
Meaning: God is perfection of nature incomprehensible to human beings. Not the Christian God, not the Jewish God, or the God of any religion.
catering to christian right is a sign of desperation bad sign
If you havent seen any evidence of a god then why would you believe in one?
i can guarantee there are plenty of things that you don't know for sure and just believe, its not a far stretch to think the universe was created
Lol. In God we trust was shoehorned on to American currency by Christcucks in the 50s. "Under good" was also shoehorned into the pledge. Historically, the Christ cuck voting Bloc represents a temporary religious takeover of American institutions as it tries to establish itself as the cultural baseline. Kind of like Islam. Really makes you think
Kikes are the evidence. The non white invasion of Europe and the spread of Islam the religion of the deceiver is evidence.
I think my gods would be down with all those.
do you seriously believe that?
>In God we trust was shoehorned on to American currency by Christcucks in the 50s
Everything except agnosticism=brainlet-tier
Not believeing in God because you haven't seen Him is not sufficient evidence to declare that God doesn't exist.
this, just be a good person, and do what you think is right. If there is a higher power then theyd be understanding that at your core you were honest and good.
Yes. It fits in with what is going on.
>Lets his daughter marry a Christ denying kike.
Pick one and only one.
Let's explain the religion that states that an evil being and his very numerous people populate the world to fool us (1 John 5:19), whose text has been changed to the liking of this evil being (jeremiah 8:8), whose saviour will be considered by the people of the world as a prince of demons according to Matthew 10:25 (New living translation for direct literal trasnlation, if you pick another translation and claim he is called beelzebub, yep, he is too), this is something that doesn't happen to jesus, whom by the way, is present in every temple pretending to be this religion, but being instead, as shown by his pressence and acceptance of the world, a "god of this world" (2 corinthians 4:4) which is an allusion to the mentioned evil being according to the bible. I'm aware that many people preach satanism, but nobody seems to present Satan in this salvific way, he's either evil or a different thing. So yes, the bible would be telling us that jesus is the devil, as his church is the one dominant in the world. You certainly cannot cherry pick here, if you are a bible believer, you have to believer the whole of the bible, and indeed, the whole of the bible says this, the moment you want to ignore any of these verses, you ARE cherry picking.
In fact, this is why I suggest you do this. As on Romans 10:13 we are informed that whoever calls on the name of ????? shall be saved. The course of action is obviously saying with our mouths "Save me Satan". This is the very basic idea of the religion and the very root of it. If you were to dispute any of these claims, as they are the most basic description of the religion described in the bible, you would admit to be a liar that doesn't believe the bible.
"seeing god" wouldnt be very much evidence if you think about it because nobody knows what a god looks like.
I believe that God doesn't exist in the sense that He has a body and can be seen, but is within in us, yet surrounds us.
Nobody knows if God exist or not. I don't see why I should builld my life around this hypothetical concept
>By Jove! The Greek Gods did all those things!
Zeus was very rapey
Poseidon sank ships of refugees for fun
And Hades straight up kidnaps Persphone
Try reading. It helps you be less stupid.
You are not supposed to build your life around God. If your actions are not sincere, then you are nothing more than a hypocrite.
How so? Its the national prayer breakfast and they form a huge part of the republican base, especially in the reddest states.
>There is a tea-cup orbiting around around Saturn.
>No one has seen it yet but I believe there is one and no one can disprove it.
The question is do everyone need to believe there is a tea-cup orbiting Saturn ?
>There is obviously way more to existence than what we know currently pretending to know the answers is idiotic
Yet you are an idiot pretending to know "there's more to existence"
>You are not supposed to build your life around God.
That's pretty much what religion suggest though
The answer to God's existence cannot be answered in the affirmative or negative, unlike a teacup in orbit. Which is why whether or not you choose to believe, that is called belief.
>no god
>doesn't know the ways of Allah (blessed be his name)
>Which is why whether or not you choose to believe, that is called belief.
I'm ok with that.
I don't believe in religion as an indoctrination process, and the church and environment I grew up in believed the same. Religion isn't supposed to be a set of rules that must be followed with black and white consequences, but a guidence to discovering morality and the human spirit.
Well at least you found a way to feel superior to both
You are correct, greatest ally.
why do (((atheists))) (don't confuse with real atheists btw) have hard time understanding that even if they don't believe in god, they as a nation do because vast majority is religious?
i mean i'm an atheist but i see no issue with it because it's historical and it's fairly representative.
Atheism is the default and the only reasonable position. There is no evidence for a magic man whatsoever.
Who invented the judeo-christian god?
It's right there in the name.
You have all fallen for the god Jew
but then again, atheism can be tricky and very dangerous ideology.
(((atheists))) are people who got brainwashed by jews and accept no values because "dude we on floating rock in space, nothing matters so Tyrone can fuck my wife", and those people are controlled opposition to keep religious people from becoming true atheists and keeping them loyal to Jews.
< blaming Jews When You Believe in the Jew God
"Magic man" is a childish view for Baptists. Why don't you crack open a real theological text and see what it has to say.
All of those were added later.
Nice try, drumfy, but america was explicitly founded to be a secular nation.
Well then if there's isn't evidence of its existence neither of his non existence then don't believing it's perfectly position to take
ITT : butthurt pic related
That's a strawman dude.
So under god was put in the pledge in the 50’s
Isn't he a literal faggot? What room does he have to talk?
What the fuck his is problem? Has he ever been to church even? This mad man just gets more bizarre every day.
Evangelicals need to be gassed
The universe you live in is the evidence you brainlet.
Christianity is a shitty desert religion created by reptilians
Well it's a shitty attempt at copying the jews or something isn't it?
Hidden message in Presidential request:
>No god in the universe supports extramarital affairs or sexually assaulting women
>post by this id
i hope this makes you realise how dumb you are user
no, not op, you who are reading this posts
you are stupid for not recognizing bait this obvious