Jews wins again!

How will Sup Forums ever recover?

I know my father

>Acknowledging black people exist

Do autists on this board realize how retarded they sound?


It's so pathetic... I am actually dumbfounded how up its own ass Hollywood is. I know I shouln't be surprised how they NEVER give up a second without masturbating about their inflated sense of good and evil, but this is ridiculous. Black people don't for a SECOND believe this bullshit and only view it for what it is(a fucking superhero flick) yet the kikes SERIOUSLY think they have made a difference.

>hiding right hand in jacket

Your daughter will know her black lover, and call him daddy


>White guy superhero
>Nigger superhero
It’s a Miracle! Hallelujah!

habibi you will always be a bangladeshi HAHAHAH KILL YOURSELF